Legislative Session Week 2 Updates


This past week, YWCA Utah presented a $1.7M funding request for safety and security. Attacks on the transgender community and diversity, equity, and inclusion continued. Up this week: child care lobby days and funding requests. Read more about these issues and for opportunities to take action.

$1.7M Funding Request for

YWCA Utah Campus Safety & Security

YWCA Utah's Liz Owens, CEO, and Mindy Maude, VP of Domestic Violence and Residential Services, presented to the Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee (EOCJ) seeking $1.7M in one-time state funding to implement critical upgrades to our safety and security infrastructure.

Rep. Jen Dailey-Provost, who sponsored the request, highlighted the incredible work of shelter advocates and implored the committee to be a state partner in ensuring, "safety for those who keep others safe."

Status: The EOCJ will finish hearing all funding requests in the next week. They will submit their prioritized list to the Executive Appropriations Committee (EAC), comprised of legislative leadership, that will make final funding decisions by the end of the legislative session. Stay tuned for action alerts related to this request.

Read More About the Funding Request in Our Blog
Three women sitting at a desk with their backs to the camera presenting to a legislative committee.

"These specific appropriations asks are not just about enhancing physical security, they are about safeguarding the emotional and psychological well-being of those who seek refuge and work with us." Mindy Maude, VP of Domestic Violence and Residential, YWCA Utah

Five women standing side by side smiling in a legislative committee room.

From left to right: Cassie Brood, VP of Operations, Mindy Maude, VP of Domestic Violence and Residential, Rep. Jen Dailey-Provost, Liz Owens, CEO, Gabe Archuleta, VP Race and Gender Equity and Director of Public Policy.

Bills & Policies We Oppose


HB 257 Sex-Based Designations for Privacy, Anti-Bullying, and Women's Opportunities - Strong Oppose

Sponsors: Rep. Birkeland (R), Sen. McCay (R). This bill narrowly defines sex and prohibits transgender children and adults from using restrooms, showers, or locker rooms in schools and in public facilities that reflect their gender identity unless they have undergone gender reassignment surgery and have a birth certificate showing the corresponding sex. Transgender adults who use these spaces could be charged with lewdness, loitering, and criminal trespass.

YWCA Utah proudly stands with the transgender community and strongly opposes this bill. Restricting access to public restrooms and accommodations has long been a tactic of those who seek to further marginalize, dehumanize, and control the Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, and immigrant communities. Unfortunately, transgender children and adults are the current target.

An initial version of the bill included domestic violence shelters, rape recovery centers, and victim services. YWCA Utah and others successfully lobbied for those to be removed.

Status: Passed in House (58-16-1) and Senate (20-8-1). It has been sent to the Senate President and will be sent to Gov. Cox for signing.

Crowd with hundreds of people holding transgender flags and protest signs in front of the Utah State Capitol.

Hundreds gathered on Thursday, January 25, 2024 to rally in support of the transgender community and against HB 257. Gabe Archuleta, VP of Race and Gender Equity and Director of Public Policy, told the crowd that YWCA Utah stands with the transgender community and they will always be welcome. Read about the rally here.

HB 261 Equal Opportunity Initiatives - Strong Oppose

Rep. Hall (R), Sen. Grover (R). This bill bans diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and training in higher education, the public education system, and government offices.

Status: Passed in House (60-14-1) and Senate (23-6-0). It has been sent to the Senate President and will be sent to Gov. Cox for signing.


Demand Governor Cox veto HB 257 and HB 261 here and spread the word on social media and in your communities.

Bills & Policies We Support

Child Care Stabilization Grant Appropriations Request - Strong Support

Rep. Stoddard (D), requests $120M in one-time funding for a "one-year extension of stabilization grants currently received by hundreds of licensed child care providers in Utah, funded with lapsing federal dollars. These grants have allowed child care programs to remain open across the state, bucking negative national trends, and allowing countless Utahns to contribute to the workforce." Read more here.

Status: On January 29, 2024, Rep. Stoddard will present to the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee, which starts at 8 am. Watch here.


We had a great turnout for the first session of the Color Collective series. The second session, First Peoples - Where We Come From, is on February 10, 2024.

Find out more and register here.

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Save the Date!

Join us on Friday, March 22, 2024 from 5-7 pm for our annual Legislative Recap where we recognize a Public Official of the Year and hear from legislators and community members and the inspiring advocacy work they do. More information to come!

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Follow @ywcautah and Director of Public Policy, Gabriella Archuleta, on Twitter @_Gabe_Archuleta for LIVE updates during the legislative session.

Instagram @utahsy

YWCA Utah | | Business Line: 801-537-8604 | Crisis Line: 801-537-8600 | TTY 711
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