In last week's Torah portion, Parashat Yitro, we recited the Ten Commandments, one of the most central and recognized passages of our entire Hebrew Bible. However, we Jews know that there are far more than just ten Mitzvahs, or Jewish commandments, in the Torah. As a matter of fact, the rabbis derive exactly 613 Mitzvahs from the five books of the Torah.  

This week, we read Parashat Mishpatim. This portion contains many more important laws of the Torah. It is not a coincidence that this section of the Torah comes right after the giving of the Ten Commandments. While those ten sacred laws can be understood in a somewhat general manner, this week's portion gets more specific, revealing various core principles of Jewish law. 

This comes to teach us that we should not think it is enough simply to follow what we might consider to be the ten most important Jewish commandments. Though these ten are certainly emphasized, it is never suggested that they alone can dictate the behavior of our lives. The laws of Mishpatim, for example, remind us that we must be highly aware of the ethics of right and wrong when it comes to matters of business, family, personal injury, and human rights.  

There is never a time when we can put our Torah - our values - off to the side and become complacent in the face of corruption or cruelty. The Torah, the basis of our Jewish religion, is concerned with all aspects of our lives. Let us strive to conduct ourselves at all times in such a manner that we can feel we are living with the spirit of the Torah, and let us always feel proud to be Jews!

Shabbat Shalom!

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg


Temple Sholom observes the following Yahrzeits:

30th Sh'vat - 6th Adar

Jacob Gallon

Goldie Kupfermann

Norma Miller

Sheldon Bashinsky

Yom Huledet Sameach

(Happy Birthday)

Lynn Sandberg

Jennifer Diamond

Katie Ullman

Happy Anniversary to:

Cookie and Steven Schneider

Temple Sholom Upcoming ZOOM Events

Please take a look and check the upcoming events for Temple Sholom.

Mark your calendars accordingly!


Adult Education

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 9th

Shaharit at 930am

Family Shabbat Services at 6:30pm

(Dinner to follow)

Saturday, February 10th

Shabbat Service at 10:00am

(in person as well as zoom)

Sunday, February 11th

Shaharit at 10am (on zoom only)

World Wide Wrap

Join In The Annual Tefillin Wrap at 10am


Monday,February 12th

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Adult Ed Pirkei Avot:

Ethics of Our Fathers at 7:30pm

Tuesday, February 13th

Wednesday, February 14th

Shaharit at 9:30am (on zoom only)

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Thursday, February 15th

Torah discussion at 12pm

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

Sisterhood Zoom Bingo at 7:30pm

Friday, February 16th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:00pm (on zoom only)

For livestream click our website
Zoom Meeting ID # and connecting information for all services is as follows:

Meeting ID: 906 698 4216
Passcode: Shalom
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,9066984216#,0#,536917# US (New York)

Please remember to let us know in advance if you need a minyan for any particular time. We will make it happen for you!

Best wishes,

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg