This Sunday: April 21

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Services at 8:00 and 9:30 am


Children's Time during the 9:30 service. 

NURSERY will be OPEN during the 9:30 service and forum time. 

Forum: State of the Vestry

We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.

State of the Vestry Forum

Sunday, April 21 at 10:45 am

St. David’s Undercroft

Come one, come all to the first of 2024’s biannual State of the Vestry forum to be held Sunday after the second service. Grab some coffee/treats and then settle in to hear about all the interesting things your Vestry has been up to these past 3 months, and better yet, stick around to hear what exciting things we have cooking up for the future.

You will have the opportunity to hear from both of your Wardens, along with updates from the St. David’s Treasurer and the Endowment Committee chair. It won’t be just listening to us all drone on though, as we plan time at the end for a Q and A session.

Be in the know.... participate in The State of the Vestry

in the undercroft on Sunday, April 21. 

Hope to see you there.


Diane Curley, Senior Warden

Sunday Bulletin

April Worship Team Schedule

There's still time to sign up to perform!

(in the Narthex and Undercroft)

Tickets available on Sundays or

by using this QR Code (note Variety Show)

Parish Update

April Vestry Meeting

Your Vestry met this past Monday evening with another very busy agenda at hand. As usual, we started out the evening with a communal dinner around the table. Thank you, Ann Robinson, it was delicious. The meal was then followed by sharing personal reflections on one of St. David’s 7 vision statements. This month’s vision statement randomly picked out of our Visioning Jar, was # 6 which reads: “We strive, through words and actions, to be a force for love and justice, collaborating with organizations that work to address needs in our community for the poor, suffering and marginalized”. A thoughtful discussion ensued. This exercise in sharing continues to keep us focused on St. David’s mission and guides us in all our vestry work.

We then moved into the heart of the meeting with our discernment topic: small group faith formation at St David’s. As you may recall, this topic was one of the top 4 areas the Vestry is pursuing this year in efforts of living out our Mission/Vision Statements. A great discussion was had with lots of creative ideas on how to grow our small group faith-based activities at church. For example, how about an evening bible study group, how about a more short-term (4 to 6 sessions) faith directed commitment, let’s try offering choices where you meet one week in person and the next time on zoom, let’s keep small group activities punctual with a set start and stop time, how about onetime only events discussing topics through our faith lens, etc. Bottom line, there is energy around this topic and the Vestry encourages anyone in the parish who has an idea, interest, or passion in pursuing a faith-based gathering to please share.

The rest of the evening was filled with approvals, reports, and new business. Of note, The St David’s Alcohol Use Guidelines document was reviewed and discussed. Updates and clarifications were made. Once the document is completed, the Vestry will vote on the policy and relay it to the congregation. We also were excited to have our first two shepherding reports this month from the Justice/Outreach, and Buildings and Grounds shepherds.

A few save the date items to share: First, this coming Sunday is the State of the Vestry Forum which is an excellent way to be in the know about what is happening with your Vestry team. All are encouraged to attend the Newcomers’ Brunch on Sunday, April 28th following the 9:30 service and we give thanks that we will welcome 19 newcomers that day! The Pride Parade is now a go, joining in with St Mark’s Cathedral and ECMN on Sunday June 30. Mark your calendars for a "dive into the water” with a Faithful Innovation Experiment, namely, participating in this year’s Hopkins Raspberry Festival and Parade on July 20 and 21.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Curley, Senior Warden

St. David’s Episcopal Church

Confirmation Service with Receptions

St. Mark's Cathedral, Minneapolis

Saturday, April 27, 2:00

We hope many from St. David's will be able to attend the regional service of confirmation and receptions at St. Mark's Cathedral on Saturday, April 27, beginning at 2:00. Four members of our community will be received into the Episcopal Church that day: Marilyn Clark, Patti Jurkovich, Roger Stratton, and Becky Sweely. Roger Stratton, Monica Stratton, and David Niles will lead music.

The bishop, the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya, will lay hands on each candidate for reception and say, "We recognize you as a member of this one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we receive you into the fellowship of this Communion" (Book of Common Prayer, page. 418)

It will be a glorious day!

Buildings and Grounds!

An energy assessment is helping the environment and our budget!

Please join us in thanking the Buildings and Grounds Committee for their work on St. David’s recent energy assessment! Eager to be good stewards of our environment and resources, the committee worked with the city and EnerChange, a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits identify energy savings. After an in-depth assessment, St. David’s not only learned about opportunities to become more energy-efficient, but also that the church was eligible for nearly $3,000 in reimbursements. Read the full story in the Minnetonka Memo. Thank you again to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for shepherding this project!

