Daily Lenten Offering

‘Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:10

Jesus, I wish to be righteous, but I do not wish to be persecuted. Grant me the courage to hold fast to your Way, even when it means disappointing those I love. Be with me so I am not so easily tempted to betray my own integrity (both moral and structural) just to please others. Amen.


“Differentiation of self is a construct that refers to a personal level of

maturity capable of balancing thoughts with feelings, and connection with

independence in relationships.” (David Hooper) “Self-differentiation is the capacity to be an ‘I’ while remaining connected.” (Ed Friedman) “The ability to remain connected in relationship to significant people in our lives and yet not have our reactions and behavior determined by them.” (Jim Herrington & Trisha Taylor) “The ability to state clearly our position without suggesting that others need to have the same position.” (Paul Boers)

In order for me to be me, we must be separate and connected, so that you may also be you. Jesus modeled self-differentiated leadership. He was responsible for his own destiny and resisted getting swept up in the anger and anxiety of those around him. 

The African concept of Ubuntu states “I am I because you are you” and/or “I am I because we all are.” The Hindu greeting of Namaste means “the sacred in me recognizes the sacred in you.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus often said: “You have heard it said… but I say to you.” Each moment depends on recognizing the sacred space between individuals, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.


Each week, we suggest to you a short moment of pause and prayer before you leave the house, or maybe even just when you get out of bed. 

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Jesus and Differentiation of Self in the New Testament Gospels,” Robert Creech

Self-Differentiation and the Christian Leader,” Peter Dobson