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I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and gave thanks for all the blessings in your life. Our 12 Days of Giving Back series of FREE events starts with a Free Photo op with Santa 1-4 pm today at our new community event center! See more details below about other times available for Santa and holiday picture opportunities. Now let the shopping begin! We have certainly made the discounts available during our Customer Appreciation Sale last month, but no worries if you were out of town for Thanksgiving Week. You can still take advantage of discounted pricing needed for your gift buying budget during our 12 Days of Giving Sale in the store featuring 15-25% off great gift ideas and our Online 12 Days of Clickin' Tags where savings are just a click away.
The monstrous yet exciting move to our new location is just around the corner. Be sure to reserve Saturday, January 25, 2025 for our grand opening party. The Tibetan Monks came for a visit and blessed our new location. Their 45 minute blessing ritual with 7 blessings in total was so soul impactive I would be remiss in not mentioning that this blessed event was for all of those present, not just for our property. All blessing rituals were performed so each person individually got to reap the blessing rewards to cleanse and enhance their lives. Look for their return next year and promise yourself you will attend this free opportunity to enhance your life.
Some highlights in this newsletter include:
- Read about Petoskey Stone, a fossilized coral 350 million years old that is said to stimulate the 3rd eye chakra
- Check out Tara’s two part workshop Powering Up Your Intuition for January 2025!
- Review Sagittarius astrological guidelines and how retrograde energy will effect you this month
- Support local Artisans at our Bi-Annual Jewelry Bazaar for that special jewelry holiday gift
- Come listen to Yolanda from Natural Grocers explain how to attain a “Healthy Mood’ this month
Were you able to catch the Super Moon last month? This moon had the largest sighting for the year and, without any effort on your part, imbued you with exceptional energy you will be able to draw on to help you thru this month. This extra energy combined with Mercury going direct on December 16th should help in all that holiday shopping energy and emotional drainage. I’ve been reading about a new concept to start your New Year’s resolution in December rather than waiting until January 1st. This allows you time to get rid of old habits before the new year starts allowing you a better chance of achieving your goals. I like this idea and think it reduces the structure of setting yourself up for failure. This December, with all that extra energy from the Super Moon and Mercury going direct pushing forward intention, would be a perfect time to start this concept for a better lifestyle.
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Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
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Build-Out of New Rock Depot & Retail Showroom
Our petition to remain at our current location has been approved, so our 4103 N IH-35 store will stay open through the Holidays! Please let your friends and neighbors know so that we can continue to sustain ourselves until the Move happens! Word of mouth has always been our best marketing tool, so we cannot do it without YOU!
We are excited to announce that our renovation permits are being reviewed quickly, and so the transformation of our new building is well under way with demolition, walls, doorways, and ducts all being added. We hope you will make it out to our Grand Opening on January 25, 2025 to experience the new space, enjoy some fun, and take advantage of reopening discounts! To stay up to date on all the happenings with the move CLICK HERE!
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The Texas Department of Transportation broke ground on its I-35 Capital Express Central project Oct. 30, signaling the next decade of construction along I-35 through Austin. What's happening: The project will add two nontolled high-occupancy-vehicle, or HOV, lanes stretching roughly 8 miles from Hwy. 290 down to Hwy. 71. The $4.5 billion infrastructure project will also lower the main lanes and remove the upper decks.
Nature’s Treasures of Texas, a beloved haven for crystal enthusiasts and fans of spiritual treasures, is excited to announce its expansion to a larger location, set to open January 2025. READ MORE
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Our New Event Center has been fully moved to our new property, and we have events and practitioners lined up basically every weekend, so be sure to go check it out! Look for the DARK BLUE events HERE to see what's scheduled at our New Event Center:
Tables, room dividers, chairs, greenery and beautiful crystal adornments are now available to accommodate any workshop, lecture, class or private event. E-mail community@ntrocks.com for information on how you can benefit from this 5,000 sq ft venue.
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December Special Events, Sales & Holiday Schedule | |
12 Days of Giving Back
FREE Events
11055 N IH35, 78753
December 1-12
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Santa is coming to Nature's Treasures
Dec. 1st • 1-4pm
He'll be away feeding his reindeer but will return on Sunday Dec. 8th 3-5pm
And again on Saturday Dec. 14th 1-4pm.
Come by for your visit with Santa, get some photos and grab a candy cane!
Great photo op for your pets too!