Rogation Day at St. David's—Beating the Bounds​

May 6 @ Noon

Mark your calendars and plan to join us for a special Rogation Day service at St. David's on Monday, May 6 at noon. Rogation is an ancient church practice of seeking blessing for a community and its sustenance (the word "Rogation" comes from the Latin Rogare, meaning "to ask"). Rogation Days are the 3 days preceding Ascension Day and are intended for asking God's blessing on agriculture and industry.  

Since medieval days there has been a tradition of "beating the bounds" – walking together in procession around the boundary of property, praying for God's blessing upon crops, the well-being of the land, and sharing hope in God's ability to nourish and sustain life. We will keep with this tradition with a procession on the land on which our congregation resides.

Please join us, as you are able! Please be in touch with the Rev. Katherine Lewis or Roger Stratton, if you have questions.

Sunday Morning

Children's Time during the 9:30 service. 

NURSERY OPEN during the 9:30 service and forum time. 

Wednesday Night

Wednesday, April 24 - LIFT @ St. David’s!

6:30-8:30 pm dinner included

NEXT SUNDAY - April 28

Please come to Youth Music rehearsal for Youth Led Sunday! 10:45-11:30am

Coming Up

April 26 - Variety Show, 5:30 pm

3rd-5th grade overnight at St. Stephen’s in Edina!

May 3, 6:00pm - May 4, 9:00am

Sign-up here:

May 5 – Youth Led Worship

May 8 – EYMF baking and music night at St. David’s

May 11 - Smokes and Sweets - EYMF Fundraiser at Mount Calvary

June 15 - EYMF go to Pride Night at the Minnesota Twins!

Healing Prayer Station

You may have noticed the Healing Prayer Station taking place during Communion at the Advent and Lent Sunday worship services. Going forward, St. David's will offer the Healing Prayer Station on the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning May 12. On those Sundays there will be a prayer person (or two) in the Narthex at the 9:30 service to receive any who desire prayer during Communion.

This prayer venture is a work in progress, so if you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know. Additionally, if you are feeling a call to explore this ministry, we’d love to have you join us.

Marilyn Clark, on behalf of the Prayer Station Team:

Scott Clark, Charity Harvala, Karin Lindquist, Basil Owen, Sue Owen,

Gervaye Parent, Judy Roggow






Family Bike Ride

for Multiple Sclerosis 

Twin Cities MS Bike Ride

Saturday, May 11 @ 9:00 am


Bring your family (or just yourself!) and join Team Beckmann (aka Beckmann Bike Brigade) to raise awareness and funds toward research for a cure. 

While the formal MS Bike event is held in St. Paul… Beckmann’s Bike Brigade (B^3) will continue our with our own “virtual” ride in Minnetonka. 

We will meet at the Westwood Professional Services parking lot/SE side of building (12701 Whitewater Dr. # 300, Minnetonka, MN 55343) and ride the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail to the southwest for about 7.5 miles to Lake Riley for a brief rest and then return (15ish miles total). We’ll supply Yo-Yo Donuts for all to enjoy at the end of the ride. The trail is hard-packed gravel, so plan accordingly with your bike. 

Rain date is Sunday, May 12 (same time and place).

Direct any question to Chris Carda


Phone: 612-209-2616


To donate to the cause please click HERE.


Hope to see you there!

You are Invited! 

Candle Walk

A Bedtime Prayer to God


Did you know we read a Children's version of evening prayer every Monday at 8 pm on Zoom?

Sometimes kids read it, often the adult officiants read. 

It's a beautiful prayer and we invite you to join us any Monday to read or just listen to this prayer.  


We are always grateful when children attend and welcome families to check it out!


Candle Walk, A Bedtime Prayer to God has become a part or our weekly prayer tradition. Join us on a Monday, come once or often and experience the simplicity of this lovely prayer.


Evening Compline - Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461

Passcode: Pn2CjY


Or you can join by phone: 1-312-626-6799 

Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461

Passcode: 516860


July 20 -21

Hopkins Raspberry Festival

Mark your calendars now, so you too can take part in a most fun, meaningful, and fantastic summer weekend right here in our local community!  

St David’s is now registered to take part in the 2024 Hopkins Raspberry Festival! You have the opportunity to participate in an old-fashioned Grande Day Parade complete with floats and marching bands traveling down Mainstreet in Hopkins on July 21.

