Our new Event Center at 11055 North IH35 with our pop up crystal area has officially been blessed and filled with loving crystal energy both inside and out. Come visit us when you’re out and about and we’ll give you a free rose quartz piece to carry the love. A great big thanks to all who help support this small business and to everyone who participated in our 18th Annual Tucson Trunk Sale. Some of the pieces from the sale have been placed in our new pop up location.
If you contact Nance with our Event Center by clicking HERE, she can tell you about a special program we have created for the next 3-4 months in our new event center that will afford you the opportunity to check out the facility for your own creative and spiritual endeavors. The energy in this center is already guaranteed to enhance any experience.
Noted holidays this month that will hopefully be days that might give you a little extra time for personal happiness include, partying on Cinco de Mayo on May 5th, sharing the love on Mother’s Day the 14th. and the extra play day Memorial Day weekend gives us. Please do be sure and take some time on Memorial Day, the 29th, to recognize and honor the sacrifices that are made for us by those soldiers who fight for our freedom.
Full moon this month is mostly called the Flower Moon but you may also hear Budding Moon, Leaf Moon, Planting Moon or just about anything growing moon from what I can read. Look for this month’s moon to visibly peak on the 22nd but good crystal cleansing days will also be the day before and after. If you want to try and catch a falling star this month the debris from Halley's Comet will complete its annual showing for us, peaking on May 6 & 7. Remember when you’re outside at night, look up before you get into your car, walk into a building or take that last glimpse at night…. Miracles await you.
Some highlights in this months newsletter include:
- Julie’s astrological update for May promises a breather from all the intense energy we’ve been experiencing
- Check out what’s up with our new pop up location at 11055 NORTH IH35 and future event options
- Take note of all our upcoming events and Readers this month in our Community Event Center
- Learn about Kentucky Agate available in the depot
- Read about how a 100,000 year old Plesiosaur Vertebrae might help you stand up for yourself
This is the month to touch and reconnect to nature. Get outside with the rocks, trees and dirt. Try digging and planting a garden with herbs, vegetables or flowers, go camping and find a cool rock or fossil and let us help you turn it into a keepsake. Celebrate life and new beginnings. Think of this month as the “Self Care Month”. Do yourself a favor and get outside, let Mother Nature help take care of you.
Click HERE to adjust your subscriptions so you get all of our updates!
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
Healing Arts Festival and Market
Sunday, May 5 • 11a-6p
FREE Admission
Hilton Garden Inn
8101 Pat Booker Rd, Live Oak, TX 78233
Featuring the best in artisan made products and natural healing practitioners! Intuitive Counsel, Aura Photography, Energy Work, Artisan made handcrafted Jewelry and organic products.
In The Community Events Center
WHOLESOME GODDESS Event goes til 5:30p
May is Women's Health Month and we want to do our part to bring you some guidance for a healthier YOU.
Denise Nitti, Quantum Wellness Guide
Francesca Fleming; Intuitive Medical Medium
Glitter-infused tea with Apothecary Blends
Palmer McLean of Intuitive Guidance Center
Andrea Wong, licensed massage therapist
Hand-on-hand, offering release sessions
Yolanda Calle, Nutritional Health Coach
You won't want to miss this event.
Magic is in the air and in the event center!
from 11 - 5:30p.
We will have Merlyn the Metaphysical Jeweler engineering jewelry designs by reading auric fields. Saul Ravencraft will be on hand for wizarding wonders including palmistry, card readings, and numerology. As a Tarot Master, Elaine Ireland will bring forth information through her psychic abilities. Mia Loweree will tap into the Akashic Records for messages from your guides. Julie Reeves will connect with your
astrologic energies to determine your karmic life path for this lifetime.
Bring out the wizard or maiden in you!
Dress up. Join in the fun.
Join Us at our New Location!
A workshop Designed especially for empaths to unbind karmic patterns, release limiting beliefs and awaken authentic emotional intelligence. Pre-register by contacting Sheela directly at 512-577-4055
June 16 • 12-5p
11055 N Interstate 35 • 78753
This EVENT in May is SOLD OUT please feel free to sign up for the upcoming event in October.
Dolores Cannon's Meet Your Spirit Guides & Angels Past Life Regression Event by Lori Lines
Embark on a transformative journey with Lori Lines, a seasoned specialist with over 35 years of diverse experience in Human Resource Management, Intuitive counseling, Feng Shui, Reiki Mastery, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Lori's path, woven through psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, hi-tech consulting firms, and extensive studies of human behavior, has uniquely equipped her to guide individuals toward self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening.
13th October | 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Fee: $45
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
The Twelve Foundation Stones
of the Heavenly City: Agate
by: Adrienne Goff
There’s just something about gemstones, rocks, and crystals that has transfixed humanity since the beginning. The gleam of obsidian caught the eye of ancient indigenous hunters, who fashioned it into arrowheads. Mesmerizing blue shades of turquoise and lapis lazuli inspired some of the first gemstone jewelry created in ancient Egyptian and Sumerian times. The ancient Incans used the reflective properties of pyrite as a looking glass.
