It's always a blessing to share St. Francis Borgia High School with people outside our community. We have been blessed to have three wonderful exchange students this year. One young man from Italy, one young lady from Spain, and another from Germany joined the junior class this year. They have been living with three Borgia families this year. These special guests came as strangers and will leave as members of the Borgia Family. They've fully participated in the Borgia experience, joining sports teams, participating in class discussions, and making lifelong friendships.  

Our German teacher, Mr. Andy Gross, returned to the Sister City Exchange for the first time since Covid. Fifteen high school students and two teachers from Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium in Marbach am Neckar, Germany, visited for two weeks and stayed with host families. Our community was so kind to these guests, taking them to professional sports games and favorite local restaurants and opening their homes.

I know what we have here at Borgia is truly special, and I welcome any opportunity to open our doors for everyone to see why it's a great day to be a Knight!


Pam (Ruether) Tholen '02
The 2023-2024 Borgia Annual Fund
Borgia Community Partners Program
St. Francis Borgia High School's Community Partners program serves as a comprehensive platform for valuable marketing opportunities tailored to our business supporters while also supplying essential resources for Borgia's ongoing commitment to our students' success. This initiative is crafted to deliver genuine marketing value to businesses through diverse multi-platform media channels. Borgia proudly extends advertising avenues for local businesses across various sponsorship tiers.

The Community Partners Program offers businesses the following:

  • Uphold St. Francis Borgia High School's mission
  • Garner significant exposure for their company or organization
  • Engage in a streamlined, once-a-year sponsorship process
  • Access exclusive benefits, including VIP event tickets

This sponsorship initiative opens doors to a vast in-person and online network connecting with thousands within the Borgia community and beyond.

St. Francis Borgia High School remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring accessible Catholic education. This dedication results in a gap of $4,420 per student between the actual cost of education and what we charge for tuition. With 63% of our students benefiting from tuition assistance, addressing this challenge is crucial. The generous support of donors and businesses helps to bridge the $ 2.03 million budget deficit.

For inquiries or further details, please reach out to Matt Schutte, President, at or Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at
Thank you to our 2023-2024 Community Partners

Planned giving, often referred to as "legacy giving," empowers you to contribute more significant gifts in support of St. Francis Borgia High School than you may have previously imagined. Some planned gifts offer the potential for a lifetime income, while others utilize estate and tax planning strategies to optimize your contribution and minimize its impact on your estate.

To discover how you can establish a planned gift to provide enduring support to SFBHS, please contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at
2024 Baccalaureate and Graduation
In celebration of the Class of 2024, please mark your calendars for these important dates.

Mass and Baccalaureate will be held on Tuesday,
May 14, at 7 p.m., in the gym.

Graduation will be held on Thursday,
May 16, at 7 p.m., in the gym.

This year's commencement speaker will be
Reverend Michael Boehm.

Both Baccalaureate and Graduation will be live-streamed at

The last school day for the 2023-2024 school year will be Wednesday, May 22.
Borgia Ladies Golf Day
June 10, 2024
Get ready to tee off in style at the 3rd Annual Borgia Ladies Golf Day supporting St. Francis Borgia High School Athletics! Join us for a day of fun and philanthropy at the Franklin County Country Club. Over the years, this event has significantly impacted, donating over $265,000 to the Borgia Athletic Association. This year, you have three fabulous options: swing on the green, take a dip in the pool, or indulge in both with our swing and swim package. Take advantage of this opportunity to support a great cause while enjoying a fantastic day out!
Please help us continue this tradition!
Like the Facebook page: BORGIA Ladies Day at the Club
and follow for more info!
Don Neider '77
March 10, 2024
Virginia (Wilmesher) Van Leer '56
March 14, 2024
Dave Hillermann '76
April 23, 2024
Kathleen (Noelker) Baker '67
April 25, 2024
Attention All Young Alums
Are You Looking for an Experience of a Lifetime?
The Office of Youth Ministry is hiring 20 young adults to serve as summer missionaries with the Totus Tuus program. This program trains the missionaries and sends them out in teams of 4 to lead catechetical programming for youth each week of the summer around the Archdiocese of St. Louis. We still have a few spaces available but hope to have hiring complete ASAP!
Young adults must be 1 year removed from high school and are generally within their college years. Missionaries can expect to grow in human formation, problem solving, lesson planning, and personal faith development. 
Class of 2002 Celebrates their 40th Birthdays
The SFBHS Class of 2002 came together to mark their collective 40th birthday with a celebratory bash on Saturday, April 20. The festivities kicked off with a nostalgic tour of their alma mater, followed by a lively gathering at the 1869 Draft Room in downtown Washington. It is evident from the photo below that everyone had a fantastic time!
Alumni Prayers
In thanksgiving for the sacrifices and contributions offered by those before us on our behalf, we at St. Francis Borgia High School offer our afternoon prayer for different members of our alumni each day.
If you have children who are graduates and still receive mail at your home, but no longer live there, please contact Donna Grahl, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, to update your child's address. She can be reached by phone at 636-239-7871 ext. 131 or via email at
Borgia Gives Back
On Wednesday, March 27, we proudly hosted our third annual Borgia Gives Back Day. On this day, our students ventured out to 19 different locations within our community. This day is dedicated to school-wide stewardship, providing our students with the opportunity to recognize and fulfill our duty to give back and express gratitude for all the blessings we receive.

