So Many Solstice Walkers Lit Up the Gardens!
A rainy afternoon turned into a dry, not-too-cold evening--perfect for a family stroll in the gardens. Families came with homemade luminaries, store-bought lights, and just themselves and smiles. Arboretum volunteers handed out luminaries and candy canes for those who wanted them, as well as dog treats for four-legged visitors. Hay Girl Coffee sold coffee and hot chocolate, Marco Cortes lead a singalong in the kiosk, and the YMCA read stories. It was a lovely night to be in the Arboretum.
It took about 30 volunteers and one lighting professional with a lift truck to put Wintertide Lights and Solstice Walk together. I wish I had a photo of everyone who helped make this happen, but I don't. All of us on the Arboretum Board thank our wonderful volunteers for helping to make this event possible. The lights will be off by the time you read this, but I know that Renee Greenleaf, tireless leader of the Wintertide Lights committee, is already thinking about next December.