Dear Members of St. Luke's,

This season of Thanksgiving reminds us of the importance of gratitude and community. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our congregation. Together, we are a welcoming, multigenerational faith community that inspires spiritual growth, learning for all ages, lives of service, and a desire to make a difference in the world. We are committed to worship in the Episcopal tradition that celebrates the beauty and joy created by our preaching, liturgy, music, and the arts. 

We are especially thankful for your pledge in support of our 2025 stewardship campaign, Ignite. Our annual stewardship campaign is designed to support the day-to-day operations and programs of St. Luke's. Your annual pledge helps to fund programming and essential services, maintain our building, pay clergy and staff salaries, and ensure that we can continue our mission in the community. 


There are also points where investment above and beyond operating expenses is needed to continue to grow and to achieve an organization's mission. Now is just such a moment for St. Luke's. In 2020, the Parish House marked its 100th anniversary. In the years since, the St. Luke's community has voiced a strong commitment to preserving our Parish House and making the improvements necessary for accessibility, sustainability, programming, and rental income.

After careful study and preliminary planning, we are now at the point of beginning a capital campaign that will help us realize that goal and continue to move forward with our mission. Unlike the stewardship campaign which funds the annual operating budget, the capital campaign will support investing in long-term needs that are seen as critical to support our growing parish achieving the goals of our strategic plan

We have put together a preliminary FAQ sheet as we embark on the capital campaign, and we need your help to answer remaining questions. What are you curious about? How can we be as transparent as possible in this process?


As noted in the FAQ sheet, the components of the capital campaign will be determined in a feasibility study, which is being conducted by our capital campaign consultant, Leslie Pendleton of Core Capital Campaigns. Interviews and a survey for the feasibility study will be conducted in December 2025. When the survey arrives in your inbox, please take the time to fill it out so that we know what is possible together. The results of the study will be shared at our Annual Meeting on January 26, 2025. 

Your dedication to St. Luke's is a testament to the strength and unity of our faith community. As we look ahead, let us remain united in love as we work to build a solid foundation for our church's future.


Amy Skalinder

Senior Warden

Cam Sells

Junior Warden