RCAHD Health Updates Newsletter

Health updates for residents of the
Roanoke City & Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD)
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Show Yourself Some Love: TLC Tips For Your Ticker

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, as well as in Virginia.

February is American Heart Month, a time to take steps to reduce your risk of heart disease. According to the National Institutes for Health, the major risk factors for heart disease include:
  • High blood pressure or high blood cholesterol
  • Prediabetes or diabetes
  • A family history of early heart disease, for example if your father was diagnosed before age 55, or your mother was diagnosed before age 65
  • Smoking
  • A history of preeclampsia, when blood pressure rises suddenly during pregnancy
  • Age (ages 55+ for women, and 45+ for men)
  • Lack of regular physical activity
  • Unhealthy eating behaviors
Regularly monitoring your blood pressure, with support from your health care provider, can help lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. You can check your blood pressure at the doctor’s office, at a pharmacy, or with a portable cuff at home. Learn more about the correct way to monitor your blood pressure (CDC).

Below: How do men's and women's symptoms differ during a heart attack? (2min, American Heart Association)
Each risk factor increases your chance of developing heart disease. The more risks you have, the higher your overall risk. By taking preventive measures to change some of these risk factors, you can lower your risk of developing heart disease that could lead to a heart attack.
Having a healthy lifestyle is the best way lower your chances for serious heart disease. Take steps today to improve your health- steps including quitting smoking, choosing heart-healthy foods, being physically active, getting enough good-quality sleep, aiming for a healthy weight, getting your blood pressure and cholesterol checked, and managing your blood sugar.

Read more on the RCAHD website
RCAHD Free Lil' Libraries

New RCAHD Lil' Libraries with free resources such as books for all ages have been placed outside of each of our local health department locations. These miniature libraries operate as a free community book exchange where anyone is invited to take a book or leave a book for someone else to enjoy. 

Stop by an RCAHD office near you to check out the latest offerings for both kids and adults! Visit our website for a list of our office locations.
RCAHD Health Situation Update
Visit the VDH Respiratory Disease website for tips, FAQs and the latest statewide data.

Respiratory virus season lasts through early spring. It's not too late to get protected - visit vaccines.gov to schedule an updated dose at a pharmacy near you
Coats in Car Seats: What's Best for Kids?
Cold weather and warm coats are a good match- except when riding in a car seat. To get the best fit for a snug-fitting car seat harness, use a lightweight jacket and a light blanket instead of a bulky coat under a loose-fitting harness. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides guidance on finding the right car seat, installing your car seat correctly, and keeping your child safe in a car seat. Learn more about car seat safety recommendations: Car Seat & Booster Seat Safety, Ratings, Guidelines | NHTSA

The RCAHD Car Safety Seat program promotes proper safety seat use for children. Free child safety seats and booster seats are available to income-eligible children. Visit our website to learn more.
Thank You MRC Volunteers!

In 2023, the Near Southwest Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) increased administrative support to our local health department offices, public outreach events with community partners, and training volunteers to be prepared for future needs.
More than half of all MRC volunteer hours (55%) for RCAHD were spent on administrative tasks to support public health.
For example, in 2023, more than 15 MRC volunteers gave over 650 hours to accurately review 90 boxes of records for retention or purging. RCAHD staff are especially grateful for MRC volunteer Laura Hill of Salem who committed 222 volunteer hours to support records verification for the Early Intervention program, for a workforce savings of $5,476. Laura described her work with the health department team as “a blessing" in fulfilling a sense of workplace collegiality she has missed since her retirement. Thank you, Laura!

To read FAQs about the MRC program, as well as how to apply, visit the VDH MRC website.
Public Health Lecture & Discussion:
Roanoke's Black Medical History

Learn more about the history of Black medical providers in the Roanoke Valley from local historian Jordan Bell and physician Dr. Conrad Claytor at this event at Roanoke's Gainsboro Branch Library.

Refreshments will be served.
  • Thursday, Feb. 22, 6:00-7:00pm
  • Gainsboro Branch Library
  • More info: 540-853-2540
Note: VDH offices will be closed for the
George Washington state holiday on
Monday, Feb 19