February 28 - 19 Adar 1
Was dedicated by
The Nussbaum and Younger families
in memory of
our beloved Brad Nussbaum
Barak Nachman ben Raphael z"l
beloved son of Avrille and Ralph z”l Nussbaum,
brother of Brett Nussbaum, Martin and Caitlin Nussbaum,
and Stacey and David Younger,
late husband of Susie,
father of Hannah (JKHA '16/RKYHS '20),
Rebecca (JKHA ‘17/RKYHS ‘21),
Nathan and Liora Nussbaum,
and uncle of Zachary ( JKHA ‘18/RKYHS ‘22 ),
Noah (10th Grade) and Isabella Younger (6th Grade) Younger, and
Jake, Max, Ella, Dani, Maya, Zoe and Romy Nussbaum
in commemoration of his yahrtzeit.
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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001