The locations we served during this meaningful day included:

  • American Legion Auxiliary
  • Bethel Hills
  • Downtown Washington, Inc.
  • Exceptional Equestrians
  • Franklin County Humane Society
  • The Harvest Table
  • Immaculate Conception - Union
  • Knight of Columbus - Seisel Council
  • Loving Hearts
  • Mercy
  • Oak Pointe
  • Our Lady of Lourdes
  • Pregnancy Assistance Center
  • St. Francis Borgia Food Pantry
  • St. Gertrude's
  • VFW Post 2661
  • Washington Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Washington Parks Department

Our community has consistently shown immense support for our school, and Borgia Gives Back serves as a humble gesture of appreciation from us.

On the left is Bill Hellebusch '04, who captivated our students with a memorable and remarkable speech about what stewardship means to him.
Click above for a video we shared that captured the spirit of the day.
Congratulations to Senior Bridgette Hanneken
Kudos to senior Bridgette Hanneken! Bridgette stands out among 26 teenagers from Catholic parishes and high schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, recognized with a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Model of Justice Award at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. This accolade was presented on January 14, 2023, during the distinguished 48th annual Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice, a significant event honoring King’s enduring impact contributions.
2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
With great pride, we introduce the
St. Francis Borgia High School Class of 2024 Salutatorian and Valedictorian!

Congratulations, gentlemen! Your achievements fill us with pride!
Sam Dunard

Pictured above with his parents,
Chris and Amy Dunard.
Congratulations, Sam!
Brandon Jones

Pictured above with his parents,
Melissa (Schweich) '02 and Travis Jones. Congratulations, Brandon!
Celebrate our 2024 Prom Court!

First Runner-Up: Cayla Copeland ✨
Our Prom Queen: Bridgette Hanneken
Our Prom Kings: Sam Landrum and Reagan Kandlbinder (tie)! 🎉
SFBHS Choir Visits the Missouri Capitol
The SFBHS Choir had the privilege of performing at the state capitol on Wednesday, April 24, as part of District 109 Day, generously sponsored by the Washington Chamber of Commerce at the invitation of State Representative Kyle Marquart ’81. We were delighted to join Washington High School and New Haven High School vocal ensembles. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the invitation! Click on the link at the right to enjoy our rendition of ‘Sweet Music.’
We're Hiring!
St. Francis Borgia High School seeks an Executive Director of Advancement to spearhead fundraising, donor and alumni relations, and community engagement initiatives. This pivotal role will be crucial in furthering the institution's mission and growth.

Additionally, St. Francis Borgia High School is hiring for the position of Director of Campus Ministry. Collaborating with the campus Chaplain, the Campus Minister will lead faith formation endeavors at the school, nurturing missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. Responsibilities include designing and executing programs and events to enrich the faith journey of students, faculty, and staff at SFBHS. This role also involves supporting youth ministry activities at the parishes of St. Francis Borgia and Our Lady of Lourdes.

This 12-month, non-teaching position will be based at the high school, collaborating with the priests at St. Francis Borgia and Our Lady of Lourdes. Flexible work hours, including evenings and weekends, are expected. The selected candidate will commence duties on July 1, 2024.
Lastly, We also seek a full-time Science teacher for the 2024 - 2025 school year. This position will emphasize physical science.

For further information and application instructions, please click the link below.
Athletic and Activities Schedule
Welcome to another exciting year of Borgia Athletics and Activities. Together, let’s always and, in all ways, celebrate the efforts of our students, players, coaches, and teachers as they strive to make Borgia #1 in class, style, sportsmanship, and competitiveness. Go, Knights!!

Click on the logo to see a comprehensive athletic and activities schedule.
Recently married? New baby or job?
Let us know what's going on in your life so we can share it with your classmates in this newsletter!
Send information and photos to

St. Francis Borgia High School 

1000 Borgia Drive
Washington, MO 63090

P: 636-239-7871
F: 636-239-1198