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Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar

This Sunday, I am thrilled to welcome Rev. Trey Doyle of First Baptist Church and Rabbi Ed Boraz of Spring Hill Avenue Temple to join me in the pulpit at GSPC. As many of you know, our "Two Pastors and a Rabbi" collaboration began over a year ago. We continue to enjoy lively discussion and good attendance at each Interfaith Bible Study (note that the next one is Thursday at 5:30 at GSPC--not Spring Hill Avenue Temple). I have also been warmly welcomed to the pulpit at First Baptist and the Temple in the last few months.

The state of our world today makes it easier that ever to learn more about each other and easier than ever to separate ourselves from one another. I appreciate this collaboration because it is an intentional way to learn more about our neighbors from other faith traditions. I can say without a doubt that my own faith has grown because of our partnership over the last couple years. Gaining new perspective on Hebrew scriptures that are part of our own Old Testament broadens our understanding of the faith in which Jesus was raised; thus deepening our understanding of Jesus' teachings. Understanding that way our Baptist friends live our their own Christian faith helps us to better understand our own Presbyterian tradition.

I am looking forward to Sunday when we will be preaching on the theme of love from our own faith perspectives.

I hope to see you there!

Grace and Peace,



Two Pastors and a Rabbi: The Interfaith Bible Study will be at 5:30 p.m. at GSPC. (Note the location change!) All are welcome to join us for this session with the Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar, the Rev. Trey Doyle, and Rabbi Ed Boraz.

Special Interfaith Service this Sunday: The Rev. Doyle and Rabbi Boraz will join the Rev. Abel Lamar in the pulpit at GSPC on Sunday, April 21.

New Sermon Series: The Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar has begun a sermon series for the season of Easter, "Living as Children of God." The series will use Scripture from John and Romans, and will conclude on Pentecost / Senior Recognition Sunday, May 19.

Attention, parents of high school seniors: Please email your senior's face shot and biographical information to Sally Ericson as soon as possible for inclusion in the May 19 bulletin.

Tuesday Lunch and Learn: Come to lunch! GSPC’s community lunch series continues weekly through April 30. Lunch is served at noon and the presentation begins at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is $12 and includes dessert. Invite your friends and family to lunch! Here is the schedule of upcoming speakers:

April 23: Jon Carfagno, Executive Director, Mobile Museum of Art

April 30: Elizabeth Stevens, President and CEO, Downtown Mobile Alliance

Saturday, April 20: The Presbyterian Women will host the Presbytery-wide Spring Gathering, featuring the Rev. Eugenia Gamble as guest speaker. The Rev. Gamble will discuss her book, "Tending the Wild Garden: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit." The gathering is from 9 a.m. to noon and includes a delicious lunch by Shelia. The fee is $15. All Presbyterian Women are invited to join us! Please RSVP as soon as possible by emailing Meredith Johnston or by calling the church office at 251-432-1749.

Tuesday, April 23: The 20s/30s Young Women’s Bible Study will meet at 6 p.m. in the Guesnard House. Contact: Mary Herndon Nordmann.

Thursday, May 2 -- Saturday, May 5: Children and Youth Ministry Visioning with the Rev. Dr. Tara Bulger. There will be several opportunities to gather to share hopes and dreams for children and youth ministry at GSPC over these three days. The Rev. Dr. Bulger is Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian in Huntsville, and has a background in youth ministry and in visioning and strategic planning. Look for opportunities to sign up soon!

Other News

Office volunteers needed: The church office is in need of volunteers on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers monitor the Jackson Street entrance, answer the phone, and assist Meredith Johnston with mailings and other duties. If you are able to volunteer, please email Stella Jackson.  

New Book Club: Meredith Johnston is leading a new book discussion/club, which will meet each month in the Church Library and via Zoom. The focus will be on books about church history and biography. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30, at 5:30 p.m. The group is studying "Galileo in Rome: The rise and fall of a Troublesome Genius," by William R. Shea and Mariano Artigas. Two print copies are available through the Mobile Public Library and the book is also available digitally on Hoopla through MPL. For more information, please contact Meredith Johnston via email or at 251-323-5954. 

Sanctuary flowers: If you would like to place flowers in the Sanctuary in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please contact Ann Adams at or 251-591-8586. 

VBS at GSPC: Vacation Bible School is planned for the week of June 17-24. Use the online link to register your child!

Sunday, April 21

We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Edward Boraz of Spring Hill Avenue Temple and the Rev. Trey Doyle of First Baptist Church to our pulpit as part of our “Two Pastors and a Rabbi” collaboration. Music will include the 16th century setting of “Dona Nobis Pacem” arranged by Hal Hopson, and Christopher Pardini’s setting of “Toccata on ‘Amazing Grace.’”

Bulletin for April 21:

Sunday, April 28

Join us next Sunday, April 28, as the Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar continues her sermon series “Living as Children of God” with her sermon “That We May Have Boldness,” which utilizes Psalm 22:25-31 and 1 John 4:7-21. Music includes John Ness Beck’s arrangement of “It Is Well With My Soul,” and baritone Jasaan Roberts will sing John Prindle Scott’s “Come, Ye Blessed” from Matthew 25: 34-36.

