Membership Meeting at Sportsmen's Chalet - Tuesday, January 14
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St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
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President’s Message
I hope everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas and has a Happy New Year celebration. It is always nice to have a white Christmas.
We are ready to open the trails as soon as we get enough snow to begin grooming them. The trails have been inspected and are ready to go. The groomers continue to pan the trails to further build up the base. As soon as we get 6” – 8” of good snow, we can switch from panning to grooming and then open the trails. As soon as that happens, we will post the opening date on our Facebook page and website. Please consider participating in our (new) Trail Ambassador Program; details and contact information appear later in this newsletter.
Thank you to Shelby Szott, Roxanne Platz, and Ed Siergiej for organizing our Christmas party at the Whitetail Inn. Thank you to all who participated in our annual Christmas fundraiser for the Vilas Food Pantry. From cash donations, a 50/50 raffle, and the matching by a Secret Santa and his helper, $2,430 in cash plus ten boxes of food were delivered to the Vilas Food Pantry by Bob and Judy Schell.
Thank you to Sue Slominski from Slo’s Pub for the donation of $840 from the Northwoods Snowmobile Challenge; and to the other participants - Sisters Saloon, Thunderbird, Sayner Pub, and Shamrock Pub.
I am again asking you to consider volunteering for one of our elected positions. Your Club needs your input, ideas, and participation to be successful. If you have any questions, please contact me or the Nominating Committee Chairperson, Ozzie Ausloos.
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events: the Membership Meeting at Sportsmen’s Chalet on January 14th, the Ride with the Cup on January 17th, our Trailside Cookout on the Highline Trail by Arrowhead Groomers on January 18th, and the Groomer Show on February 5th and 6th.
Did you know that our annual cash raffle is one of our largest fundraisers each year? With many of our fundraising events being weather-dependent, we rely on our annual raffle to get us through the year. Please consider supporting your Club by purchasing a ticket or two. Details on where to obtain tickets can be found later in this newsletter, or on our website.
We are grateful for your membership, support, and volunteering to make the St. Germain Bo-Boen trails World Class.
Roger Klein, President
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The Whitetail Inn provided a festive setting for our holiday party.
Angela and the entire staff were amazing.
Thank you so much for your incredible hospitality!
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January Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th
Sportsmen's Chalet
Doors Open: 5:45 pm**
Cocktails: 6 pm
Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm
Dinner: 7 pm
Menu Selection
- Tenderloin Tips over egg noodles
- Stuffed Cornish Hen with wild rice
- Stuffed Broiled Haddock with imitation crab meat & baked potato
All dinners are $30, and include salad, roll, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip.
Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Sportsmen's Chalet.
Please RSVP by Saturday, January 11 using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614-2240.
If you don't receive an email confirmation, we likely did not receive your reservation, so please call or email Shelby at upnorthconnections@gmail.com.
**As a reminder, doors don't open until 5:45; please don't arrive before then as the restaurant staff is still setting tables etc. in preparation for the night. Thank you!
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Know Before You Go!
TRAIL RE-ROUTE: Due to property development, Bo-Boen Trail #18 (BB 18) had to be re-routed. The Trail behind Mar-Li’s is now closed and has been re-routed to cross Highway 155 just east of P-Dog’s Snowmobile Rentals (Pit Stop #49). Mar-Li’s (Pit Stop #43) is still accessible from BB 18. Please follow the trail signage for safe passage through this area.
| TRAIL RE-ROUTE: To best respect the Veteran’s Memorial and eliminate a dangerous highway crossing, the spur trail to Subway has been re-routed. Snowmobilers will now access Bo-Boen Trail #02 (BB 02) from Corridor 15, cross the Community Center parking lot, go around the outer edge of the old baseball field then head east on School Road, crossing Hwy 155 into the Subway parking lot (Pit Stop #17). Please follow the trail signage for safe passage through this area. | NEW TRAIL: The Snowmobile Route along Gravel Pit Road leading to the Vilas County Gravel Pit has been moved to a new Trail Corridor 15 to avoid increased vehicle traffic and provide for safer passage between TIN #294 and TIN #283. The new trail, which runs parallel to the route, was a joint effort among the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club, St Germain ATV Club, the Town of St Germain, and Vilas County. Snowmobiling in the Vilas County Gravel Pit area is prohibited. Please obey the directional signage posted along the new trail. | TRAIL CLOSURE: There is a section of Bo-Boen Trail #7 (BB 7) CLOSED between TIN #287 and TIN #288. This trail is known to some as the Goat Trail. The trail was CLOSED due to numerous trespassing issues and is no longer shown on the printed and most online trail maps. Please obey the TRAIL CLOSED signage. Below are two suggested alternate routes to Eagle River. A re-route is being worked on for the 2025-26 season. | | | |
NEWS FLASH (Flashing Lights)
I’ve learned a lot since we moved up here four years ago and got involved with the Club. Remember back in the ‘70s and ‘80s when every resort, supper club and tavern on a lake had a flashing light so you could make your way across the lake after dark?
