March 2024

This newsletter contains news and information of interest to Montana Science Olympiad coaches - current, past and future. For questions, please contact the MSU Science Math Resource Center.

Important notices for coaches


New, veteran and prospective coaches are invited to join the Montana Science Olympiad staff online from 4pm to 5pm on Wednesday, March 20 for monthly coaches' office hours. You can drop in anytime during the hour to ask questions about the upcoming season, get help with a particular situation, or just hang out with the Montana Science Olympiad staff.

Find the WebEx link on our School Teams and Coaches Page

If you have any questions, email

Our FAQ page is also helpful

Hotel Room Blocks now available

Discounted room blocks are available. A big thanks to many local hotels who offer discounted room rates for our participants! Follow the individual instructions for the hotel you choose on our School Teams and Coaches pageMore booking options are added frequently, so check back.

  • Quality Inn · $109 < book before 3/18
  • Country Inn & Suites · $141 < book before 3/29
  • SpringHill Suites by Marriot · $169 < book before 4/5
  • Courtyard by Marriot · $159  < book before 4/5
  • Lewis and Clark Motel · $149 < Book before 4/12/

Team numbers posted; time to get registered in Scilympiad

Want to know who else is coming to the state tournament? You might even be able to share transportation! All the competing teams are listed on the School Teams and Coaches pagealong with team numbers, which you will need for Scilympiad (see more below).

Please check this carefully! If you think you registered a team, and you don’t see it here – contact us immediately! Also check for the correct number of teams (varsity, JV, etc.) 


We are once again using Scilympiad for our scoring software. If you made an account for a previous season, it should still be there. Please check to see that you can log in.


If you don’t have an account yet, please make one. Click Log in on the top right and create an account as a new member. Full instructions are on the School Teams and coaches page

Once you have a coach account and are logged in, it is time to register your team(s) and each team’s students. If you have more than one team, register each team separately, as you will be assigning your students to their specific team. To register your team, you can click on “register school” or go to

We will also ask you to assign your students to events. Full instructions are on the MTSO website.

Please complete these steps by March 15 if at all possible. This will help us with our organization planning, we recognize that there might be changes as we get closer to the event so if you need to change after this that is fine. Our event supervisors will be using the wristbands – not Scilympiad -- to identify competitors/school teams as in the past. Entering your students into events in Scilympiad helps us plan how many total people will be in each event. 

This year we are using Scilympiad for the student code of ethics and photo release forms, too. Stay tuned for more info!

Register for Museum of the Rockies STEM Night by April 10

A Science Olympiad highlight for many teams is attending STEM Night at the Museum of the Rockies on the evening before the tournament. All teams and their coaches receive FREE admission to the museum, plus private access to all the exhibits, planetarium shows, etc. and, many STEM clubs and departments from Montana State University will be there to showcase the exciting work that they do.

Register for MoR STEM Night -- Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-8:30pm. Coaches, please register on behalf of your team rather than having individual team members RSVP.

Student webinars and support

TOWER - Friday, March 22

Based on coach and student requests, we have launched a webinar series for students, so they can meet our state tournament Event Supervisors and learn more about how to prepare for competition!

Friday, March 22 at 4pm - 4:30pm with

Tower Event Supervisor Kirsten Matteson

The presentation will also be recorded

Dr. Mattsen of the MSU civil engineering department is a veteran Science Olympiad volunteer and will share an overview of the Tower event and tips for how to prepare and succeed on tournament day. This presentation is appropriate for both Division B and Division C competitors.

RSVP's are appreciated so we can collect questions ahead of time. You can submit specific question when you RSVP.

COMING SOON: Wind Power on April 1 and Advice for New Competitors from the MSU Science Olympiad Club

Learn from event supervisors about the Wind Power event on Monday, April 1. Registration is now open on the School Teams & Coaches page.

Register for Wind Power Student Webinar

Watch your inbox for news from our new MSU Science Olympiad Club, when former competitors (now MSU students) will share their tips and tricks for success with current Division B and Division C competitors. This presentation will be especially helpful for students who are brand new to the tournament and want to feel more comfortable and confident navigating through the experience.

If you missed the Experimental Design workshop, you can watch it here.

Dr. Mike Giroux is a long-time Science Olympiad volunteer and shared an overview of the Experimental Design event and tips for how to prepare and succeed on tournament day. This presentation is appropriate for both Division B and Division C competitors.

More opportunities

Science Olympiad Founders' Scholarships 

Calling all high school seniors! The application for the 2024 Founders' Scholarship is now open! The Science Olympiad USA Foundation will award $10,000 scholarships to five outstanding leaders. Apply today and read about the previous recipients! Due April 8, 2024 at midnight CT.

Division B students: Win $25k in the 3M Young Scientist Challenge!

Lights, camera, action! Grade 6-8 kids entering the 3M Young Scientist Challenge have a chance to win $25,000! Upload a short video for a chance to compete in a live, head-to-head final at 3M Corporate Headquarters. Top 10 winners receive $1,000 each, everyone gets prizes and personalized mentoring from a 3M scientist. See the teacher letter and contest overview for more info. Teachers should encourage specific students and Science Olympiad team members to enter by presenting the Nomination Certificate below. This is an experience of a lifetime! 2023 Contest Due date: April 27, 2023! Learn more.

Apply to receive a free educational kit from MSU for World Quantum Day

World Quantum Day is an international event held on April 14 to generate interest in quantum science. Quantum is the science of atoms and particles, which are the building blocks of the universe. Scientists have used quantum mechanics to create technology we use every day such as the chips in smartphones. What exciting technology will be discovered next?

Our goal is to help Montana educators and youth engage in the work of Quantum Science through lesson kits for teachers to use on or near World Quantum Day. No expertise in quantum science is required. The kit is most appropriate for teachers of middle and high school students.

Application deadline is March 16, 2024. Visit for more information. For questions, contact Elizabeth Green at All resources will also be available for free download.

This work is supported by MSU's Applied Quantum Core.

Remember to download the rules manuals and (continuously) look for event clarifications

The rule book is your friend! Download the rules manuals for the 2024 season from the National Science Olympiad website. Encourage your students to study every aspect of the rules - especially what safety equipment is required and what they are allowed to bring with them into the contest.

The rules clarifications page is also your friend! As questions arise, clarifications to the rules are posted here on the national website.

Do you know an aspiring Science Olympiad coach or STEM teacher interested in cool opportunities? Please share this newsletter so they can join in. Or, they can subscribe at
