

Bernard here with some good news!

I can't believe how many people stepped up to help me out! When nobody came forward for me at the vet, I really didn't think that many people would want to take care of me. But you proved me wrong! 🀩

Your incredible kindness helped me get out of that pink splint... because I had my surgery! I got a plate and screws in my leg to keep everything together. You can call me Bionic Bernard now! 🦿😎 Hopefully they'll let me out of this lampshade soon...

Your generosity saved my leg. Thank you for helping me! I didn't know people could be so kind.

I've still got a lot of healing to do before I'll be ready for adoption - the folks at AARCS said it will take 6-8 weeks of healing before I can start thinking about my next steps. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή In the meantime, I'll need rest, pain medications, lots of love, and some repeat x-rays to be sure everything looks good.

I'm hanging out at the shelter on strict crate rest for now, but I'm hoping a loving foster home will come forward soon to help me heal in a comfy, cozy house! Thank you for showing up and being in my corner when nobody else was. I don't know where I would be without the team at AARCS, OR YOU! πŸ’š

--xo, Bernard 🐾

Please take a moment to visit AARCS Critical Care to explore how you can make a difference for more animals in need of help. Every act of kindness counts.

Thank you for your support of animals like Bernard! πŸ’š

AARCS Critical Care

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Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society
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