148th Board of Managers Meeting

Queen Mary, Long Beach

November 3-4, 2023

President's Message


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families! As President George Washington stated in the beginning of his Thanksgiving Proclamation of October 3rd, 1789, we have many things to be thankful for:

"Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness." ...

You can read the entire Proclamation at:

This issue of the Compatriot will focus on our recently completed 148th Annual Fall Board of Managers meeting at The Queen Mary Hotel in Long Beach. Our thanks to the Harbor SAR Chapter for hosting a great meeting. We especially want to thank Brandon and Kelly Villardi for coordinating the event, and Harbor SAR Chapter members, Kevin Bidenkap, James Gill and James Bunker for their duties as Masters of Ceremonies for the Luncheons and Dinner. 

The meeting began on Thursday evening as we hosted the officers and guests from the National SAR for dinner on the Queen Mary. We appreciate many of the national officers attending our meeting so our Compatriots can meet them. The national officers were led by President General John Dodd, a former CASSAR President and Chancellor.

In addition to our exciting business sessions on Friday and Saturday, we had memorable luncheons with Public Service honorees on Friday, and Youth Education Program representatives on Saturday. The Public Service awards included the SAR Life Saving Medal for Edward "Nick" Macko, a Los Angeles County Lifeguard who rescued a man caught in rising waters in a shoreline cave. We awarded the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal to Officer Martin Wysoki of the Long Beach Police Department for his exemplary service in the line of duty. Also, we awarded the Silver Good Citizenship Medal to Judge John David "JD" Lord of the Los Angeles County Superior Court for his outstanding service to our country as a Judge, a Deputy District Attorney, a Public Defender, a Deputy Los Angeles County Sheriff, and as a U.S. Marine during the Vietnam War. On Friday evening, we enjoyed a relaxing dinner cruise in Long Beach Harbor. 

At our Saturday luncheon, we were honored to have as our speaker, Janey Moffitt, the recipient of the CASSAR Valley Forge Teacher contest award for 2023. She presented a summary of her trip to Valley Forge and the key sites of the American Revolution, and how she uses that experience to inform and motivate her 4th Grade students to learn about the American Revolution. Her class also participated in the SAR Elementary School Poster Contest.

On Saturday evening, we held our formal banquet with Queen Mary Commodore Everett Howard as our speaker. He gave an informative talk on the History of the Queen Mary from her launch in 1936 as a cruise ship to a troop transport in World War II and then as a museum for the past 56 years in Long Beach Harbor. We presented awards to the President of the California State Society of the Children of the American Revolution, Sophia Kaufman, who attended with her mother, Kristin Kaufman, and California State Society CAR Senior President, Sue Fitzpatrick. Members of the Harbor SAR Chapter were given awards for their work in hosting the Board of Managers Meeting, and members of the Orange County SAR Chapter were given their delayed awards for hosting the Annual Meeting in April. The CASSAR Ladies Auxiliary also contributed to the evening by holding their auction to raise funds for the CASSAR activities.

Thanks to all who attended the meeting, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, CA in April for our 149th Annual Meeting.

Thank you for your service to SAR,

Jim Klingler, President

Welcome Aboard!!!

The Queen Mary at her Berth, Long Beach

Read more

Views from inside the Queen Mary

A-Deck Rooms A101-A185, Double Queen Sleeping Room, Starboard Port Hole view

Thank you to the National Society Sons of the American Revolution officers

and candidates who attended the 149th CASSAR Board of Managers Meeting

National Officers

President General John L Dodd, Esq.

Joseph Dooley President General 2013-2014

Dr. Darryl Addington, Secretary General

Michael Elston, Treasurer General

Edmon H. McKinley, Esq., Chancellor General

Allen Greenly, Registrar General

T. Brooks Lyles, Jr., Historian General

Dr. J. Fred Olive III, Librarian General

Rob Moore, Vice President General Western District

Derek Brown, Vice President General International District

Jim Klingler, National Trustee

Distinguished Guests

Lee Popham, SAR Foundation Board President

Brian Stephens, Secretary Western District

Dr. M. Kent Gregory, Chairman, SAR Museum Board

Dr. Keith A. Weissinger, MD, Surgeon General

Daniel McKelvie, SAR Foundation Board Vice President

Sue Fitzpatrick, CAR Senior California State President

Sophia Kaufman, President California State Society CAR

Ladies Auxiliary

California Society Sons of the American Revolution

Janet Brown, President

Kelly Villardi, 1st Vice President

Karen Carlson, 2nd Vice President

Karen Dodd, Treasurer & Parliamentarian

Mary Ann Littlefield, Historian

Friday Public Service Award Luncheon

Edward “Nick” Macko, a Los Angeles County Lifeguard, receives the SAR Life Saving Medal for rescuing a man caught in rising waters in a shoreline cave.

Officer Martin Wysoki of the Long Beach Police Department receives the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal to for his exemplary service in the line of duty.

