A Joyous End to the Year for BLI: COP29, Season of Creation, and the Inaugural Indaba

As 2024 comes to a close, we wanted to update you on BLI's most recent activities. As always, we are thankful for your continued support as we journey together to care for our common home. Thank you and a blessed end of the year to you all.

COP29 Participation

This fall, Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment named BLI as a Uganda delegate to COP29, the United Nations conference on climate change, which took place this November in Baku, Azerbaijan. In doing so, Uganda’s Commissioner on Climate Change Ms. Margaret Athieno Mwebesa stated: “We recognize the role of religious institutions on environment restoration—in particular Bethany Land Institute, under the leadership of Fr. Emmanuel Katongole, for restoring the forest cover at Nandere.”

BLI was honored to serve as an example of the work Uganda is doing to combat climate change. As Commissioner Mwebesa stated, BLI has greatly restored the natural forest in Nandere, enabling a great number of local species to return. Watch the video below for more on BLI’s reforestation success thus far.

Season of Creation Activities

BLI hosted multiple events to celebrate the Season of Creation (September 1 – October 4), a time dedicated to renewing our relationship with all of creation through celebration, conversation, and commitment. During the events, participants planted 2,450 trees on BLI’s campus and neighboring areas and engaged in multiple trainings about waste management and food security strategies.

The Good Food Festival was one such event, featuring Ugandan food from various local cultures. Other events included workshops for different community groups, including local NGO workers, schoolchildren, and religious leaders.

Indaba 2024

In early November, BLI hosted its inaugural "Indaba" (community gathering) near Chicago, IL. It was a time to celebrate BLI’s progress over the past decade and look forward to our next five years.

Attendees included long-time supporters, former students and interns, board and staff members, and new friends. Soil expert Ray Archuleta delivered a keynote presentation on regenerative farming methods, which are being implemented at BLI. See photos from the event below. 

Help BLI Continue Its Success in 2025

BLI has had an incredible year thanks to supporters like you. As we head into 2025, we kindly ask for your continued support as we grow our mission across Uganda and forge toward a better future for all. Some ideas include:

  • Help fund one of our capital projects on campus, as we continue to ensure our facilities are equipped for increased visitors and training

  • Help fund our SACCO, which provides low-interest micro-loans to recently commissioned Caretakers to fund the start of their projects

  • Support one of our current trainees by joining our scholarship program, ensuring they will not have any tuition debts after they leave BLI's campus

  • Make a one-time gift towards BLI's operating expenses

Introductions to other funding sources are always appreciated. If you would like to host a fundraiser for BLI, or have any questions about our projects or campaigns, please reach out to Theresa Murray, Development Director, at or (574) 208-3919.

You can also send a check to BLI at the following address:

P.O. Box 6391

South Bend, IN 46660

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