LWV OPRF October 30 Week in Preview

Vote No On Private School Vouchers

There is still time to tell your state representative to vote NO on HB4194, a proposed amendment that extends the Invest in Kids private school voucher program. The flaws in the current program are still present in this bill. Also, call Governor Pritzker (217-782-6830) and tell him you oppose any legislation that revives or funds Invest in Kids. Constituent contact makes a difference! Make calls and send emails no later than November 7, the first day of the final fall veto session in Springfield. Find your legislators.

FLW Home Tour

Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 30, for a League social event at the Frank Lloyd Wright Bagley House in Hinsdale. We will be able to take a tour of the house, hear about social reformer Grace Bagley, and enjoy socializing with wine and cheese. This event will take place from 4:00-6:00pm and will be open to members, family, and friends. More information on tickets will be in the November 6th newsletter. We are happy to offer this opportunity to our members and their family!

Clean Water Webinar

Join the LWV Upper Michigan River Region and Rob Lee, attorney for Midwest Environmental Advocates, to discuss the implications of the May 2023 Supreme Court decision that restricted implementation of the Clean Water Act. This decision removed "discontinuous" wetlands and ephemeral streams from Clean Water Act jurisdiction and will have far-reaching consequences in states that depended on federal regulations for this protection. Which states will be most impacted in our region? What will it mean for the upper Mississippi River? What the heck can we do about it, anyhow?  Join us for this webinar on November 6 at 4:00pm.  Click here to register for the webinar.

Centennial Celebration

Volunteers Needed! A big thank you to members Joan Petertil and Carlotta Lucchesi for volunteering to co-chair the committee organizing our League’s 100th birthday celebration, scheduled for October 20, 2024. The gala committee has the momentous task of organizing the event, including the program, speakers, entertainment, invitations, and decorations, all of which will require considerable volunteer hours to accomplish. Please consider what talent and time you have to contribute! Graphic designer? Amazing organizational skills? Artistic flair? Audio-visual whiz? Watch this space for volunteer opportunities or if you’re ready to sign up now, send an e-mail to Joan or Carlotta . The next committee meeting is this Thursday, November 2.

D & D Recap

LWV OPRF hosted a Braver Angels presentation for it's October Drinks & Dialogue event in the convivial atmosphere of the Friendly’s Tap’s community room. Speaker Chuck Stone, Illinois State Co-Coordinator, explained how conservatives and liberals can get past the destructive stereotypes to have civil conversations about real issues that lead to productive problem-solving. Mr. Stone introduced a controversial example that led to a lively discussion between the 36 attendees. The event concluded with live music. Fun was had by all.

Great Decisions is Coming! 

Great Decisions Book discussions begin in February.  Group discussions with new 2024 topics will begin in February at Maze Branch Library and Brookdale Senior Living. Meetings will then run twice a month through May. If books are purchased before the end of October, we will receive a 20% discount. Please please contact chair Alex Matthews if you have questions or are interested in purchasing a book. This promises to be an exciting series of discussions about international issues exploring 8 subjects over 8 sessions. You can see the topics here.

Mark your calendars for the November 14 Second Tuesday discussion on the national popular vote for presidential elections. It will once again be held at the Oak Park Main Library from 9:30-11:30am.

The LWV Lake Michigan Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 11 and 12 in Evanston. The conference is open to all. It is a relaxed and enlightening weekend and a chance to think about big picture issues while networking with Leaguers from four states. Contact Jane Hastings if you are interested in attending.

LWV Cook County October Newsletter

LWV US October 19 Update

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