Dear Colleagues,

The Alliance for Public Waldorf Education has been visible recently in national and international forums!

First, the American Educational Research Association meeting. This is a huge, several-day conference held this year in Philadelphia with a theme of Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action. The city was in full spring bloom; inside the vast Conference Center, national and international scholars and practitioners gathered for keynotes and panel presentations on research addressing the theme from multiple aspects. Dr. Ida Oberman, recently retired from her position as founding director of the Community School for a Creative Education in Oakland, CA, led a panel addressing the topic Harnessing Waldorf to Construct Educational Possibilities: Challenges and Opportunities. This was a significant step as it marked the first time that Waldorf education had its own panel. Dr. Oberman was joined by Dr. Allegra Alessandri, former principal of George Washington Carver School of Arts and Sciences, Kenya Strong, Monique Brinson, former principal of The Community School for a Creative Education, and Dr. Melanie Reiser, one of AWSNA’s Executive Directors. Dr. Bruce Uhrmacher of the University of Denver moderated the panel. The panelists explored their topic through studies on professional development, the role and importance of storytelling, development of an Afro-centric curriculum, and community-embedded micro-schooling. 

Dr. Kimberly Telfer-Radzat of Sycamore Creek Charter participated in a separate research panel focused on the pedagogical work of the late Elliot Eisner. She explored the role of play in the development of executive function. Kimberly’s Waldorf class teaching experience was evident in her warm, engaging presentation. There were many highlights and much to stimulate thought in this conference: one was a fiery keynote by outgoing president Tyrone Howard emphasizing the “call for action” in this year’s title. He addressed the urgent need to challenge our thinking to create opportunity and address equity. There was a palpable sense of a shift in the landscape of higher education. It is important for Waldorf education to take its place in such settings; many thanks to those who presented. Work is already underway percolating ideas for proposals for 2025!

Ida Oberman

Monique Brinson, Melanie Reiser, Allegra Alessandri, Ida Oberman, Bruce Uhrmacher, Kenya Strong

A hop to Switzerland came next, to another international conference, this time in the Goetheanum, located in Dornach. This huge, futuristic building is the international “headquarters” for Rudolf Steiner’s work, including Waldorf education. In Philadelphia, cold, rainy weather gave way to warmth; here, cold, damp weather replaced early spring with a little snow falling on the final day. The chill did not dampen enthusiasm for our shared work: about 230 teacher educators from almost 40 countries took up questions of teacher preparation, professional development, mentoring, and research. We explored common needs, opportunities, and challenges across countries through keynote talks, discussion groups, working groups, and non-stop conversation during every coffee and meal break. The conference was notable for its collaborative mood; panels included teacher educators and students, and keynotes were typically shared to ensure a range of perspectives. Those of us with English as our primary language were privileged, as most material was delivered in English. Themes included multicultural considerations, explorations of the foundations of Waldorf education, education in a digital world, Waldorf’s social mission and questions of access, equity, and inclusion, and contemporary forms of education. During my time in Dornach, I was able to greet in person many Zoom colleagues from across the globe and with Philipp Reubke, co-director of the Pedagogical Section, to give him an update on the continued growth of Public Waldorf education in the US and the good work done in our schools every day.

Liz Beaven and Philipp Roebke

The Goetheanum

On the final step of this journey, I am in the west of England, visiting the Ruskin Mill Trust, whose schools and colleges serve young people who are neurodiverse with additional needs through specialist day and residential programs. Their schools work intensively with arts, crafts, agriculture, and a strong connection to each school’s location and land. There will be more to come from these days as I have found a great deal of interest here as we consider how best to meet the needs of today’s students. 

Happy trails,

Liz Beaven

The Alliance-led Summer Professional Development registration is now live.

Tickets here

Professional Development and Teacher Preparation

A listing by the Alliance is for information only and does not imply recommendation or endorsement. We encourage school leaders and teachers to fully research offerings before enrollment to ensure they align with their goals and needs. We recommend that you research familiarity with the unique needs and demands of Public Waldorf education. This is particularly important if public funds are used for professional development or teacher preparation. 

