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May 2024 Distribution Calendar

Community Action Month occurs every May, serving as a reminder of our origin, following the signing of the Economic Opportunity Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This month also provides an opportunity to further our reach and share our vision, while also putting that vision into action and alleviating the effects of poverty in San Bernardino County. The signing of the act birthed over 1,000 Community Action agencies across America, which are all dedicated to alleviating the effects of poverty. This May marks the 60th anniversary for our network, giving us reason to celebrate, and motivation to continue to help people and change lives for another 60 years!

Upcoming CAPSBC Programs

Register Here

CAPSBC's distribution and

mobile services

Click here for our food distribution schedule
Diaper Distribution
CAPSBC Mobile Food Pantry Schedule
CAPSBC Mobile Shower calendar
Energy, Education & Environmental Services (EEES) outreach calendar

Look out for our Resource Calendar!

Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino (CAPSBC) is the designated Community Action Agency for San Bernardino County and is charged with providing programs and services for over 800,000 low-income individuals and families to help lift them out of poverty.

To learn more about the program and services available to San Bernardino County Residents, visit us at