Talking Heads

This Sunday School class is meets on the second floor of the church each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Book Study

9:30 a.m. in the Church Library. The group is studying the Interpretation Bible Series "2nd Corinthians."

Sunday School for Children and Youth

All ages are welcome at 9:30 a.m. Wee Worship is held for children aged 3 years through kindergarten following the children's sermon.

Spring Hill Women Bible Study

Tuesdays at 8 a.m. at the home of Ann Adams. The group is studying Romans.

Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study

The Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study meets at 10 a.m. at the church. For details, contact Mary Elizabeth Perry.

Men's Bible Study

The Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study meets at 6 p.m. in the library. Contact: Bo Perry.


Opportunities for Service

Please remember the people our church is serving and those who work with them daily in your prayers. 

Blanket Sunday

The Presbyterian Women are collecting baby blankets, and the first Sunday of the month is designated as "Blanket Sunday" to remind the congregation to donate to the Blanket Ministry. The baby blankets are delivered to the Mostellar Clinic. Inexpensive items of any baby-appropriate washable fabric or yarn are appreciated. The babies we serve usually average 8 lbs. Store-bought or handmade items are welcomed. Donations may be left in the “Baby Box” at the Jackson Street Foyer, or you may order from Amazon and request delivery to the church, marked “Blanket Ministry."

Needs for Meals on Wheels

Our 45 Meals on Wheels recipients receive a sack lunch each day, along with a hot meal. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are often on the menu, and donations of creamy peanut butter and grape jelly are needed to help fill the pantry. Our clients also receive an individually wrapped snack, and snack donations are needed: peanut butter/cheese crackers, chips, cookies, cereal bars, Cheez-its, etc. Please leave your Meals on Wheels donations in the donation box at the Jackson Street entrance. 

McKemie Place

McKemie Place, a 501c3 non-profit, is the only emergency shelter for unaccompanied women in Southwest Alabama. McKemie Place was created in 2007 as a service of the United Methodist Inner City Mission, thanks to the efforts of the Homeless Coalition task force, and became its own nonprofit in 2010. The shelter serves 450 women each year.

GSPC has agreed to provide lunch for up to 45 residents at McKemie Place on the second Friday of each month. Volunteers are needed to provide, deliver, and serve lunch to the residents at McKemie Place on May 10 and June 14. Please contact Lisa deShazo if you are interested in volunteering for this mission. In addition, the residents of McKemie Place are in need of luggage to carry their belongings when they are able to leave the shelter. Please bring donations of gently used luggage (with wheels, please) to the church office.

If you would like to learn more about McKemie Place, or to receive their monthly newsletters, visit

Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies

How Can You Support Barton Academy?

  • Bring the following items to stock a Hygiene Closet for the school: Clorox wipes, Tissue, Deodorant, Black socks, Paper Towels, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste.


The Mobile Area Interfaith Conference (MAIC) is a non-profit agency that provides services for inmates in Metro Jail and released inmates returning to the community. This agency was formerly known as the Council of Downtown Churches, of which GSPC was a major participant. MAIC currently has an urgent need for personal hygiene products (see details in the listing below) and used glasses. Below is a list of needed items:

  • Personal hygiene products for men and women, including full size shampoo and conditioner (must be able to see through the containers), full size deodorant (no roller balls), full size soap, full size toothpaste, white cotton socks (no anklet style); 

  • Clothing, including men's white cotton briefs or boxers (no snaps), white cotton T-shirts with sleeves (men and women use these, so all sizes welcome), women's white cotton underpants (all sizes), women's white cotton bras (all sizes); 

  • Reading material, including Bibles (softbound only, large print editions especially needed), magazines with neutral content such as food, decorating, self-improvement, health, shopping, geography, history, etc., and books (soft bound only, with mild non-violent content, non-fiction also appreciated). 

  • Small containers of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and soap are also welcome.

If you have any questions about any of these missions, please contact Lisa deShazo, Chair of the Urban Ministries Committee.

Habitat for Humanity SW Alabama here in Mobile is looking for volunteers to help out just yourself, or a group. Our volunteers come out on Wednesday through Saturday. Hours are 7:45 a.m. to noon. What a great way to focus on team-building with your co-workers and friends!

Please email and let me know when you would like to be added to the Habitat calendar for 2023-24.

In Partnership,


Sue C. King

Habitat for Humanity SW Alabama

Development Coordinator

3712 Airport Blvd.

251-476-7171, Ext. 229

Parking lot

We suggest that all of our members park in the GSPC lot, double parking if necessary. If you wish to park in the lot next to GSPC's lot, you will need to pay $5 for three hours of parking.

Premium Parking is handling our parking lot revenue. The company has added a service kiosk next to the Guesnard House patio entrance. 

Church members whose vehicles are booted in the GSPC Parking Lot after the church office is closed should call or text Meredith Johnston at 251-323-5954.

Please remember to update us if you have a new tag and or vehicle.

Please remember:

  1. GSPC members park for free in the lot at all times.
  2. If you have a new vehicle tag to register, you may do so by emailing your license plate number to Meredith Johnston in the church office.
  3. If you receive a ticket, do not pay it. Please bring the ticket or send a picture of it to Barbara or Meredith in the church office and she will take care of it. 
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