April Outreach Offering
Wilderness Youth Project
Time in nature makes kids happier, healthier, and smarter. You are invited to make a difference, helping Wilderness Youth Project’s inspired, skilled, and committed mentors and volunteers connect local kids in small groups to nature to help them grow into strong confident members of the community. Research has shown that the two tools WYP uses, professional mentoring and time in nature, can nurture and grow more successful children.
Your financial support of WYP stays in the community, enables WYP to retain their world-class staff and reach underserved kids who stand to benefit from program designed for preschool through high school. WYP makes scholarships and subsidized community programs available because cost should not be a barrier to experiencing nature. At the heart of WYP is a belief that connection to the land is a birthright that belongs to all people from the beginning of time.
To learn more about WYP or to donate online, go to wyp.org
If you would like to donate to this fund, please make out your check to USSB and write Wilderness Youth Project in the memo line or donate online at ussb.org/give.
To learn more about our Outreach Offerings, visit our Outreach Offering page.