If you wish to have an event or workshop listed, please email us.

  • Title
  • Date
  • Link

For a full list please

visit our website.

For additional listings and news of professional development or teacher education, please see Waldorf Today. Additional resources for early childhood educators can be found at WECAN.

Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Center for Anthroposophy: Waldorf Leadership Development: Cultivate Your Capacity to Serve in Leadership Positions

  • May 11, 2024 - April 2025, online & in-person residency (Keene, NH)

Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training: The Art of Speech Workshop with Christine Burke

  • June 22, 2024, San Rafael, CA

Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training: Waldorf Family Weekend

  • June 29-30, 2024, San Rafael, CA

Inner Work: Deepening and Evolving Waldorf Practice

  • August 8-13, 2024, Camellia Waldorf School, Sacramento, CA

Gradalis Understanding Waldorf Education (UWE) Program

  • September 2024-April 2025, Online,/

Center for Anthroposophy- Starlight Ray in Darkened Times: Seminars on Contemporary Topics

  • Fall 2024-25, Online

Summer Professional Development and Teacher Education

Gradalis Early Childhood Program Concentration

  • New Cohort begins June 20h through July 18th, 2024, Denver, Colorado

The Sword, the Pen, and the Arrow - Adult Course - Preparing you to offer fencing, archery, and writing to youth in your school

  • June 29 - July 5, 2024 - Spacial Dynamics Institute - Mechanicville, NY 

Sunbridge’s Summer Series

  • June and July 2024, online
  • June 23-28 Early Childhood, Chestnut Ridge, NY

Antioch University Waldorf Teacher Education

  • 2024 Entering Cohort
  • June 24-28, Minimal Online Hours
  • July 13-28, Residency in Wilton

Center for Anthroposophy: Renewal Courses Summer 2024

  • June 30 - July 5, In-Person, Wilton, NH
  • July 8 - 12, Online

The Waldorf High School and Adolescence: The Journey from the Subjective Self to the Objective World -with David Barham and Frances Vig

  • June 30-July 5, 2024- In person, Southern New Hampshire

Flier_The Waldorf High School and Adolescence The Journey from the Subjective Self to the Objective World

Alliance Led 2024 Summer Professional Development

  • July 10-12, online Week # 1: Orientation and Introduction to The Essential Characteristics of Public Waldorf Education
  • July 15-19, online, Week # 2: Tracks for preparation for Early Childhood, Grades 1-8, and Leadership

Gradalis Teaching as an Art Week: Grade Level Preparation for the working teacher

  • July 7- 12, 2024, Denver, Colorado

Center for Anthroposophy: Kairos Institute -Summer Studio Residency with Bernd Ruf: Emergency Pedagogy. Traumatology and Spirituality

  • July 7-12, 2024, Wilton, NH

Journey School Summer Renewal 2024

  • July 8-12, Early Childhood and Grades 1-4, Aliso Viejo, CA
  • Juley 15-19, Grades 5-8, Aliso Viejo, CA

Great Lakes Waldorf Institute- Summer Professional Development Offerings

  • July 8-12, 2024, online & July 15-19, 2024, Milwaukee, WI: Feeling for Reality: Developing Skills for Felt-Perception in the Waldorf High School

  • July 22-26, 2024, online: Teaching for Black Lives in Waldorf Schools

Center for Anthroposophy: Waldorf High School Teacher Education

  • WHiSTEP 2024 – 2026: New Cohort Begins July 14-28, 2024, in Wilton, NH

Pentathlon Certification for Waldorf Teachers

  • July 18-21, 2024 - Spacial Dynamics Institute - Mechanicville, NY

Please visit our website to find out about job postings at our member schools.

For more information:

Liz Beaven, Executive Director 

Carly Fedor, Administrative Assistant

Alliance for Public Waldorf Education

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218

Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America and is used pursuant to a license.


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