Two Pastors and a Rabbi: The Interfaith Bible Study will be at 5:30 p.m. at GSPC. (Note the location change!) All are welcome to join us for this session with the Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar, the Rev. Trey Doyle, and Rabbi Ed Boraz.
Special Interfaith Service this Sunday: The Rev. Doyle and Rabbi Boraz will join the Rev. Abel Lamar in the pulpit at GSPC on Sunday, April 21.
New Sermon Series: The Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar has begun a sermon series for the season of Easter, "Living as Children of God." The series will use Scripture from John and Romans, and will conclude on Pentecost / Senior Recognition Sunday, May 19.
Attention, parents of high school seniors: Please email your senior's face shot and biographical information to Sally Ericson as soon as possible for inclusion in the May 19 bulletin.
Tuesday Lunch and Learn: Come to lunch! GSPC’s community lunch series continues weekly through April 30. Lunch is served at noon and the presentation begins at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is $12 and includes dessert. Invite your friends and family to lunch! Here is the schedule of upcoming speakers:
April 23: Jon Carfagno, Executive Director, Mobile Museum of Art
April 30: Elizabeth Stevens, President and CEO, Downtown Mobile Alliance
Saturday, April 20: The Presbyterian Women will host the Presbytery-wide Spring Gathering, featuring the Rev. Eugenia Gamble as guest speaker. The Rev. Gamble will discuss her book, "Tending the Wild Garden: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit." The gathering is from 9 a.m. to noon and includes a delicious lunch by Shelia. The fee is $15. All Presbyterian Women are invited to join us! Please RSVP as soon as possible by emailing Meredith Johnston or by calling the church office at 251-432-1749.
Tuesday, April 23: The 20s/30s Young Women’s Bible Study will meet at 6 p.m. in the Guesnard House. Contact: Mary Herndon Nordmann.
Thursday, May 2 -- Saturday, May 5: Children and Youth Ministry Visioning with the Rev. Dr. Tara Bulger. There will be several opportunities to gather to share hopes and dreams for children and youth ministry at GSPC over these three days. The Rev. Dr. Bulger is Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian in Huntsville, and has a background in youth ministry and in visioning and strategic planning. Look for opportunities to sign up soon!
Other News
Office volunteers needed: The church office is in need of volunteers on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers monitor the Jackson Street entrance, answer the phone, and assist Meredith Johnston with mailings and other duties. If you are able to volunteer, please email Stella Jackson.
New Book Club: Meredith Johnston is leading a new book discussion/club, which will meet each month in the Church Library and via Zoom. The focus will be on books about church history and biography. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30, at 5:30 p.m. The group is studying "Galileo in Rome: The rise and fall of a Troublesome Genius," by William R. Shea and Mariano Artigas. Two print copies are available through the Mobile Public Library and the book is also available digitally on Hoopla through MPL. For more information, please contact Meredith Johnston via email or at 251-323-5954.
Sanctuary flowers: If you would like to place flowers in the Sanctuary in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please contact Ann Adams at or 251-591-8586.
VBS at GSPC: Vacation Bible School is planned for the week of June 17-24. Use the online link to register your child!