Judge John David “JD” Lord of the Los Angeles County Superior Court

receives the SAR Silver Good Citizenship Medal.

CASSAR Color Guard Commander Brandon Villardi (left) and past

National Color Guard Commander Brooks Lyle (right) present

the Von Steuben Medal for Sustained Achievement in the NSSAR Color Guard to

CASSAR President Jim Klingler and CASSAR Vice President South John Ferris

Past National Color Guard Commander Brooks Lyle (left) presents

the Von Steuben Medal for Sustained Achievement in the NSSAR Color Guard to

Harbor Chapter Compatriot James Gill (right)

Friday Evening Harbor Cruise

Attendees enjoying a relaxing dinner cruise in Long Beach Harbor. 

Saturday Youth Education Luncheon

Jim Klingler and Dave Gilliard present Janey Moffitt with a Certificate of Appreciation

Janey was the recipient of the CASSAR Valley Forge Teacher contest award for 2023.

Saturday Gala Banquet

Queen Mary Commodore Everett Howard receives our Certificate of Appreciation

for being the speaker at the CASSAR Gala Banquet

Sophia Kaufman (left), President of the California State Society of the Children of the American Revolution, accompanied by California State Society CAR Senior President,

Sue Fitzpatrick (right), receives a $250 check and certificate from the CASSAR President Jim Klingler for winning the Eleanor Smallwood Niebell Award for the best CAR Newsletter.

Members of the Harbor SAR Chapter were presented awards

for their efforts in hosting the 148th CASSAR Board of Managers Meeting

(L-R) Jim Klingler, James Bunker, Brandon Villardi, Kelly Villardi, Kent Gregory, James Bellows, Jim Olds, Kevin Bidenkap, and James Gill

Certificate of Appreciation recipients from Orange County

for their efforts in hosting the 148th CASSAR Annual Meeting this past April in Costa Mesa

(L-R) Lidia Klingler, Dan McKelvie, Karen McKelvie, Liz Ferris,

John Ferris, Mike Miller, Kent Gregory, Karen Carlson

Distinguished Service Award recipients PG John Dodd, Lou Carlson for their

assistance with the 148th CASSAR Annual Meeting held in Costa Mesa this past April.

Lidia Klingler received the Martha Washington Medal in grateful recognition

of her outstanding service to her husband and CASSAR President Jim Klingler

Ladies Auxiliary California Society Sons of the American Revolution

Janet Brown (far left), President of the Ladies Auxiliary CASSAR presented gifts

to Karen Carlson, Lisa Gregory and Karen McKelvie for their years of support

SAR Museum Gift

Kelly and Brandon Villardi with the

Revolutionary War Dutch Hanger Sword

they gifted to the SAR Museum

Museum Board

Dr. M. Kent Gregory, Chair of the SAR Museum Board accepts the

Revolutionary War Dutch Hanger Sword gifted by Kelly and Brandon Villardi

Standing to the right of Kent Gregory are Museum Board Members

T. Brooks Lyles, Jr., Edmon H. McKinley, Esq., J. Fred Olive, and Rob Moore


CASSAR Chaplain Scott Elliott (center) delivers the benediction as

James Bunker, Emcee for the Gala Banquet looks on from the podium.

149th CASSAR Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Burlingame

April 26 & 27, 2024

Hyatt Regency Hotel Group Reservations

$158 / night


SAR Education Center and Museum Video

SAR YouTube Channel

Revolutionary War Rarities | Facebook

Revolutionary War Rarities | YouTube

Upcoming Events

  • December 16, 2023 Wreaths Across America
  • December 16, 2023 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party
  • February 18, 2024 Massing of the Colors
  • February 20, 2024 George Washington's Birthday
  • April 19, 2024 250th Anniversary Lexington and Concord
  • April 26-27, 2024 CASSAR Annual Meeting, Burlingame
SAR Websites


SAR Foundation

SAR Western District

California Society SAR

SAR Dues and Transaction Fees

California Society Officers


James Klingler

Executive Vice President

Donald B. Littlefield


Vice President South

John Ferris

Vice President North

Randy Dhindsa

Vice President Membership

Scott Whitman


Christopher Cerillo


Kevin Bidenkap


Terry L. Briggs


Michael R. Hirman, Esq.


David Morrow


M. Scott Brooks


Rev. Scott Elliott


Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Investment Fund Trustee


John L. Dodd, Esq.

Investment Fund Trustee


Dr. M. Kent Gregory

Investment Fund Trustee


Stephen R. Renouf

Past President

D. Craig Anderson   

National Trustee

James Klingler

Alternate National Trustee

Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

From the Editor's Desk

CALL FOR ARTICLES — December 20, 2023 Deadline

Please send news of events and high resolution digital photos to

Don Littlefield at


All photos or or other materials that show or name any

minor under the age of 18

must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.

Click here to download the Release Form

The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.

Editor: Donald B Littlefield