In a Flash: Writing Contest for Adults
Submissions Open: November 1
Participate in this year's writing contest for adults!
Write a flash fiction story in any genre on the theme of your choice. Stories must be 1,200 words or less.
1st & 2nd place winners will receive cash prizes sponsored by The Friends of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library.
Click here for contest guidelines.
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All Write Now: Generative Writing Group
Wednesday, November 1, 11:00am-12:00pm
This writing group offers prompts, writing time, support, and resources to hone your craft.
Writers in all genres are welcome. Drop in!
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“Be It Moon, or Sun, or What You Please”: Reading Shakespeare with Dr. Schnitzspahn
Thursday, November 2, 6:30-7:30pm
Join us for a discussion on “how to” read Shakespeare that will be geared to both devoted fans and absolute beginners (and maybe even haters!). Our discussion will explore the interpretive possibilities in The Taming of the Shrew. Lecture attendees need not be familiar with the play in order to follow our conversation.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Craft n' Chat
Wednesday, November 8, 11:00am-12:00pm
Work on any creative project and meet other makers in your community. We will provide basic art supplies for all to use, and you are welcome to bring your own supplies or projects.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Local Railroad History with Alan MacMillan
Wednesday, November 8, 6:30-7:45pm
Join retired locomotive engineer, Alan MacMillan for a history of our local railroads! Alan worked for 6 New England railroads during his fascinating career, including rides through Hamilton. Drop in for this illustrated lecture, which includes artifacts of railroading and unique details about the history of Hamilton's locomotives.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Identity and Rebellion in Pre-Revolutionary America with Historian Abby Chandler
Thursday, November 9, 6:30-7:30pm
Join historian Abby Chandler for a discussion of her new book Seized with the Temper of the Times: Identity and Rebellion in Pre-Revolutionary America!
Abby will give a talk on her research on the links between Rhode Island and North Carolina's colonial history and their reluctance to ratify the Constitution.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Memory Cafe: Staying Healthy Through the Winter
Tuesday, November 14, 10:30am-12:00pm
With winter cold and flu season upon us, don't be at the mercy of whatever bug is going around! Explore ways to strengthen your immune system and learn how to make herbal teas, tinctures, & extracts.
Participants will take home recipes & a packet of information.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Knitting Group
Tuesday, November 14, 6:00-7:30pm
Grab your project bag and drop in for knit night! Enjoy conversation and creativity as you work alongside other yarn crafters.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Community Recipe Swap
Submit by November 15
Bring fresh flavors to mealtime with our recipe swap!
Send your recipe to Adult Services Librarian, Jessica at by 11/15.
Recipes will be available at our Meet Julia Child performance on Saturday, 11/18 at 1pm. After the show, compile a folder full of recipes from your community!
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Virtual: Struggle Care with KC Davis
Wednesday, November 15, 7:00-8:30pm
Author and TikTok star KC Davis' revolutionary approach to cleaning and organizing has helped millions of people stop feeling ashamed or overwhelmed by a messy home. In this talk, KC shares her compassionate approach to customizing cleaning strategies and rebuilding your relationship with your home, as featured in her bestselling book, How to Keep House While Drowning.
Please click here to register via ZOOM.
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H-W League of Women Voters Speakers Series: Sustainability
Thursday, November 16, 6:30-7:45pm
Join us for a monthly speaker series presented by the Hamilton-Wenham League of Women Voters.
All are welcome; no registration required.
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Meet Julia Child & Recipe Swap
Saturday, November 18, 1:00-3:00pm
Spend an afternoon with the beloved French Chef through a performance by Delvena Theatre Company.
Learn about Child's life and how she became a well known culinary legend as you view "Julia" on the set of The French Chef in this amusing performance. After the show, the cast will open up for a discussion.
Guests will also have the opportunity to gather recipes from our community recipe swap. Please click here to learn more about participating in the recipe swap.
