This Week at

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

office: 706.628.7272

Sunday, April 14

The Third Sunday of Easter

10:00 a.m.

Litany of the Word

Join us in person or online!

Readings for Sunday:

New Adult Forum Series in April

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Led by David Johnson: Using the Day By Day booklets as a guide we will discuss the readings, and take a deeper dive into the meaning and biblical passages from which they are drawn.

Each person will be asked to be responsible for one reading per week.

Evening Prayer

Wednesday, April 17

5:00 p.m.

In the Parish

When God Closes a Door...

... He doesn't do it here at St. Nicholas - we do!

If you are the last person to leave the church, please be sure the doors near the office are completely closed - give them a good pull from the inside and a good push from the outside. If the sensors don't fully connect, the alarm will go off later.

Church Work Day SATURDAY

Let's get our grounds looking spiffy for spring!

Saturday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to noon, our intrepid Building & Grounds team (i.e., Gus) will be at the church making it ready for its close-up.

As Mama always said: Many hands make light work. Come enjoy the beauty of our little church in the springtime - and bring your work gloves, yard tools, floppy hat, bug spray, and a sunny smile!

Get Ready for Bluegrass Sunday!

It’s almost time for some toe-tappin’, hand-clappin’ gospel music played by Heaven’s Harvest Bluegrass Band! You won’t want to miss this annual musical treat on Sunday, May 5 at 10 a.m.! In addition to enjoying a service with great bluegrass music, we’ll have lunch on the grounds following the service. St. Nicholas will provide chicken. Please bring a side dish to add to the spread! (Sign-up sheet in the narthex.)

The Introvert's Path to Serving the Church

Have you thought you might like to contribute to Sunday services but cringe at the idea of putting on an alb and standing up in front of people? Do you like playing with electronics? Then Virtual Ministry may be for you!

The Virtual Ministers ensure our service is streamed on Facebook every Sunday with good quality camera and audio. Of course, we'll train you.

Contact the office to express interest.

Sunday Treats!

Parish Life kicked off post-service Fellowship time on Easter Sunday with cookies and lemonade. We'd like to continue this tradition on Sundays when other events aren’t already scheduled, to give us a few minutes after the service to just enjoy each other's company. Treats will be set up outside the church on nice days, and in the narthex when the weather is dreary.

If you'd like to bring the treats one Sunday (something very simple - Oreos or doughnut holes or an easy home-made goodie), a sign-up sheet is in the narthex.

Childcare Provider Wanted

We are currently seeking a responsible adult to provide childcare in the nursery during Sunday Services and the occasional special event. This is a paid position, and there are training requirements.

Contact the church office to express interest and receive the job description.

Celebrating Our Graduates

We will be recognizing and celebrating our graduates on Sunday, May 19, during the service and after in our fellowship time. Please contact the office if you know of a student in our congregation - high school, college, other other - who should be recognized.

Prayer Requests

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster. We pray for peace for the people of Israel and the Palestinians.


Please send all prayer requests to

In Our Greater Community

Concert at Historic Zion Church

Wendy Warner, cellist and Schwob School's Leah D. Hamer Distinguished Faculty Chair, and her students will perform on Saturday, April 13th at 4:00 pm. The event includes a reception immediately following in the Straus-Levert Memorial Hall.

Seating is limited, so purchase tickets soon. Tickets are $25; click here to register.

GIPL is publicizing quite a few events planned by different congregations for Earth Month, including meditations, film screenings, and book readings. Click here for more information.

FOCUS is in need of canned goods. If you have any to spare, see the collection time below.

Click the document above for full information and application.

The Cathedral Bookstore in Atlanta is offering registration for this event, both in-person and virtually.

Click here to register for the virtual event.

Click here to purchase the book.

In the Wider Church

Apply now for Episcopal Church 2024-2025

educational scholarships 


Applications are being accepted for a wide variety of educational scholarships from The Episcopal Church for the 2024-2025 academic year. The deadline to apply online is April 15. All applicants must be Episcopalian.

The scholarships—derived from annual income of more than 45 trust funds established through bequests to The Episcopal Church—range from assistance for children of missionaries, bishops and clergy to individuals seeking theological education and training. The maximum award is $10,000 per student.

For the 2023-24 year, 131 educational scholarships were awarded—from 186 applications received—for $390,216 to students from 51 dioceses and overseas Anglican partners.

At least nine of the scholarships are designated for Native American youth; others are specific to Black, Asian American, Chinese, and Hispanic students, as well as seminarians, among other listings. Applicants are encouraged to read the scholarship trust fund list and identify in their application those funds that best fit their situation.

Only complete applications will be considered. All applicants must have the endorsement of their Episcopal bishop.

Applications are reviewed by a scholarship committee composed of representatives from the Episcopal Church Executive Council, the church-at-large, the Treasurer’s Office, and various other Episcopal Church ministries.

For more information, contact Ann Hercules, associate for grants and scholarships.

News from The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs. Click on the image or click here to read.

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