At our New Community Event Center
11055 N. IH 35. Austin TX 78753
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Dec 1
Saul Ravencraft • Santa photos! • 1-4pm
Dec 2
Sally Ramirez • Angel Readings • 6:30pm
Dec 3
Stern Hatcher • Pet readings • 6-9 p.m.
Dec 4
Linda Snow Learn tarot! 7:00 pm
Dec 5
Leah LaChapelle • Stumped About 5D? • 7-9
Dec 6
Palmer McLean • Tarot readings • 7:30-8:30pm
Dec 7
Linda Galvan • Sound bath • 4-6pm
Dec 8
Dianna Hanshew • Crystals in History • 1:30-5:30pm
11:00-1:00pm Presentation with Natural Grocers.
Dec 9
Nesho • Taste of the New Paradigm • 7-9
Dec 10
Kramer Wetzel • Astrology • 7 pm
Dec 11
L'Dia • Holiday Sing Along • 7 pm
Dec 12
Sol & Root • Massage • 7-9 pm
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12 Days of Giving Sale!
4103 N. I-35, 78722
December 13-24
15-25% off our most popular gift ideas!
Shop early for the best deals!
Every day one great deal goes away!
Great in-store photo ops available in front of our mural and large amethyst geodes!
Get your memories while you can!
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Store Holiday Schedule
@4103 N IH35
Christmas Eve - 11 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Curbside Pick Up closes at 1 p.m.
Christmas Day - Closed
New Year's Eve - 11 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
New Location Pop-Up Store
@11055 N IH35
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Healing Arts Festival and Market
by The Eagles Nest
Sunday, December 1 • 11a-6p
Hilton Garden Inn
8101 Pat Booker Rd, Live Oak, San Antonio 78233
FREE Admission & Parking
Visit our booth at this award-winning event featuring wide range of vendors and practitioners from the San Antonio-Austin metroplex. In addition to our products, there are hand-made soaps, body care products, Feng Shui supplies, and even snack options!
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At the Event Center
11055 N IH35, ATX, 78753
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Natural Grocers own Nutritional Health Coach - Yolanda Calle, MAcCHM, BA, RM will simplify, tackle, and demystify some seemingly overwhelming topics. Facts are powerful and these next few months you'll be armed with many useful and useable facts to attain a total reset, re-alignment, recalibration and restoration of your radiant self and environments.
Dec: Natural Hacks to Support a Healthy Mood
Don’t worry be happy, lose the ‘tude, turn that frown upside down… all easier said than done, until now. Gain a new understanding of the many complexities that play a role in supporting a healthy mood or hindering it. Nutritional, supplemental, environmental, lifestyle and other key factors will be discussed.
Dec 8 • 11am • 11055 N. IH-35
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December 14, 2024
At our New Events Center! 11055 N. IH 35
Austin Gem & Mineral Society will be here doing
demos and you can chat with them about memberships.
Local Artisans:
Mad Valentine Creations • Catherine Sewell • Strange Violet
Laurie Davis Jewelry • Jerrod's • Pepper's Gems • Lenora
Illuminated Images • Doretta's Designs • Sheela Goodrich
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Power UP Your Intuition
Series I and II
Series: January 12th & 19th - 1:30-3:30pm
Series I $45 | Series I and II- $90
Tara Ventura - Healer, Teacher, Mystic of nearly two decades invites you to join a gratifying and unique experience to awaken and power up your intuition.
Join us in a sacred space for this transformative two part series workshop designed to help you unlock and strengthen your natural intuitive abilities, empowering you to make decisions with greater clarity and trust in yourself. The series are amplified with Rife frequency 852 and Crystal Resonancy to sharpen your perceptions.
In the first experiential course, you’ll meet your Intuitive Guide and explore practical techniques and exercises to connect you connect to you intuitive voice, and interpret the wisdom within.
In the second class, we will dive deeper and learn to harness your predictive abilities to tap into “subtle energies” and harness your ability to “know” what is likely to happen in a personal or professional situation, global situation and enhance creativity. Learn More!
Register: https://taraventura.com/classes
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Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
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Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More |
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Check out our NEW 5,000 sq ft event space at our 11055 N IH35 location. Available now!
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The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge | |
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
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The Twelve Foundation Stones
of the Heavenly City: Chrysoprase
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by: Adrienne Goff
As we turn the page of the calendar to December, we come to the final chapter of the year and the last article in the twelve foundation stones series. With the election just behind us and the winter holiday season ahead, it is fitting that this month’s article features chrysoprase, a healing green gemstone that soothes the senses, opens the heart, and promotes tolerance.
