Enriching lives and sharing Christ through quality, classical Lutheran education.

The Purple Note

February 15, 2024

Visit our Website

Upcoming Dates:


13 STEM Club Attention: NOT meeting on the 20th

14 Ash Wednesday

19 No SCHOOL Presidents Day

20 NO SCHOOL Professional Development

29 "Night at the Museum" Learning Fair and 155 Book Fair

Wednesday Chapel Services:

Services are held every Wednesday at 8:20 am at Zion Lutheran Church. Visitors are welcome to attend! Our Chapel Services are streamed on the MLS Facebook page.

Chapel offerings for the 3nd quarter will go to Lutheran Family Service.

Click here for more information about Lutheran Family Service.

Our Martin Luther merchandise is available once again through Pure Country! A few new items have been added, so take a look! Orders will be take through MARCH 1st.

Check out our MLS Merch!

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?

Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Many thanks to John Nichols for taking our 23-24 All-School picture! What a great way to end National Lutheran Schools Week!

This week's food drive items!

No school Monday and Tuesday

Wash-up Wednesday- Bring a person hygiene product.

"Tushy" Thursday-Bring items for a baby or toiletry items.

Fiesta Friday- Bring items you would need for a fiesta (Salsa, chips, taco shells, etc.

Martin Luther School's Facebook page has changed. The Martin Luther Page is still visible, but we are unable to add to it. To see the up to date Facebook page, click on the following: Our New Facebook Page.


"Night at the Museum" Learning Fair

I55Book Fair

Thursday, February 29th

Our students are excited to share their hard work at our third annual "Night at the Museum" Learning Fair. Students in grades 4-7 are bringing to life historical figures, Greek gods, and characters from The Adventures of Robin Hood. Grades K-3 will have displays and projects on display, as well as projects from our PreK students!

Much work goes into these interactive presentations and we look forward to having all of our families come and take this all in. The Learning Fair itself will begin at 6:30 with students in grades 4-7 having scheduled performances in the sanctuary. This, with the I55 Book Fair make this an exciting evening for our MLS families.


We are offering a STEM Club activity at MLS!

This will be for students in

grades 3-7.

Tuesdays, February 27th and March 5,12

from 3:30-4:30.

We had a good kickoff for the STEM club this past Tuesday. We had a brief overview of the 3D printing process, talking about modeling what you want to print using CAD software, preparing your model to be printed on a specific 3D printer, and then actually printing the part.

"Homework" for the next session!

Parents, it is recommend that if anyone is interested in starting to learn these processes they get a CAD software at home. There are several good options that are free, but will require the student to create an account. These are some suggestions:

Tinkercad, Onshape, and Fusion360 for Personal Use.

The software that we will be using for preparing the CAD models for printing is free but needs to be installed on a computer (it does not run in a browser):

Ultimaker Cura.

We look forward to learning more about this process at our next meeting, February 27th.


Mrs. Severson is available on Mondays after school for students who might be interested in assistance with reading. She will offer opportunities to help enrich reading skills, as well as provide a place for students who might just prefer a quiet place to read! If you are interested in having your child participate, please contact her at severson@lutherschools.org.


This could be yours IF you are the winning bidder at MAYFEST! :)

Mayfest 2024 (our BIGGEST school fundraiser! More info to come SOON!) is scheduled for May 4th.

If you are the winning bidder that night, you can have this highly-valuable, reserved spot for the 2024-2025 school year, just the family indicated on the sign did for this year.

Please refrain from parking in this spot, especially during pick-up and drop-off times during the school year unless you have won this at Mayfest. Thanks for your attention to this!