In this edition: 

  • Real World Projects - Learn what our students have been working on
  • Partner Showcase - Dive into our partnership with the New York Botanical Garden
  • Empowering Futures in Tech - Meet our talented students
  • Get Involved - Find out more about our programs and access to early tech talent

In case you missed it, Break Through Tech was prominently featured in the New York Times! This impactful article highlights our dedication to helping talented and deserving students break down barriers through invaluable industry connections and hands-on experience, leading to paid summer internships or full-time jobs in tech. Click here to read the article on our website. 

We are currently looking for industry partners and volunteers/mentors for our programs. To learn more about how you and/or your organization can get involved, please complete this form, and we will contact you so you can get to know us a little better! 

P.S. For students: We'd love to share your story! If you completed a Sprinternship™ or the Break Through Tech AI Program this year. Click here to fill out our form, and we will feature you on our website and social media.

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Over 800 students have completed our Sprinternship™ or AI program nationwide so far this year. During their experiences, students work on real-life projects guided by their host companies, gaining invaluable hands-on experience and practical skills. This project-based learning approach deepens their understanding of industry dynamics and equips them with a competitive edge in the job market.

80% of our students land a paid Summer Internship

or full-time job

Last month in Dallas, Texas, a team of Sprinterns hosted by Frontier Communications embarked on several challenging projects, showcasing the kind of impactful work our students engage in. They developed predictive models to enhance customer satisfaction, optimized invoice tracking and payment workflows, and contributed to the design of the ThriageAssist tool powered by #GenAI. This immersive experience provided emerging tech talent with invaluable hands-on exposure, working closely with Frontier Internet's engineers in a dynamic and inspiring environment.

Read about multiple other projects here.

For the final AI project, students worked alongside the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) to develop AI models to distinguish tens of thousands of digitized images of plant specimens from other images like insect photographs. The winning models achieved 99 percent accuracy or higher. Emily Sessa, the director of the botanical garden’s herbarium, said the student’s work could ultimately help botanists more effectively track the impact of climate change on specific plants over time. Read the story of this project here. 

In case you missed it, this story was featured in May on The New York Times front page of the business section:

TO JOIN MORE THAN 250 innovative companies who partner with us click here -> GET INVOLVED!

Meet Pascale Michaud, a mechanical engineering student who took part in the Break Through Tech AI program from July to April. During this time, she collaborated with a team of students on a Verizon project to identify priority zones for the deployment of Verizon's 5G network. Discover more about her inspiring journey here.

Our students are tech-trained and ready to make a difference. They will tackle a business challenge technology can solve and bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches. 

We are currently looking for visionary partners for the following opportunities: 

  1. Become an AI Studio partner - Joining this transformative movement is simple and cost-free for your organization. You will gain access to early tech talent in the fastest-growing areas of tech: machine learning and AI. We ask that you provide a Challenge Project and a supervisor to guide the students, requiring just a 2-hour monthly time investment. The deadline for the 2024 AI Program is quickly approaching - June 30, 2024.
  2. Volunteer to be a Mentor - would you like to provide life-changing career advice and guidance to worthy students? This is your opportunity! Learn more about this opportunity here.
  3. Host a Sprinternship™ Next January or May -bring our talented students to your organization for a 2-3 week micro internship, working in a cohort to solve a real-world challenge. Learn more about the Sprinternship program here.

If you’d like information about our programs or would like to create one that best suits your organization, let us know by reaching out to

Or fill out the GET INVOLVED form, and we will contact you.

We are on a mission to change the path to power and influence

in a tech-enabled world.

For more information, visit our website or email

Break Through Tech

2 West Loop Road

New York, NY 10044


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