Skin 'n Tonic
Skincare ~ Message ~ Bodywork
(267) 743 2163

CranioCradle - Effective Pain Relief

Have you heard about CranioCradle? CranioCradle has been named one of the "25 Top Recommended Products for Health and Wellness in 2024" by Fortune WELL!

It helps with Chronic Head and Neck Issues, Headaches, Migraines, Whiplash, TMJ, Sciatica, Lower Back Tension, Tight Tense Muscles and Fibromyalgia.

Experience the benefits of CranioCradle and find out why it is among the top choices for health and wellness in 2024.

The Original CranioCradle

Designed to feel and function like skilled therapeutic hands under the body, the CranioCradle® gently relaxes tense muscles, relieves aches, pains and fatigue and provides deep relaxation. Multiple positions under the head, neck, body, and sacrum to decompress vertebrae, create mild traction, release trigger points, enable still points and melt away restrictions and stress throughout the body. Use to ease headaches, Migraines, chronic neck & shoulder pain, TMJ, whiplash & low back aches. It’s easy to use and works in minutes.

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CranioCradle Blue - Sport

The CranioCradle SPORT:DT is an easy to use, effective home therapy system that helps relieve muscular stress, tension and pain so you can thouroughly relax. Based on osteopathy, craniosacral and massage therapy techniques, the CranioCradle SPORT:DT provides concentrated pressure that is meant to be used by individuals with dense muscle mass, large-type body size or those with a preference for deep tissue therapy.

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Skin 'n Tonic

Skincare ~ Massage

(267) 743-2163