If you prefer, you can also participate by assisting in the “St David’s Booth” where we will set up a table offering up rest, refreshment, and renewal at the Mainstreet Marketplace Festival on July 20. 

These two opportunities offer St. David’s a chance to step out of our boat and venture into the waters to play, faithfully living into both our mission and vision statements by actively engaging with our community. 

Keep your eye out for more information and ways you can get involved (coming your way soon!) All ages are welcomed and encouraged to participate.


Diane Curley, Senior Warden

Beloved in Christ,


All Episcopalians living and worshipping in the central and west metro are invited and encouraged to attend our spring mission area gathering!

Each spring, we gather in mission areas across the diocese to meet one another, pray together, share stories, and hear from the Bishop and our Council representatives. These gatherings will connect us as one church in many places across the diocese, inviting us into deep conversation and sharing.


Central & West Metro Mission Area Gathering

Saturday, April 27, 9 am - 12 pm

St. Mark's Cathedral, 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis

Register Here.


All clergy, lay delegates, and lay leaders of faith communities in the Central and West Metro mission areas are encouraged to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

Refreshments will be served starting at 8:30 am and lunch will be provided.


The Mission Area Gathering will be followed by a celebration of confirmation at the Cathedral at 2 pm. All are welcome to attend. 




Your Mission Area Teams


Tom Erickson, Grace, Minneapolis

Mary Lusk, St. Mark’s Cathedral, Minneapolis

The Rev. Rex McKee, St. John’s, Minneapolis 



Chris Commers, Trinity, Excelsior

Marie Hayes, Epiphany, Plymouth

The Rev. Katherine Lewis, St. David’s, Minnetonka

The Rev. Christy Stang, St. Stephen's, Edina

Groove Boat

An African Drum Group

Meeting at St. David's

Groove Boat is an African drum group that meets in the St. David’s undercroft twice each month.

We have excellent drum leaders who have prepared us to perform at the Arboretum the last few summers. Most importantly, we have a blast!

Please join us!

Upcoming Dates include:

Marisa leads Monday, April 29, 7 - 8:30 pm

Groove Boat has extra drums/djembes for first-timers to borrow. Your first time is free of charge. Subsequent meetings are $15 cash which covers the cost of our teachers and rental space at St David’s. Hope to see you!

Questions, please email Virginia Haggart:

(Member of St David’s)

Agrarian Faith Formation 

ECMN Priority: Faithful Innovation

The Rev. Kerri Meyer spoke about her transformation at the Good Courage Farm. The Farm is described as “a place where friends of God and God's good Earth gather in worship, fellowship, community building and labor.”

Last year we had a small group of vineyard stewards from St David’s spend a few Saturdays during the growing season working in the Vineyard. As we worked among the vines, we had the opportunity to get to know each other, learn about regenerative farming, agrarian ministry, as well as to meet other ECMN Episcopalian congregation stewards. If you love to nurture the growth of food, spirit, and friendships, or just like to get your hands and boots dirty, then consider joining one of the Saturday stewardships. Orchard Stewarding is planned for the First Saturday of the month, and the Vineyard the second Saturday of the month. If you are interested, please email Bonnie Boyd at, text 952-220-6982, or sign-up in the Undercroft while you're having coffee. 

Current needs identified by ICA include:

* sugar

* pancake syrup

* canned fruit

* dried/dehydrated fruit

* jelly/jam

* applesauce

* dry pet food

* feminine hygiene products

* baby formula/food

* dish soap 

The above items are suggestions. Anything you would like to donate is always appreciated. Bring your items to church this Sunday or drop them off at your convenience in one of the ICA baskets at the church entrances. While food donations help bring in immediate supplies, a financial donation also helps to ensure that the food shelves can be well stocked. A check made out to ICA can be dropped in the Sunday collection plate. You can also go online at, choose Donate from the menu & follow the prompts. Thank you for supporting ICA! 

With Thanks

Thank you to everyone who contributed food and/or funds during the annual March FoodShare Campaign which is just wrapping up. Your generosity is always overwhelming!

St David’s Book Club News

by Cathy Schwichtenberg


The St. David’s Book Club will be discussing The Dove Keepers by Alice Hoffman on Tuesday, June 4 from 6:30 pm – 7:55 pm.  