Crystals and stones are created in the very bedrock of our home planet, and as such, they have served as a foundation for our lives and civilizations. They are durable and everlasting—perfect for practical uses such as creating structures, tools, sculpture, jewelry, and petroglyphs.
Featured Fossil: Plesiosaur Vertebrae Fossil
Plesiosaurs were aquatic reptiles that lived about 203 million years ago. They were especially common during the Jurassic period until their mass extinction (66 million years ago) from the Cretaceous-Tertiary event that destroyed nearly three quarters of the animal and plant species on Earth. These sea creatures are commonly described as having four long flippers, used to propel themselves through the water. They had a broad, flat body, short tail and a long neck. Plesiosaurs breathed air and gave birth to live young vs laying eggs, which means they probably never left the water to go on land. Skeletal structures of Plesiosaurs are among some of the first discoveries made for extinct reptiles. Their fossilized vertebrae have been found all over the world with an abundance found in Morocco. These aquatic creatures have been discovered to reach up to 50 feet in size and weigh almost 100,000 pounds. Just like each individual vertebra makes up our spinal column and is a form of support for the human body, the Plesiosaur vertebra make up their spinal support. If you feel the need for strength in some area of your life, maybe you are seeking the support of a Plesiosaur vertebra to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
Featured Agate: Kentucky Agate
Kentucky agate does in fact come from Kentucky. It is known to be found in Rockcastle, Madison, Estill, Jackson, and Powell counties which are in what is known as the Borden formation of the early Mississippian age.
Kentucky agate does take a very good polish like most agates, and also has a hardness around 7. The colors can be bold red, yellow and black and can have striking contrasts that make for good cabs. The color can also be less intense (pastels) and have more subtle color differences while the banding can be fine or fairly large. There is a considerable amount of variation but the most well known Kentucky agate is the black, red, and yellow. We have this available at Natures Treasure's in the Rock Depot. We carry face polished pieces and cabochons!
Justin grew up in Leander and received two associates degrees from Austin Community College. He joined the Nature's Treasures team as part of a competition with a friend to see who could get a job in a geology-related field first. In addition to a passion for rocks, Justin loves biking and went abroad to Bosnia to bike the mountainous terrain there. You may see him in our Rock Depot, but if you're into Austin night life you might also see him around town playing in his band, Onyxyria.
Monthly Astrological Guidance by Julie Reeves
This month, we are all still a little jazzed by the positive but impactful Solar Eclipse on April 8th; which will continue to affect us for about 8 months. So with that underlying energy going on, we need to look at what is on the surface for May.
The alignment of the planets suggests a period of milder (thank God!) transformation and growth for all zodiac signs. With the Sun shining steadfastly in Taurus until the 20th, stability and practicality will be prominent themes for many. So it’s a time to focus on grounding ourselves and making practical decisions that lay the foundation for future success.
Anne Berlin - 5th
Saul Ravencraft - 6th, 20th, 25th
Mia Loweree - 17th, 29th
Linda Snow - 3rd,
Tore Sol - 2nd, 25th
Sheela Goodrich - 23rd
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 11th, 25th
Francine Caruso - 12th
Special guests: Aura Photos - 10th, 24th
Palmer McLean - 18th
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Our Featured Practitioner
Healer & Ascension Guide, Sol & Root Spiritual Wellness & Education, Healer & Ascension Guide, Reiki Master Teacher
Tore has been working in the Healing field since graduating High School in 2016. Pursuing various interests in healthcare, personal training, and nutrition. After some major life changes during the COVID epidemic that catalyzed his spiritual awakening, he began offering Tarot Reading to friends and family. This eventually led to a deep love for the metaphysical world and its many facets of understanding.
A session with Toré is always focused on healing no matter the medium being used to channel – he currently offers Energy Readings & Healing, Tarot, Chakra Readings, Reiki, Akashic Record Consultations and Mentoring. Website: https://www.solandroot.com
Andrea is an intuitive artist, she started developing her skills at a young age.
Andrea was born of Asian descent in Peru, and later moved to Paraguay with her family where she spent her transformative years. Later she moved to Texas where she has now been residing for twenty years. Andrea draws her artistic inspiration from her roots, her unique perspective and experiences. Andrea's goal is to create art that can transport you to a meditative and calm state.
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
Have you visited our new event center?
Choose from these options...
Yes! I've visited the new location!
No, but I know there is a pop-up store there for a sneak peek! Fri-Mon, 12-5p
No, but I’m planning to so I can get my FREE Rose Quartz!
No, but I’m waiting for news on the first event to be held there.
No, but I plan to email community@ntrocks.com to get directions and information.
At the Counter!
Kunzite Jewelry and raw minerals
In the Showroom!
Mica Collection
In the Depot!
Rough Hematite
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Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
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Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
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