Celebrating the Journey
May 2024 Newsflash
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Events & Classes
Missions, Ministries & More
Report From the Fox Valley Association Meeting
April 13, 2024

The Fox Valley Association Spring Meeting was hosted by Christ Tamil Church of Downers Grove, a newer congregation that began worshipping in their own church home this January after meeting in different locations over the past 9 years. Worship was led by Rev. Selena Blackwell, the Moderator of our association, and included hymns in both Tamil and English. In addition to a delicious lunch of Indian cuisine, we learned about the Tamil culture and their journey immigrating to the United States.
I attended a breakout session about Exodus World Service, an organization that educates churches and individuals about the plight of refugees and connects refugees with volunteers committed to collecting and delivering essential supplies to people who have finished the years-long process to come to the US. I learned that aside from providing supplies, there are many other opportunities to be a good neighbor to refugees, such as visiting with them or helping them prepare for citizenship. Exodus World Service also has a sponsorship program, which I hope to present to the Ministry of Missions so they can evaluate our congregation’s interest in participating. 
I always find the knowledge and friendships I gain at these meetings to be very rewarding. I encourage anyone who is curious to attend the Annual Fall Meeting, which will encompass the entire Illinois Conference, in Western Springs November 1-2.    
-Nancy Kneip
Save the Date
Juice boxes
Granola bars
Fruit cups
Fruit roll-ups
Applesauce cups
Baked beans
Chips/ pretzels
Trail mix/ nuts
Fruit bars
Dried meat/beef jerky
Peanut butter
Jam or jellies
Electrolyte drinks
Drink mixes/lemonade
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Stay Connected
Thank you from the Maicke Family
Dear Church Family,

Our family would like to thank everyone for their stories and words of comfort with the passing of our mom Betty Maicke. We heard stories of our mom that we never had heard before and they were of comfort during this time. We’d like to thank everyone who brought desserts. We heard several comments about how good they were and that there were so many to choose from. A special thank you to Janet Aggen and all of the people who volunteered to set-up, serve, and clean-up after our luncheon. We could not have done it without you. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful church family.
- Jean Hertel & Bill Maicke
April Venzon
Cory Kirkpatrick
Diane Scheske
Nancy Blackman
JoAnn Schindler
Barb Erion
Sandra Lindgren
Katelyn O'Laughlin
Jennifer Jazwinski
Bruce Thorne
Eric Hertel
Abigail Kapusinski
Scott Kapusinski
Wendy O'Laughlin
Benjamin Sprouse
Tucker Tarosas
Stephanie Twarling
Ryan Tarosas
Andrew Sprouse
Michael Szekely
Carol Haug
Bev Tipps
Joan Ryckman
Thank you to the following people for their memorial contributions:
Honoring Betty Maicke
Barb & Jim Erion, Karen & Steve Guenther
Honoring Dede Gray
June Casterton, Brian Cope, The Ebner Family, Barb & Jim Erion, Karen & Steve Guenther, Kris Hall, Brian & Carla Knapp, Lori Martens, Michelle & Tony Tarosas, Martha Wallace, Deborah & Walter Wolf
Honoring Rita Whitney
June Casterton, Brian Cope
Office Hours
Regular office hours are
Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm
Lynn & Russ Brown
Donna & Ed Church
Undergoing hospital, rehabilitation, or home recovery
Ed Church
Fred Ekstrom
Kathy Hadler
Pat Hemmingsen
Jeff Jolitz
Norm Jolitz
Janet Kelley
Pat Kramer
Joan Ryckman
Don Schmidt
Judy Stauffer
Rick Stauffer

If you would like someone's address to send a card, please contact the Church Office.
Fred & Nancy Ekstrom
Gary Gray
Pat Hemmingsen
Ron Martens
Bobbie Reed
Val Williams
Stream Worship Services