Prescott, Arizona |© Bob Larson Photography

Volume 13, Issue 4 | April 2024


Of late, I’ve really been starting to internalize and accept that the cycle of Life that Nature demonstrates so clearly is that which those of us souls in human suits so struggle with—well, at least I have. And, in my psyche I am starting to enjoy some peace around the notion of end of life, for myself and those dear to me. It does not mean there is no grief or sadness. But I sure do appreciate the tranquility.

The latter part of this month has turned out to be so much about heart, about love amid the loss I’ve experienced and feel.

April 21 was the six-year anniversary of the passing of my dear friend Samara, who was like an older sister to me and who I’ve written about over the years. I took some extra time to remember and acknowledge her loving presence in my life. Connecting with others who knew her was comforting.

A couple days later I received a voicemail from a cousin with whom I’ve not been in contact for 20 years who said she had some news for me if I cared to call her back. When we spoke, I learned that my older brother, Joey, who had had a strong, positive impact on my life (and had been married to my best friend from college for 25 years) had made his transition—in February! His girlfriend didn’t know he had any family.

Two days later my dear spiritual coach/friend announced online she would be “soon lifting off the planet to my next.” She had been in a tragic car accident six months ago which her husband did not survive; the doctors were surprised she had. Karen spent seven weeks in the hospital, went home for hospice, and then improved so much that she went into rehab, always surrounded and taken care of by loving family and friends. The exchange of love was palatable and touched me so. Once back home, she got pneumonia, etc., was hospitalized, and finally had had enough. I’d seen so much love showered on Karen and returned back. I told her brother that maybe that was what the six months were truly about…

Having been included on Karen’s journey in some manner, there was no doubt she truly walked the walk, embodying so much love, light, and peace during her experience. She again blessed me and taught me more about life, death, peace, and love. Karen left the planet yesterday. It is so clear that her love remains.

All this occurred amid a friend’s dad passing suddenly and her heading to Memphis, and another whose mom was already in hospice, but was moved to “end-of-life” hospice.

The aforementioned have made me better accept that the cycle of Life goes on, it cannot be stymied. And, Love goes on too. This is just the way Life is, the way Life is to go, has to go. Just like Nature. We are born, and depending on Spirit’s Plan for each of us, we pass through our childhood, adolescence, 20s, 30s, etc., however long each of us is supposed to be on the planet for this lifetime. It is just so. The love remains, is eternal—and that notion brings me tranquility.

Rest in peace and love, Samara. Rest in peace and love, Joey. Rest in peace and love, Karen. 

We shall each carry on until it is our time to return fully to Source. And our love will remain too.


"When you're young and always looking at the far side of the hill

You might miss the fairest flower standing by you very still."

— From "Such Is Love" by Peter Yarrow

"Such Is Love" by Peter Yarrow; sung by Peter, Paul & Mary



The Spiritual Meanings of April

April, the fourth month of the year, holds a special place in the spiritual realms of many cultures and traditions.

The Romans gave this month the Latin name “Aprilis” but the derivation of this name is uncertain. The traditional etymology is from the verb “aperire,” "to open,” alluding to it being the season when trees and flowers begin to "open."

April is the first full month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. As nature awakens after a long winter sleep, with trees budding, plants sprouting from the ground, and animals emerging from their winter rest, April symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and the blossoming of new life.

Spiritually, April is often associated with themes of hope, growth, and the emergence of new beginnings after a period of introspection. April reminds us to embrace change and the opportunities for growth and transformation in our own lives.

To learn more about the spiritual significance of April, read this blog post that explores its symbolic meanings across various belief systems.

Inspiration and Contemplation

Dalai Lama on Love and Tranquility

People—and Other Beings—Making a Difference

Relieving, Not Collecting, Medical Debt

Soon after giving birth to a daughter two months premature, Terri Logan received a bill from the hospital. She recoiled from the string of numbers separated by commas.

Ms. Logan, who was a high school math teacher in Georgia, shoved it aside and ignored subsequent bills. She was a single mom who knew she had no way to pay. "I avoided it like the plague," she says, but avoidance didn't keep the bills out of mind.

Then nearly 13 years after her daughter's birth and many anxiety attacks later, Ms. Logan received some bright yellow envelopes in the mail. They were from a nonprofit group telling her it had bought, and then, forgiven all those past medical bills.

This time, it was a very different kind of surprise: "Wait, what? Who does that?"

Undue Medical Debt does.

Formally known as RIP Medical Debt, this national 501(3)(c) purchases medical debt but does not seek to collect on it, just to relieve it. Its mission is to strengthen communities by erasing financially burdensome medical debt. It not only does that, but so much more. Learn more at

"Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life..."

— John Muir

“Love doesn’t die with death. Love is like liquid; when it pours out, it seeps into others’ lives. Love changes form and shape. Love gets into everything. Death doesn’t conquer all; love does. Love wins every single time. Love wins by lasting through death. Love wins by loving more, loving again, loving without fear.”

― Kate O'Neill


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Joyce S. Kaye, MSW


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You, Me, and Spirit

I was a devout atheist until 34 years ago when I "came to believe" in a Power greater than myself. Thanks to hearing the novel idea (well, at least it was to me!) that one could choose their own concept of God—and name too (Spirit, The Great Mystery, All That Is, etc.)—and the workings of synchronicity, I embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. It impacted all aspects of my life and relationships.

Since that time of commencing my conscious spiritual journey, I have endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom I meet, and all that I do—including working with clients in my own business, academia, and the corporate world. I strive to be of service and to nurture the human spirit in all environments.