From the Desk of

The Produce Safety Team

March 4th, 2024


Michigan Cottage Food Law Facts and Myths

Breanna Hannula

Grand Traverse Produce Safety Technician

Click to View Full Infographic


All About Produce Processing

Allissa Conley | Newaygo Produce Safety Technician

Morgan Anderson | Ottawa Produce Safety Technician

Are you thinking of adding some pizzazz to your produce? If so, you may need a license! Here’s a general low-down of how that process may look.  

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When is a License Required for Food Products?

If your farm is interested in producing and selling food products, you can learn about the Michigan regulatory requirements from the following organizations.


Michigan Growers – How do you "certify" that you are working on Produce Safety?

The work of producing safe food happens every day on a farm and yet these efforts remain largely unseen by buyers and consumers. There are a wide range of produce safety programs available to help growers achieve their produce safety goals. Some programs provide a certificate that a grower could display to let buyers and consumers know they care about produce safety.

View Michigan Produce Safety Program Certificates

FREE Resources and Low-Cost Training Opportunities

Request a FREE OFRR at your farm (Michigan Growers)

Online Produce Safety Supervisor Training ($100)

FREE Produce Safety Texts

Produce Safety Grower Training ($100)

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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