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Unlocking Liberation: The Transformative Power of Passover for All

With Intern Minister Carolyn Bjerke and Worship Arts Associate Ellen Broidy

What is the universal message of freedom and redemption embedded within the Passover narrative? How do the lessons of Passover resonate within the collective human experience and offer pathways to liberation for all? This ancient story continues to inspire and empower us in the modern world, inviting us to break free from the constraints that bind us and embrace our true potential.

This service will be held in person and online this Sunday at 10:00 AM


Zoom link:

Coffee hour will follow the service, both in person and on Zoom.

Visit USSB's Service Archive to watch past services or USSB's YouTube.

Care Team Warm Line

(805) 666-2879

Going through a tough time? Need support and/or assistance? Call (805) 666-2879, or email Your message will be responded to within 24 hours. Or stop by the Care Team table in the garden on Sunday morning.

Cards are available at the Care Team table for sending to those who would appreciate a caring message from USSB friends. 

April Outreach Offering

Wilderness Youth Project

Time in nature makes kids happier, healthier, and smarter. You are invited to make a difference, helping Wilderness Youth Project’s inspired, skilled, and committed mentors and volunteers connect local kids in small groups to nature to help them grow into strong confident members of the community. Research has shown that the two tools WYP uses, professional mentoring and time in nature, can nurture and grow more successful children.

Your financial support of WYP stays in the community, enables WYP to retain their world-class staff and reach underserved kids who stand to benefit from program designed for preschool through high school. WYP makes scholarships and subsidized community programs available because cost should not be a barrier to experiencing nature. At the heart of WYP is a belief that connection to the land is a birthright that belongs to all people from the beginning of time.

To learn more about WYP or to donate online, go to

If you would like to donate to this fund, please make out your check to USSB and write Wilderness Youth Project in the memo line or donate online at

To learn more about our Outreach Offerings, visit our Outreach Offering page.

Bridge to the Future: Vision Team Report

Sunday, April 21 at 3:00 PM in Parish Hall

Join the Vision Team for tea and conversation as they share what they have learned from the small group conversations in March, and start to clarify the priorities for the upcoming Bridge to the Future Capital Campaign

You can RSVP for the event by clicking here.

Children & Family Religious Exploration News

Read the April RE Family Newsletter Here

Pizza Church TONIGHT!

Dinner, conversation, playtime, and a little bit of worship for families with young children. 5:30-7:00 PM in Parish Hall tonight.

K-1 OWL Sunday

Trained facilitators, Janey Madlani and Kelly Bedard lead this six week sexuality education program for registered children in grades K-1. 

K-4 CRE Class

Children in grades K-4 (not currently enrolled in OWL) are invited to join Charla in Starr King for an activity and spirited play! As always, children may choose to remain in the sanctuary with their families. Check the fidget cart for activities.

5-7 CRE Class THIS Sunday

This class will meet in Jefferson Hall following the TFAA this Sunday. Facilitated by Eric Kruger and Nate Rich, this class meets the first and third Sundays of the month.

Congregational Passover Seder

Saturday, April 27 at 5:00 PM in Parish Hall

Our congregational Passover Seder is coming! Join together for this

UU-Jewish community celebration of freedom, tolerance, and the coming of spring. 

Space is limited for this fun and meaningful intergenerational event. 

Sign up during Coffee Hour on Sunday or in Realm by clicking here.

Please RSVP by April 24.

New Realities of Recycling

Sunday, May 5 in Jefferson Hall from 11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Confused about what goes in the trash and what can be recycled these days? We all want to recycle and use our planet’s resources wisely, but the rules have changed. In a lively and informative presentation,

Hillary Allen (pictured) from the City of Santa Barbara's Department of Sustainability & Resilience will bring us up to date. Invite your friends and family member.

If you are interested in volunteering to help the Earth Advocates advertise our film series, contact

The Alliance

Friday, May 3 at 2:00 PM in Parish Hall

USSB member Dr. Rachel Aarons, LCSW will present "Healing Trauma from the Roots Up". All are welcome to attend this free event. To learn more about the presentation and Dr. Aarons, click here.

Save the Date: Contemporary Issues Forum

Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00 PM in Parish Hall

Dr. Kenneth S. Kosik, Harriman Professor of Neuroscience, UCSB, will present "Delving Deep into the Workings of the Human Brain to Unravel Alzheimer's Disease".

USSB Get Out the Vote Efforts

Stop by our table on Sunday morning where will have more postcards for voters in Virginia. Thank you to everyone who has joined in our initial postcard effort. We collectively have 600 postcards in process to voters in Georgia, focusing on the primary for the county general election on May 21, with early voting April 22-May 9. All local offices are decided then. We are writing to help voters find their polling place and to get them in the voting mood, so that they will not be confused when the big election comes in November. Our goal is to get out the vote now and in November. We will be writing again for the main election. The Reclaim Our Vote effort reaches BIPOC voters in an area where redistricting has created confusion for voters. Our cards tell where and when to vote, whom to contact, plus key issues at stake. 

Reclaim Our Vote is part of Center for Common Ground, a non-partisan voting rights organization led by people of color, which was founded to educate and empower under-represented voters in voter suppression states to engage in elections and advocate for their right to vote. These projects target voters likely to vote progressively.

For questions contact Janis Connally And if you are able and willing to help Janis with coordination, please contact her directly!

Candidates for Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee

This June, USSB members will be able to vote for members who have been nominated for USSB's Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee. You can read more about the candidates by clicking here.

Help Needed

Sunday Morning Volunteers Needed

Are you looking to become more involved with USSB and meet other members of the congregation? A great way to do that is to become a part of our dynamic Sunday team of volunteers! We are looking for coffee hosts, greeters, and ushers to assist to join us onsite on Sundays. The Flower Committee is looking for new members too!

Perhaps you would like to volunteer from home? Consider being a Zoom Chat Host to engage and support our Zoom congregation!

To learn more about these volunteer opportunities, please contact Outreach & Membership Coordinator, Angie Swanson-Kyriaco at

Upcoming Community Events

For more information about these events, please contact the facilitators or organizations directly.

The Minns Lectures Series 2024: Abolition Theologies: Praying for Liberation

With both violent theological unpinnings and inherent racsim upholding the prison system, Rev. Jason Lydon wil lshow that prison abolitionsim is a theological imperative for Unitarian Universalists.

Click here to read more about the lectures or to sign up.

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