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Virtual: Dungeons & Dragons for Adults
Monday, November 20, 7:00-9:00pm
Whatever your level of experience, join us for a one-shot adventure! Reference & Technology Librarian Lindley will be your Game Master for this two hour session. Players don't need to have characters or dice to participate.
Click here to register for this ZOOM program.
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Virtual: An Evening with Bestselling Authors Tess Gerritsen & Paul Doiron
Monday, November 20, 7:00-8:00pm
During this ZOOM program, bestselling author Tess Gerritsen will discuss her new book, The Spy Coast, in conversation with author Paul Doiron. In this novel, a retired CIA operative in small-town Maine tackles the ghosts of her past in this fresh take on the spy thriller.
Registration is required for this program. Please click here to register on ZOOM.
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Friday Morning Movies
Fridays, November 3 & 17, 10:30am
Join us for popular movies during our Friday film series!
November 3: Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning (2023, PG-13, 2hr 43min)
November 17: Barbie (2023, PG-13, 1hr 54min)
Water & movie snacks will be served.
Registration is not required, drop in!
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Wednesday Night Book Club will meet at the library on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:45pm to discuss The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb.
Literary Luncheon will meet at the library on Tuesday, November 21 at 11am to discuss Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-Valdez.
Book clubs are open to all and titles are available for check out at the library.
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Patton Homestead Book Club
Tuesday, November 7, 3:00-4:00pm
The Patton Homestead Book Club is currently seeking new members! Join us this month as we read The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Copies of this title are available at the library.
This book club meets in the Local History Room at the Hamilton-Wenham Library from October to March.
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NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month |
We are hosting our 15th NaNoWriMo! Every November, people all over the world attempt to write a 50,000-word novel by November 30. Join us for write-ins where you can work on your novel and meet fellow local novelists. Please click here to learn more about all of our NaNoWriMo happenings.
- First Day Frenzy Opening Write-In: Wednesday, November 1, 10:00am – 7:45pm
- An all-day first day kickoff for National Novel Writing hosted by the library.
- All Day Write-Ins: Saturdays, November 4, 18, & 25, 10:00am-3:45pm
- Weekend write-ins are your chance to meet local fellow novelists and write like crazy. Brainstorm, socialize, and boost your word count!
- Wednesday Night Zoom: Wednesdays, November 8, 15, & 29, 6:00-7:45pm
- Each Zoom session is designed for remote writing with fellow writers.
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The Library's 3rd annual Write the Hook contest is open! Write your hook for a story. What's a hook? A hook is the beginning lines or pages of a story written to hook the reader's attention. A hook impels the reader to want to continue reading to find out what happens next. Entry deadline is midnight, Sunday, December 31, 2023. Minimum word length is 300 words, maximum word length that may be entered is 1200 words. Cash prizes awarded to first and second place winners in grades 6-8 and in grades 9-12. Please click here for all contest rules and the online entry form. | |
Young Writers Story Writing Contest
November 1-26
Cultivate your writing skills and CREATE! Winners & Honorable Mention prizes will be awarded to recipients in each age group: ages 5-6 / ages 7-9 / ages 10-12. Every entry that follows the guidelines will receive a prize! Start writing your original story and submit it by Sunday, November 26, 2023 to
Please click here for full rules & guidelines.
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Fall Chess Club
Wednesdays, November 1 & 8
Beginner: 4:00-5:00pm
Intermediate: 5:00-6:00pm
Join Governor's Academy student, Dylan Uttam, for an introduction to chess. This program is designed for children ages 8 - 13 years old. Beginners & experienced players are welcome!
Registration is required. Click here to visit our calendar to sign up. Please sign up for each individual session that your child would like to attend.
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Process Art Workshop
Wednesdays, November 1, 8, 15, & 29, 6:00-7:00pm
Let's get creative! Join Ms. Eva for a themed story and activities that practice process art methods! The Process Art Workshop is designed for children ages 2 - 6 years old and their adult. Older children are welcome.
Registration is required. Please click here to register.
