Issue 12, Winter 2024

in this issue

message from the president

changes coming to vapdc programming

in the news

upcoming events/calendar

about vapdc

vapdc has a new address!

message from the president

Winter in Virginia means many things…..holidays, snow and colder temperatures (at least for some of us), and yes, the annual gathering of state legislators in Richmond. In “even-numbered” years like this one, the session is 60 days long…..time that is needed to address the more than 2,700 bills and resolutions that have been introduced and to craft a state budget for the next two fiscal years. It has been a busy session for VAPDC, as we again joined our partners at the Virginia Association of Counties and the Virginia Municipal League the end of January for Local Government Day legislative briefings and a reception. It’s also busy in that VAPDC is advocating for additional state funding for PDCs to erase past reductions and invest in building additional PDC capacity. Thank you to the PDCs and others that have weighed in to support this initiative.

The VAPDC Board and Executive Directors invited the Virginia Housing team to meet with us recently to discuss projects implemented under the PDC Housing Development Program that was funded by Virginia Housing. The design of programs/projects, what worked well and what was challenging were all topics in our conversation. We look forward to continuing the PDC/Virginia Housing partnership to address housing needs in Virginia.

Finally, I hope you have had an opportunity to listen in to a session during VAPDC’s three-part virtual “Winter Series” of educational offerings. We had great events in early January and just last week, with the final installment coming March 1 (see below for more details). 

I am thankful for the leadership of PDCs in all the great work happening in regions around the state. Thank you for your support of and interest in the work of PDC efforts to serve their communities. 

Lou Ann Wallace
VAPDC President

changes coming to vapdc programming

Following Board of Directors, Executive Directors, and Program Committee discussions in recent months, VAPDC leadership has decided to move away from having a summer conference in 2024 and planning for a larger event in 2025. Seeking to appeal to a broader audience with program offerings, the focus in the coming months will be on getting input and feedback from the VAPDC community and partners. Stay tuned for your opportunity to offer input as to what a larger, more encompassing event might look like. Additionally, planning is underway for training sessions and events for regional planning district staff to occur in late Spring or early Summer.

in the news

The VAPDC Winter Series has held two successful sessions in the opening weeks of 2024. In early January, a preview of the 2024 General Assembly session was held, examining the legislative process, highlighting the governor’s budget proposal and reviewing anticipated legislative issues. Last week, Virginia Housing presented an overview of the findings and recommendations of a recent study it commissioned to explore linkages between housing and economic development. The third and final session of the series is slated for March 1 and is titled, “Localities and Planning Districts Succeeding Together,” which will dive into regionalism and ways in which localities and planning districts can achieve success through collaborative projects and programs. More information and registration details for the March 1 session are available here. 

The application period for the Virginia Rural Leadership Institute (VRLI) has opened for 2024. The VRLI is an initiative put forward by the Virginia Rural Center that focuses on retaining and attracting rural Virginians and developing leaders who are innovative, responsible, civic minded and can build strong regional communities. Over the course of VRLI’s four sessions, members of the 2024 cohort will receive professional leadership and economic development training that equips them with skills needed to lead long-term economic advancement in their community and region. The program also seeks to increase cooperation, collaboration and coordination across a broad array of organizations and sectors.

Those interested in applying can apply directly at this link. Applications are due March 1st. More information is available at or by emailing the Virginia Rural Center team at

upcoming events/calendar

March 1, 2024

March 11-13, 2024

April 10, 2024

April 19, 2024

VAPDC Winter Series: Localities & Planning Districts Succeeding Together

NADO Washington Policy Conference

VAPDC Board of Directors meeting

VAPDC Executive Directors Committee meeting

Would you like to see your PDC newsletter or job listings on the VAPDC website?

thank you to our newsletter sponsor!

about vapdc

The Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions (VAPDC) is an organization comprised of the 21 Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils in Virginia. The PDCs joined together to create the VAPDC to share best practices and further regionalism across the State. VAPDC works to bring diverse resources together at the regional level in partnership with local, state and federal entities to strengthen regions and the Commonwealth.
The purpose of the Association is to promote coordination and cooperation among the Commonwealth's Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils to heighten their effectiveness and efficiency; provide mutual assistance and the exchange of ideas; and otherwise promote understanding for how PDCs/RCs can help save their regions and the Commonwealth time and money. 
association contacts
David Blount, VAPDC Executive Director
Connie Long, VAPDC Administrator

thank you to our virginia partners for 2023 - 2024

view our virginia partner profiles here

Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions | Website
869 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 113 #244
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
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