As part of the initial contract, East Coast Signals will be onsite intermittently throughout December to complete the remaining traffic signal work. East Coast Signals will upgrade the traffic signal equipment at the intersections of the Champlain Parkway at Lakeside Avenue and Pine Street at Lakeside Avenue and adjust the signal timings and phasing at the intersections of the Champlain Parkway at Home Avenue, Flynn Avenue, Sears Lane, and Lakeside Avenue to address observations made since the new roadway was opened to traffic. This work will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. with limited impact on traffic.
As part of the final contract, ECI is anticipated to mobilize and begin work on the final contract starting early next week. Crews will be installing construction signage, erosion protection and sediment control devices, and demarcation fencing to denote the work limits. These activities will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. outside of the roadway along the unused section of the previously constructed Southern Connector between Shelburne Street (Route 7) and Home Avenue with limited impact on traffic.