Children, Youth and Family Newsletter March 2024

As we enter into 2024, things are really starting to solidify here in the world of Children, Youth and Family Ministry. After trying a new schedule and taking some time to evaluate and revamp - we are going to keep with the schedule we have been following.


Here is what is going on in the month of MARCH: Details for these events can be found below

  • March 03: Childrens Ministry
  • March 06: Lent Worship and Mentoring
  • March 10: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry
  • March 13: Lent Worship and Mentoring
  • March 17: Childrens Ministry
  • March 20: Lent Worship and Mentoring
  • March 24: Childrens Ministry Palm Sunday Party, Communion Milestone Class AND High School Ministry
  • March 27: Communion Milestone (MAKE UP CLASS)
  • March 28: Communion Milestone
  • March 29: Good Friday Family Immersion Event
  • March 31: Easter Sunday


Childrens Ministry (Birth-5th Grade) meets during worship. We will leave after the Childrens Message and return to worship after the Sermon. We will continue to follow the lectionary text, so your young people will be hearing and digging into the same text that is being preached on. We will also be bringing music BACK and plan to sing in Church for more than just the Christmas program and Palm Sunday.

SPECIAL NOTE: We will be singing in Church on Sunday, March 24th for Palm Sunday and there will be NO in person on Sunday, March 31st due to Easter.


Please take a moment to fill out the REGISTRATION LINK This will help me better support you, your children and their activities outside of Prince of Peace, as well as understand how I can best serve them here at Prince of Peace. The 23-24 fee for Children's Ministry is $40 and can be paid by cash or check


MIddle School Ministry (6th-8th Grade) meets on Wednesday nights in a combination of Large Group/Small Group lessons and discussion times. Our time together will be spent digging into the scripture text from the previous Sunday so that we can work towards applying scripture to our daily lives. We will also incorporate Service Events, Fellowship Events and Worship Components into our Wednesday evenings. Traditional Confirmation elements, such as learning the 10 Commandments, Lords Prayer, etc will be presented in retreat or class form and will be communicated ahead of time. Our Wednesday for Lent is this:

6:30 - 7:15 - LENT Worship 7:15 - 8:00 - Mentoring Discussions

SPECIAL NOTE: There is NO Lent Worship on Wednesday, March 27th due to Holy Week


Please take a minute to fill out the REGISTRATION LINK will help me better support you, your children and their activities outside of Prince of Peace, as well as understand how I can best serve them here at Prince of Peace. The 23-24 fee for Middle School Ministry is $40


High School Ministry will meet two Sundays a month (FOR NOW) for High School Hangout from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Church will be open and available for whatever your high schooler needs it to be. There will be a quiet place to study (YOUTH ROOM), a space to relieve some stress (CLC) a place to do Group Projects (Welcome Center) and a place to simply be. Katie will be here to talk if you need it, and will have devotionals ready to go that will correlate with that Sundays scripture.

SPECIAL NOTE: Even though both of our Sunday gatherings have potential to be lower attendance due to Spring Breaks, Miss Katie will still be here on March 10th and 24th.


While High School Ministry does not have as much "structure" as our other areas, we would still appreciate your help in gathering information about your child. This information will help us better serve them when they are here, but will also allow us to meet them where they are when they are NOT at Church. While there is no official "FEE" for High School Ministry (with the exception of paying for individual events as needed) free will donations are always accepted as well as snacks for a "snack corner". REGISTRATION LINK


All Middle School students, whether you have been participating on Wednesday nights or not, are welcome to join us for our Lenten Mentoring. Mentoring will take place on Wednesday nights AFTER our 6:30 PM Worship. Each week will be a different set of questions and activities that go along with what the theme was for Worship on that night. We highly enoucrage mentoring to happen IN PERSON at Prince of Peace since we feel as though Worship is an important lead in to the conversations.


While SOME Summer Plans are still in the process of being worked out, WAPO and Summer Day Camp are planned and READY! For our Summer Day Camp ONLINE CATALOG, click HERE


For anyone looking to raise money for their Summer Ministry opportunitiies - the Plant Sale is HERE! Plant Sale Packets will be available by Wednesday, February 28th and will be due back to Church absolutely NO LATER than Sunday, March 31st.

Plants will be delivered on Mothers Day Weekend.


We are kicking off Holy Week with a PALM SUNDAY Party and we are going to start the fun by singing in Church. We will be singing Hosanna Rock before our Kids Time and then heading to Childrens Ministry. During our time in Childrens Ministry we wil hear and celebrate the story of Palm Sunday (complete with Ice Cream sundaes)


5th Graders (and any 6th-8th grader who has not yet participated in the Communion Milestone) are invited to join us for this two part Milestone.

The discussion class will be on Sunday, March 24th after the 9:30 Service. Pastor Chad will lead the discussion as we learn about Communion: Why we do it, what does it mean, and much more. We will end the discussion with the participants decorating their Communion Stoles. We then invite those young people to join us on Thursday, March 28th for our Maundy Thursday service where they will partake in Communion and the stripping of the Altar. We will then have a small reception for all participants and their families. For planning purposes, please fill out this Logistical Survey


The story of Good Friday is not always an easy one to hear, especially for some of our younger ears. However, the story of Good Friday is OH SO important to the full Easter Story - all of Holy Week is.

Join us on Friday morning, March 29th @ 10 AM as we walk through Holy Week. There will be interactive stations that allow you to embrace the story of Holy Week through the eyes of your young people. We will end our morning with a small worship service and light lunch. While this event is geared towards children ages 5th grade and younger, all CYF families are invited to participate. For planning purposes, please fill out THIS SURVEY


Join us March 24th-31st as we journey through Jesus' journey from Palm Sunday - Easter Sunday. Activity Bulletins will be available at ALL Services except for Palm Sunday (because we will have Childrens Ministry that morning)

  • March 24th @ 9:30: Palm Sunday Worship with Palm Processional
  • March 28th @ 7:00: Maundy Thursday Worship (with Communion)
  • March 29th @ 10am: Good Friday Family Experience
  • March 29th @ 7:00: Good Friday Worship
  • March 31st @ 9:30: Easter Sunday Worship (with Communion)


Here what is coming in APRIL: Mark your calendars now and keep your eyes open for more information as it is released

April 03: Middle School Ministry Spring Term WEEK 1

April 07: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry

April 10: Middle School Ministry Spring Term WEEK 2

April 13: Childrens Ministry Parents Day Out

April 14: Childrens Ministry AND Children and Prayer Milestone

April 17: Middle School Ministry Spring Term WEEK 3

April 19: Middle School Game Night

April 21: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry

April 24: Middle School Ministry End of the Year PARTAY!

April 28: Childrens Ministry

TBD: High School Ministry Event

Upcoming Church Wide Events

  • Please join us during LENT for our Wednesday Worships. Our services will be at 6:30 PM and the services will be a mix of music, scripture, and words from our members. Our theme this year will center around the idea of WHOLENESS
  • Join us for our Holy Week Worship services as they are listed above in this newsletter
  • If you would like to help us build our Easter Garden, please contact the Church office or fill out a form on Sunday Morning/Wednesday Night
  • Wednesday night, March 20th we will be having our ANNUAL "Fill the Truck" Event for CEAP.


Prince of Peace is currently in the process of updating their online giving platform to allow easier access. This is also allowing up to have an online payment option.

In case you did NOT receive it, HERE is a blast that was recently sent out that gives more detail on how to set up your new account, as well as cancelling your previous account (if you had one through VANCO).