St. Bartholomew's

Episcopal Church


March 7, 2024


March 10, 9:30 am

Morning Prayer with Music

led by Mary Curlew

Please join us on Sunday morning for morning prayer with music led by Mary Curlew.

Sunday School is offered on the first Sunday of the month. Nursery Care is available every Sunday.

Masks are optional.

To view the bulletin for the service and to find the streaming link, CLICK HERE for the Services page of our website.

Need hearing assistance? We have earpieces that receive audio from the sound system. You can find them in charging stations in the entryway. Simply slip the earpiece over your ear, turn it on with the volume switch, and adjust volume. Please return to the charging stations when you are done.

Mid-Week Lenten Service - Celtic Evening Eucharist

March 13 & 20 - 5:30 pm

A mid-week Celtic Evening Eucharist led by the Rev. Amanda Gerken-Nelson is being offered at St. Bart's on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm during Lent. In our hurried and noisy world, our Celtic Eucharist offers gracious space and an evening's hour to enjoy the power of quiet...gently touched by candlelight, music, a sacred meal, and prayer.

This year's theme for Lent is "The Spirit Within" and if you would like to give a short reflection on this theme, please email Rev. Amanda.


Pastoral Care

In Need of Our Prayers:

For all who have commended themselves to our prayers; for our families, friends, and neighbors; that being freed from anxiety, they may live in joy, peace, and health, we pray to you O Lord. (BCP, Prayers of the People, Form V, 391)

We pray for: 

Charles; Pat; Antonia; Al; Alex; Virginia & Jamil; Hannah; Mike; David; Sarah; Jenny & Matt; Perry; Jim; Elaine; Sasha; Paige; Diane; Karl; Nathaniel; Will; Tom & Laurel; Nancy A.; Dennis; Robert & Mary; Karen; Debra; Haskell; Sue; Deb; Don; Hazel; Matilda; Gregory; Mary Jane; Michael Curry; Curt; Bethany; Zach; and Andy.

For those who have died, especially Gwen Klevitch and Charles Hunnewell, friends of Sheri and Arthur Woolverton, we pray: Receive them into the arms of your mercy.

Click HERE to go directly to the Pastoral Care section of our website. We have information about Healing Prayers, our Words of Comfort booklet and how to contact us via email.


Nursery Care Assistants -

Join the Volunteer List!


We are pleased to offer nursery care every Sunday during our regular worship services. Jennifer Weiderman has been wonderful caring for the children entrusted to her in our nursery, and we are thrilled to see more children joining her. Our Safe Church policy mandates that we have two adults present when children are in our care, and sign-ups for the assistant have been slim.

Those of us who have signed up have enjoyed getting to know the children and their parents a bit better. We'd like to create a list of volunteers who would be willing to serve as an Assistant (with Jennifer taking the lead) and then create a schedule for the school year. If your assigned date doesn’t work, you can switch with someone else and let Teri know.

If you are willing to volunteer as an assistant, please let Susan Garrett know,

Toothpaste Drive for

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry


Can you help us achieve that by March 17th?

With the increased number of visitors on Tuesday mornings, the dental supplies that are distributed monthly are in huge demand. Being able to restock the supply is essential. Many thanks for the donations that have already come in that support the work of St. Elizabeth’s. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to reach the goal of 400!

Thank you  Thank you  Thank you

Second Church Storytellers for Sunday, March 10.

We will begin about 15 minutes into coffee hour. Participation by storytellers and story listeners is always welcome. For those who would like to share a story, please tell a story about a time when you were hungry and someone fed you.

Your hunger could have been, physical, emotional, spiritual, or...?

Easter Flowers

As we prepare to celebrate Christ's resurrection on Easter, we are once again offering members the opportunity to remember family members and loved ones who have died and who now reside in Christ's everlasting arms as well as give thanks for the blessings of those still living who bring joy and hope to our lives. When you make a contribution to the St. Bart's Flowers and Music Fund in memory or in honor of your loved ones, their names will be printed in the Easter bulletin. The Flower Committee is preparing a special flower arrangement to adorn our altar during the service. Please click on the link below for the form; you can choose from a Word Document or a PDF. The form should be filled out and sent to the church (mail or email) no later than Monday, March 25 in order to be included in the March 31 Easter bulletin.

