NIA Hot Topics

March 1, 2024

Welcome to the March 1 edition of NIA Hot Topics, 

Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

 Hot Topics shares quick updates on NIA: business,

status reports, events and announcements.

It is published approximately the 1st of each month

and the 15th of months when the NIA Board meets.

Feedback? Send comments to


NIA Spring Membership Meeting

Wednesday, April 10th

6:00 PM

In Skippers Cove at the Long Beach Yacht Club


The Naples Youth Group is asking for your support once again!  We are very excited to be taking part in Justin Rudd's Operation Easter Basket again this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to support less fortunate children in Long Beach and brighten up their Easter Day. 

If you would like to donate, cash/checks (payable to the NIA) are preferred.  We will shop to make sure all baskets are similar in value and content.  If you would like to donate an Easter Basket, Operation Easter Basket mandates some requirements to ensure that all children have a fair amount of goodies.  On average, baskets should include about $20 -$25 worth of supplies. The Dollar Tree is a great place to shop.  Our goal is to donate 60 Easter Baskets!

All monetary donations/baskets must be dropped off at 246 Ravenna Drive by Thursday March 21st. Please text or call 562-972-3002 with any questions. Thank you again for your support!

Coffee with the Commander

March 7 10 AM-11:30 AM

In response to the shooting on Second Street week before last, Third District Councilmember Kristina Duggan is calling a special meeting, "Coffee with the Commander," for residents to hear directly from East Division Commander Pennino at Sheldrake's Coffee on Second Street


The City of Long Beach Public Works Department is responsible for pothole repairs on City maintained streets. Here are the ways to submit a report for pothole repairs:

·     The Go Long Beach application

·     The Go Long Beach online submission

·     Call the Pothole Hotline at (562) 570-2700


Studebaker Road Improvements Meeting

Saturday, March 2nd | 11 am - 1 pm | 2800 Studebaker Rd.

The City of Long Beach is hosting an in-person community meeting to provide an overview of the Studebaker Road Complete Streets Project. The meeting will be held on Saturday, March 2nd from 11 am to 1 pm at the Dr. Thomas J. Clark Community Center. The approximate $50 million project will implement major street improvements along the 5-mile corridor between 2nd Street and Carson Street. Read the press release at this link for additional information.

Los Cerritos Wetlands

Land Swap Plan

There has been much interest and excitement regarding the wetland’s restoration project moving forward. The PowerPoint presentation provides various maps to help us understand what areas are part of the plan.

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

Go to the NIA website HERE to see the whole calendar!

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 9.41.41 AM.png

​• Mar 29 - Easter Egg Hunt

• April 10 - NIA Spring Membership Meeting

• Apr 13 - Naples Elementary Spring Fundraiser

• Apr 30 - Concert in the Park


• May 28 - Concert in the Park 


• May 31 - Naples Elementary Carnival


• Jun 1 - Pancake Breakfast, Craft Fair & Fun Run

• Jun TBD - Flea Market



Community Partner Calendar Links:

Naples Bayside Academy School Events

NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.