Thank you to the National Society Sons of the American Revolution officers
and candidates who attended the 149th CASSAR Board of Managers Meeting
National Officers
President General John L Dodd, Esq.
Joseph Dooley President General 2013-2014
Dr. Darryl Addington, Secretary General
Michael Elston, Treasurer General
Edmon H. McKinley, Esq., Chancellor General
Allen Greenly, Registrar General
T. Brooks Lyles, Jr., Historian General
Dr. J. Fred Olive III, Librarian General
Rob Moore, Vice President General Western District
Derek Brown, Vice President General International District
Jim Klingler, National Trustee
Distinguished Guests
Lee Popham, SAR Foundation Board President
Brian Stephens, Secretary Western District
Dr. M. Kent Gregory, Chairman, SAR Museum Board
Dr. Keith A. Weissinger, MD, Surgeon General
Daniel McKelvie, SAR Foundation Board Vice President
Sue Fitzpatrick, CAR Senior California State President
Sophia Kaufman, President California State Society CAR
Ladies Auxiliary
California Society Sons of the American Revolution
Janet Brown, President
Kelly Villardi, 1st Vice President
Karen Carlson, 2nd Vice President
Karen Dodd, Treasurer & Parliamentarian
Mary Ann Littlefield, Historian