Take a look at our trail map. The cool thing about the Bo-Boen trail system is you don’t have to cross lakes if you’re uncomfortable with that. However, we have many trails that lead to lakes to access and support map sponsors. They all have some sort of lighting so you can see them from the lake. You will also find some lake-access locations where there isn’t an active business. That’s where you will see flashing lights for your navigation assistance. Did you know that trails that cross the lakes are not Club or County sanctioned trails? They are marked by businesses who support the sport and welcome your patronage, so stop in and say Thank You!
Think snow!
John Lindberg, Sign Master
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Hear from our experienced drivers on meeting the groomer on the trail;
The do’s, don'ts, and most importantly, the why’s!
Trail groomers ALWAYS have the right of way. It is the snowmobiler’s responsibility to get out of the path quickly and safely.
Depending on the setup, the Tucker with the Arrowhead drag weighs about 45,000 lbs. My length is 45 feet and width is 9.5 feet. It's going to be very difficult to pass on a narrow trail. What should YOU do?
First of all, as soon as I see you, I begin looking for a passing solution. If you are behind me, keep following me and get your group together. Stay behind me so I know you plan to pass. If I lose sight of you, I may think you turned around. As soon as I see a suitable spot, I will stop. I know the trail very well and may need to drive a mile to locate a good spot. Usually, I find a spot within a few hundred feet. Do NOT pass me while I am moving.
When I am ready for you to pass, I may dim or flash my lights. I will turn on my cab light so you can see me. My rig will go into neutral.
Why can’t I pull off the trail? There are hidden objects like stumps just below the snow and my machine will find them. I will move over as much as possible. After I stop, slowly move around me. You may have to ride in deep snow. You can do it! Take your time; I'm not in a rush.
If you approach me from the front, I don't have the luxury of looking for the greatest spot. If one presents, I will stop, and you can go around. When you see me, stop immediately so I have more distance to look for a passing lane. Don't pull off the trail, I cannot pass you. You may have to turn around and go back to an intersection or wider spot.
Why can't I pass you? My machine and drag can throw rocks, ice, and even big branches. More importantly, the drag can unexpectedly slide sideways. You don’t want to be pinched between the drag and a snow bank; at 45,000 lbs versus your sled’s 500 lbs, the drag will win every time. If you decide that that is the ONLY way for us to pass, you must be far enough from me where I think it's safe (more than 10 feet). I can back up but it's rather difficult. Look at any boat ramp in the summer and try to imagine doing it in the snow, dark and with trees everywhere.
Once past the groomer, if you find a ribbon of freshly groomed trail, slow down and minimize your impact. It takes time for the fresh-groomed snow to set-up and become firm. Do not spin your track. Do not lock up your track. Accelerate slowly. Brake gently.
Finally, do not ride right down the middle of the trail as that creates a trench, please keep to the right side of the trail.
If you see any branches hanging over the trail, we would appreciate it if you can break and move them. It's difficult to get out and take care of these obstacles in the middle of the night.
Give me a wave or a thumbs up as you go by. It makes my job worth it!
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Bo-Boen Trail Ambassador Program
The Bo-Boen Trail Ambassador Program is intended to create positive visibility for the Club while providing navigation assistance and club information to snowmobile riders on our extensive network of trails.
- Volunteer: teams of two Club members
- No set schedule: Friday thru Sunday and Monday holidays
- Volunteers wear safety vests, carry trail maps and club information
- Ride Bo-Boen (funded) trails: park at busy trail intersections
- NO enforcement: call 911 if necessary
- Fill out brief report when finished
If interested, please contact:
~ John Lindberg, Sign Master
847-682-9110 | jlindbergss25@gmail.com
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Food Pantry Collection
Another Great Success!
| Presenting a $2,430 check and ten boxes of nonperishable food items to the Vilas Food Pantry are (l-r) club members Bob and Judy Schell; accepting the funds are Sandy Weber, Director of the Vilas County Food Pantry, and Gene Weber. Half of the funds were raised at the club's annual Christmas party by a combination of member donations and a 50/50 raffle. The other half was from matching funds from a Secret Santa. This is the fourth year the snowmobile club and a Secret Santa have made a joint donation to the Food Pantry. Thank you to all who donated! | | | |
From The Trail Boss
Hi everyone,
The only thing to say is: LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!!