Ancient cultures across the planet believed in the healing energy of crystals, incorporating them into their medicine, rituals, and daily spiritual practices. The power of gemstones has been recognized in many religions and religious texts, and Christianity is no exception. You can find over a hundred references in the Bible to the use of stones, and perhaps the most interesting one is found in the Book of Revelation.
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Monthly Astrological Guidance by Julie Reeves | |
Astrology Overview for December
As we move through the final month of 2024, our hearts may be in a reflective mode thanks to Mercury and Mars being retrograde in unison. We may feel the busy pace of the season too exhausting this year and find ourselves seeking comfort in a slower and more relaxed end to 2024.
Mercury and Mars retrograde together can create a general sense of sluggishness, lack of motivation, and a feeling of climbing uphill. We would be wise to take it easy, not take on too much, and prioritize self-care. December can be a stressful month for many with holiday planning, travel and family plans, but if you needed any excuse to keep it low key this year, these two retrogrades are a good one!
Click HERE to read what the stars have in store!
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Featured Fossil: Petoskey Stone | |
Petoskey Stone, a Native American word, meaning “the Rays of the Living Sun” is a type of fossilized colonial coral. The Petoskey Stone dates back to over 350 million years ago. It is formed from a process known as glaciation, where sheets of ice remove stones from the bedrock. These fossilized corals can be found in the northwestern area of Michigan’s lower peninsula. It is said to stimulate the third eye chakra and aide in the awareness of one’s emotions and looking inward. Once polished, the six-sided coral fossil pattern is unveiled. It is a unique fossil specimen to use in home décor as well as to carry with you. | |
Leah LaChapelle
A native Austinite, Leah now lives in Cedar Park (NW Austin) with her wonderful husband Wa (Wayne). She loves bringing people together, and is always looking for ways to do so by coordinating events at the Nature's Treasures Event Center.
When she's not coordinating guest speakers, she is a personal evolution coach and author. Her passion is the New Paradigm, which is the topic of the fiction and non-fiction books she has written.
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December Practitioners
Available Daily 4103 NIH35 | 11:00a - 5:30p | New Event Center 11055 N IH35, ATX, 78753 (in blue)
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Brittany Thomas - 1st
Denise Nitti - 12th, 29th
Deborah Dahmen - 7th, 27th
Laura Tree - 4th, 18th
Mia Michel - 3rd, 17th
Ricardo Gonzales - 26th, 31st
Julie Reeves - 14th
Tara Ventura - 6th, 20th
Kramer Wetzel - 10th
Deja - 9th, 23rd
Palmer McLean - 21st
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Yuci Edwards - 11th, 19t
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 14th, 28th
Tallulah - 8th, 13th
Tarot of the 9's - 28th
Mia Loweree - 22nd
Saul Ravencraft - 21st, 30th
Stern Hatcher - 15th, 22nd
Francine Caruso - 8th, 13th
Linda Snow - 5th, 29th
Tore Sol - 2nd, 28th
Velvet Buddha Aura Photos - Check our Calendar!
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Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news! | |
Our Featured Practitioner | |
Linda Snow
Though sensing their presence for years, Linda accepted and engaged with the spirits surrounding her in 1999. She now engages with them regularly to guide her through reading cards, dowsing, and mediumship.
Linda has worked with the Rider Waite Tarot deck and her incredible team of spirit guides to give insights to people with questions and concerns since 2003.
Linda will be in store Dec. 5th and 29th
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Intuitive Jewelry Services | |
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
| Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom. | |
Nature's Treasures wants to know... | |
Do you plan to attend our Grand Opening on January 25, 2025 at our new location 11055 N IH-35? | | | |
When do you plan to get your holiday shopping done? | | | |
Pop-Up Store Exclusively at 11055 N IH35 | |
Polished Labradorite Slabs
Priced from $6-$18
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Prehnite Clusters
Priced from $16-$73
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Citrine Clusters
Priced from $95-$137
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In-Store Features @ 4103 N IH35 | |
At the Counter!
Tanzanite Jewelry
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NEW! In the Showroom!
Amythyst cut base- grade A
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In the Depot!
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Nature's Treasures ONLINE! | |
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Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
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Look For Us On Social Media | |
Click HERE to adjust your subscriptions so you get all of our updates!
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