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Creative Writing Workshop for Kids
Thursday, November 2, 4:30-6:00pm
A child's imagination is full of out-of-this-world ideas! In honor of National Novel Writing Month, let's see what amazing stories we can create! Through creative writing games & story mapping exercises, we'll learn to catch these story ideas and inspiration! Participants will each receive a creative-writing-starter kit, and are encouraged to enter their completed stories in our November Story Writing Contest. Refreshments will be served. Open to children ages 7-12.
Registration is required. Please click here to register.
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Drop-In Family LEGO
Friday, November 3, 3:15-4:00pm
| Put your imagination and building skills to the test at this self-directed drop-in program. All ages are welcome with a caregiver; no registration needed. | |
Flora Has an Adventure: Local Author Storytime
Saturday, November 4, 11:00am-12:00pm
| Join Karin Gertsch as she reads her children's book about a unique chicken, Flora, and the adventure she embarks upon. Children will be delighted by the hand-crocheted, life-size hen that accompanies this fun and interactive story time. Designed for ages 3 and up. No registration needed. | |
Baby Bookworms
Tuesdays, November 7, 14, & 21, 11:30am-12:00pm
Join Sue Shepard for 30 minutes of stories, songs, and finger plays! Designed for children ages birth-18 months. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver and alternate care for siblings is encouraged.
Registration is required for each session. Please click here to visit our calendar to register.
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Full STEAM Ahead
Tuesdays, November 7 & 21, 4:15-5:00pm
| Kids today are the innovators of tomorrow! Experiment, build and explore at this STEAM-related program that will spark interest and engage creativity. This program is limited to children ages 6-12 ONLY. Registration is required. Please click here to register for each session you wish to attend. | |
Sensory Play
Friday, November 17, 10:30am-12:00pm
| Join us for a morning of sensory exploration and fun at this self-directed drop-in play program. Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem-solving and creativity. Designed for ages 2 and up with a caregiver. No registration needed. | |
The Poop Museum
Saturday, November 18, 10:30-11:15am
Join award-winning teacher and storyteller, Susie Maguire, for a fast-paced, highly interactive look at the fascinating world of poop, both animal and human! Children will be amazed as they learn about the serious science of poop and pooping, with the perfect combination of fun, fabulous, fantastic facts you won't want to miss!
This program is open to children ages 4 - 9 years old. Registration is required. Please click here to register.
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PAWS to Read: Read to Keeva the Therapy Dog |
Keeva and her trainer visit the library to help children practice reading! Therapy dogs provide a calm and non-judgmental environment that's perfect for practicing read-aloud skills. Reading time slots are 10 minutes in length. Open to children in Grades K-3. Registration is required.
The date of this program is pending. For updates & registration, please click here to visit our calendar.
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Home Delivery is now available in both Hamilton and Wenham! If you are unable to visit the library due to limited mobility, illness, or disability, you may request to have library materials brought to your residence.
To request this service and see if you are eligible, please contact the Library’s Assistant Director, Jane Wolff at or (978)468-5577, x616.
This service is brought to you with federal funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
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Hamilton-Wenham Library Strategic Plan | The Hamilton-Wenham Public Library's new Strategic Plan was accepted by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Library's Board of Trustees in 2023. It serves as a guide for planning library services for the next five years. Please click here to read the strategic plan as well as the Library's mission and values. | |
Friends Book Donation Day
Mondays, November 6, 13, 20, 27, 10:15am-4:00pm
| Please give us your BOOKS, CDs and DVDs in good condition to sell at our book sales. Donations are limited to 4 bags at a time. If you have a donation larger than 4 bags please email the Friends at | |
Essex Regional Social Worker Office Hours
Tuesdays, November 14 & 28, 10:30am-12:30pm
Jessie Palm, Social Worker for the Eastern Essex Regional Public Health Coalition, will hold open office hours at the library every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to seek support, information or resource referrals in a confidential setting. No appointment necessary.
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