Hello Friends, Collaborators, and Colleagues,
Here are a couple of recent Video Lecture recordings:

with Christianna Deichmann, my recent collaborator-in-conversation with the Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH), www.birthpsychology.com
I'd love to hear your responses to my installment this month with:
My twelve-year-old son, Zazu, writing/drawing on our first day
of cross-over education. Following “cold in the morning,” Zazu later added:
“even though the wood-burning stove keeps our Love Bus warm all night long.”
As we continue to retrace our Love Bus journey we shift through the Moebius Loop of time to a past February. We will return to the illusion of linearity in the following months...
From Valentine's Day to Halloween, Nestlé' Hell 365 days a year...in addition to child slave labor, ecological devastation, now heavy metals found in dark chocolate...
Click to see my previous

Thank you and Enjoy!

Cara Judea Alhadeff, PhD