Meeting Zoom Link: June 4 Meeting 

"Hoffman makes ancient history live and breathe in this compelling story, set in 70 CE, detailing the siege of the mountain stronghold Masada, where 900 Jews held out for months against the Romans. Hoffman's novel follows four extraordinary women. Red-haired Yael has long been shunned by her father, a renowned assassin, because of her mother's death in childbirth. Forced to flee from Jerusalem, she makes a tortuous journey across the desert, during which she becomes involved with a married man, and after finally reaching Masada, is assigned to the dovecote, where she meets three charismatic women: Revka, a baker's wife who witnessed her daughter's horrific death at the hands of Roman soldiers; Shirah, a tattooed wisewoman; and Shirah's daughter Aziza, a warrior of uncommon skill. Forced to deal with the outside forces intent on eradicating them and with their people's patriarchal system, which is quick to condemn unconventional behavior, the women draw great strength from their own inner resources and from each other. This is both a feminist manifesto and a deeply felt tribute to courageous men and women of faith, told with the cadence and imagery of a biblical passage. .

--Copyright 2010 Booklist, Joann Wilkinson


We have an interesting line-up of selections this year and invite all St. David’s parishioners to participate. We usually meet via Zoom on the first Tuesday of every other month from 6:30 – 7:55. Here is this year’s schedule – please join us!

The Dovekeepers | Alice Hoffman | 6/4/24 | Scott Clark

Tom Lake | Ann Patchett | 8/6/24 | TBD


Horse | Geraldine Brooks | 10/1/24 | TBD


The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store | James McBride | 12/3/24 | TBD

Save these Dates!

The Mills Church/Habitat Housing project has its public hearing dates set:

  • Planning Commission Meeting:

TONIGHT - 6:30 at Minnetonka Community Center

  • City Council Meeting: 

Monday May 6, 2024 - 6:30 at Minnetonka Community Center

Put these dates on your calendar and plan on attending these meetings with your Love Makes Room Apparel. Stay tuned for more details and actions to take!


Women of the Woods

The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and the woods are calling. Join us August 10 - 17 at Clearwater Lake and Lodge off the Gunflint Trail Grand Marais and paddle into the BWCAW. Join a wonderful community of women to share time, faith, and games! Come for the week or just a few days. The wilderness awaits.

Launa Tucker and 

Susan Taylor 

Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?

Send it to before 9:00 am on Wednesday to be featured.

Bible Study

The Book of Proverbs

We meet every Tuesday at 11:00 on Zoom. For our next study we are reading Proverbs, inspired by other books which frequently reference them, especially in the New Testament. This study will be led by Bible Study members in turn. Please plan now to join us. The study will be available on the YouTube channel for those unable to join us. Questions? Contact Sharon Engel or Susan Taylor.   

Loaves and Fishes

April & May

Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the Loaves and Fishes coordinator from 3:00-5:00 pm, and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. 

Upcoming dates:

  • April 22
  • April 30
  • May 14

Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up or sign up in the Undercroft. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at

Saturday Morning Prayer at St. David's 7:45 AM
Monday Morning Meditation at Oratory Room 9:00 AM
Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00 AM
Compline held each night at 8:00 PM

What else is going on at St. David's?

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.

Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891

To add someone to the prayers, please contact

the office


The Rev. Katherine Lewis

We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.

Prayers and Passages

We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Joanne Downs (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Andy Galich, Jackie Galich (mother and father of John Galich), Linda Halley (mother of Laura Hensley), John Huber (friend of the Drake family), Denny Johnson, Susan List, The May Family, Bill Meyer (brother of Gervaye Parent), Lauren E. Olson, David Pearson, Deb Pladsen (friend of Sara Kuyper), Jeff Ronbeck, Sammy (niece of Carol and Steve Johnson), Jean Scheu, Cathy Schwichtenberg, Marty Scott, Ben Stratton (son of Monica and Roger Stratton), Ben Warren, and Bob & Dottie Warren (friends of the Kuyper family).


We pray for those who have died especially, Dorothy Eyers (Janet McKernan's mother), John McDonald (friend of Diane Curley).

We pray for the people of Israel, Gaza and Ukraine and all impacted by war and strife. We pray for all affected by gun violence, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters.

We pray in thanksgiving for those who will be received into the Episcopal Church, Marilyn Clark, Patti Jurkovich, Roger Stratton, and Becky Sweely.


For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people. 


We pray for an end to racism and all systems of oppression.


We pray for those serving in the military, Aprille Lopac, and Sam Mulvaney (fiance of Aprille Lopac).

COVID-19 Resources Available

The Episcopal Church Click here

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here


St. David's Episcopal Church:

St. David's Youtube Channel: 

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: