Lakeside Edition: February 2024

Elevating Faculty Excellence: Credly Badging System and Professional Development Workshops at the Forefront

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, staying abreast of evolving teaching methodologies and technological advancements is crucial for faculty members. Recognizing this imperative, Loyola is increasingly leveraging innovative approaches to enhance professional development opportunities for academic staff.

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Faculty Walk-in Support

ITRS offers faculty walk-in support on a first-come, first-served basis on the Lake Shore Campus in Information Commons, Room 204. Hours are subject to change based on staff availability.

Sakai Support:

  • Mondays and Thursdays from 11:00am-1:00pm.

Statistical Advising:

  • Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30am-5:00pm.

Spring Webinar Series 

Registration remains open for an exciting lineup of spring webinars. It's a quick, easy way for you to learn more about the abundance of technology tools and resources available. Each 1-hour webinar focuses on a separate topic, and you can register for a single session or any combination of sessions. A panel of moderators will be available to answer questions throughout these webinars. For descriptions, visit Spring Webinar Series.

Data Collection for Research: Exploring Qualtrics and REDCap

Thursday, February 29th, 1:00pm CT

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Spring into Gradescope: Integrate Assessment in Sakai

Thursday, March 21st, 1:00pm CT

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Sakai Integrated Tools Series

This interactive professional development series provides you with tips and effective practices for using external tools integrated with Sakai. We will explore Zoom, Panopto, VoiceThread, and lesser-known tools like Labster and Infobase Learning Cloud to supplement course content and activities, as well as enhance student engagement. You can register for a single session or complete the series to earn a digital badge (3 contact hours). For session descriptions and general information on our digital badging program, visit ITRS Pathways.


Tuesday, February 13th, 2:00pm CT 

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Wednesday, February 28th, 1:00pm CT 

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Plug and Play (i.e., Labster, Infobase Learning Cloud)

Thursday, March 14th, 1:00pm CT 

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Full-Time Position Available

The Research Technologies Coordinator is a subject matter expert in statistical, survey, and qualitative data research tools and services. Experience with online survey software (Qualtrics, REDCap, etc.) and research applications (SPSS, SAS, STATA, SYSTAT, R, Minitab, NVivo, etc.) is required. Position details can be found on the LUC Careers site.

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