Word Form
PDF Form

Have an Idea for an Improvement to the St. Bart's Facilities?

The Vestry is seeking ideas for improvements or upgrades to St. Bart's facilities that might begin this year or next. You may have heard ideas recently like installing a restroom upstairs, making the book room into a more functional meeting space, installing heat pumps in the office area, among others. Are there others you've been thinking of?

The Building and Grounds committee will be collecting ideas from now until March 28, and will prepare recommendations to the Vestry for its April 2 meeting. Based on the Vestry's choices of priorities, the next steps will be gathering cost information and conducting a brief fundraising effort. The Vestry is envisioning a short timeline, so some construction could begin this summer if possible.

As a reminder, this initiative is separate from maintenance of our existing facilities, small and large, such as repaving the parking lot.

Email ideas to with the subject line "building idea."

Part 4: Province 1 Indigenous Relations Discussion Series March 13

The fourth meeting (via Zoom) of the Episcopal Church Province 1 Indigenous Relations Committee discussion series for the 2023-24 season will take place online on March 13 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

The discussion will focus on the impact of the impact of institutions such as the Carlisle Indian School (officially the United States Industrial School) in Carlisle, PA, and one of its graduates, Jim Thorpe, an Olympic, and later a professional, athlete.

Background reading includes Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe, by David Marannis, although the reading is not required. Barbara Landis, the retired librarian of the Cumberland County (PA) Historical Association and creator of the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center, will be a resource person for the conversation.

Indian Boarding Schools, whether sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or religious institutions such as the Episcopal Church, were found in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to carry out a racist program of for the assimilation of Indigenous people into the white mainstream culture. The Episcopal Church now seeks reconciliation for its role in the movement.

If you are interested in participating in this conversation on March 13, please contact Steve Hahn (by email at for information about registration.

St. Bart's Endowment - A Presentation, April 21

On Sunday, April 21 following the morning service, the Endowment Committee will offer a short presentation on the St. Bart’s endowment to anyone interested in learning more about the fund. We will briefly cover the background of the fund, it’s purposes and current status, and tax efficient ways to donate to the fund. All members are invited to attend.  For more information see or call Ed Simmons or Bill Macleod.

March Lenten Study: This Sunday, 3/10, 3:30 - 5 pm

Religious Literacy: The Abrahamic Faiths

The Lenten study of Religious Literacy continues. This week's focus will be on the Free Church tradition in Christianity. Come explore the meanings of: Baptist, Evangelical, Charismatic, Fundamental, Pentecostal, and more.

Questions? Interested? Sign-Up? Contact Dan Hudkins or 207-401-0836.

Book-of-Two-Months-Club for April/May

Thanks to Mary Curlew for offering sessions on Eve Isn’t Evil and hosting online the author and guest speaker Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker during January/February.

Because of the compressed scheduling of services and Adult Ed offerings during Lent, we have not scheduled a Book-of-Two-Months Club program for March.

We are seeking a volunteer (or two, if you want to work together) for an offering spanning April/May. Please contact any member of the Adult Ed Committee (Steve Hahn, Dan Hudkins, or Elizabeth Ring) as soon as possible to discuss your ideas. It is important that we get the word out as soon as possible, so that we can advertise our offerings and enable those interested to obtain the book for the sessions.

Resources for Volunteers

To learn more about opportunities to volunteer in the community through St. Bart's (St. Elizabeth's, Friendship House, etc.), go to the COMMUNITY OUTREACH page on our website.

To sign up for a Sunday morning Coffee Hour shift, click HERE. Two hosts are needed for March 24!

Upcoming Duties

Click Here for Upcoming Duties

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