Fred Suchy
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The Apple Dumpling Gang
Without snow, we have nothing to plan or report.
Wayne Ax, Leader of the Gang
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Boo-BBB's Update
The Boo-BBB’s are a group of women snowmobilers who meet at the groomer barn on Wednesdays when the trails are open. We leave at 9:00 AM and ride to a lunch destination. We usually return between 2:30 and 3:30 PM. Janelle will send out an email a couple days before the ride to let you know the plan. If you are not on the email list please let Peggy Ausloos (peggy2090@gmail.com) or Janelle Ewen (ejewen1823@gmail.com) know your address and we will make sure you get notified.
Our overnight trip is planned for February 12 & 13. We will be staying at the Great Northern Hotel in Mercer, Wisconsin. A block of eight rooms has been reserved under the name Saint Germain Ladies. The rates are $129 for a roadside room or $139 for a lakeside room; they are very large rooms with two queen beds. If you are interested in joining us, you will need to call the Great Northern Hotel at 715-476-2440 and reserve one of the rooms under your name. There is a $25 booking fee. Please let Janelle know if you have booked a room so we make sure we have enough rooms for everyone.
Think SNOW!!
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Thank you to all who came in support of our Groomer Barn Open House and Chili Fundraiser. We had an excellent turnout and made sure that no one left hungry! Thanks to our generous supporters, we were able to add approximately $650 to our maintenance funds.
Special thanks to our volunteer cooks and bakers, the groomer and maintenance team, Knocker's Pizza Company, Inc., St. Germain Chamber of Commerce, Fresh Picked Flours, Camp's Fresh Market, and everyone else that lent a hand.
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WJFW: Snowmobile Trail Network to Boost Economy
Club President Roger Klein was recently interviewed by WJFW on the importance of snowmobiling to Saint Germain's economy. Click here to watch now if you missed it!
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Saturday, January 18, 2025
Come by snowmobile or car!
The Bo-Boen Club will be hosting a brat and hot dog cook out on Saturday, January 18 at Hamblen Equipment, home of the Arrowhead Groomer. Food and beverages will be served from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You can come by snowmobile and reach the parking area off of the Highline Trail (70A, Corridor 15), or come by car and park in the lot at 6349 Hwy 70, Saint Germain. Food will be served in the new building toward the trail. Our groomer and Arrowhead drag will be on display. All proceeds benefit our trail grooming and equipment maintenance. We hope to see you there!
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We have almost 1,200 club members. Our cash raffle has a limit of 250 tickets, of which 44 have been sold. Please support your club and purchase a ticket or two. New this year - winning tickets will be re-entered for the remaining drawings!
Out-of-towners can contact Francine at rottiemom59@msn.com to find out how to purchase tickets, or to reserve tickets to purchase when you are in town. Tickets can also be purchased at the following map sponsors:
Bauer’s Dam
Clearview Supper Club
Fibber’s Bar & Restaurant
Knocker’s Pizza Co.
Mar-Li’s Bar
Premier Powersports & Marine
Rock’s Rent-All
Rustic Manor Motor Lodge
Sister’s Saloon
Sportsmen's Chalet
St. Germain Sport Marine
St. Germain Rentals/Service
The Timbers Bar & Grill
19th Hole Sports Bar and Grill
Thank you for your support!
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Sunshine Report
Sympathy cards were sent to Val & Jim Rybarczyk on the passing of Val's father, and to the family of Jeff Hahn (Hahn Printing). Get Well wishes were sent to Sue Suchy who was recovering from surgery, Terry and Gina Bures who were in a car accident, and Dianne Dieter. A Thinking of You card was sent to Cheryl Domenico.
Please contact Judy Schell at judithschell@hotmail.com or (715) 542-2321 when you have information on births, members who are ill or hospitalized, or in need of a bit of cheer, sympathy, or encouragement.
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Mark Your Calendars
January 7 - Board Meeting
January 14 - Membership Meeting at Sportsmen's Chalet
January 17 - Ride with the Cup
January 18 - Trailside Cookout (see flyer in this newsletter for details)
February 4 - Board Meeting
February 5-6 - Arrowhead Groomer Show (see flyer in this newsletter for details)
February 11 - Membership Meeting at Sayner Pub
February 15 - Scavenger Hunt/Family Fun Day & Membership Meeting
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