DCCA Membership Meeting is Monday
Monday, May 1st
7:30 PM
International Student House
1825 R Street

This Monday marks our annual meeting which will be attended by Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto for her annual discussion with DCCA, board elections will be held, along with the annual report from the Board, and post-meeting refreshments. Members will be emailed a meeting reminder and the nominating report on Monday.

Reminder: In-person monthly meetings are open to all - we encourage you to join us for the meeting and to bring a neighbor.
Not yet a DCCA member? Well, what in the name of Dupont are you waiting for!? New memberships start at just $15. Click here to join or renew online or download the form to renew by mail.
DCCA Welcomes Spring in the Garden
The gardens in North Dupont cared for by DCCA members, the T Street Park and the Freedom Garden, are bursting with new life. You may find both at the corner of New Hampshire Avenue and T Street NW. 

🌷With generous support from DCCA and collaboration with DC Department of Parks and Recreation, we now have a new sprinkler system at T Street.🌷

But don’t worry if you are planning your next visit to this lovely space; watering is scheduled to occur in the wee hours of the morning. Across the street, with the cooperation of the Freedom Market, we are still hand watering the Freedom Garden. If you would like to join the watering crew, please contact info@dupont-circle. These parks off the perfect places to enjoy spring!
Corcoran Street is ABUZZ with Activity!
Corcoran Street members reported the arrival of new neighbors this week.

The pictured bee swarm landed on DCCA President Susan Volman's fence. A little investigation by her neighbor, DCCA member Virginia Murphy, revealed that the city's Urban Beekkeeping Program within the Parks Department has a partnership with the DC Beekeepers Alliance who can help with the swarm.

If you think you may have a swarm of bees DC encourages you to check this link to confirm Swarm of Honeybees? (an interesting read even if you are swarm-free!) and then contact:
Ooh La La - Grab your Beret and Head to French Market
Friday - Sunday April 28 - 30

Neighboring Georgetown is hosting their 20th annual Georgetown French Market. The open open-air market is inspired by those often seen in France and will feature sidewalk sales and specials from more than 30 locally-owned boutiques, cafés, and galleries along Wisconsin Avenue from O St to Reservoir Rd.

Click here to get more info on this free event.
Explore Plant Workshops
Saturday April 29th
12:00 - 2:00 PM
1825 18th Street Northwest A

This local workshop will teach you how to mount and care for hoyas or wax plants. You will leave with a stunning living wall hanging and all the knowledge needed to keep it alive - and you will enjoy a complimentary mimosa during class!

All materials, including plants and care instructions, will be provided. For ticketing, fees and other workshop information, click here.
Take a Trip Around the World
Saturday, May 6
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
In and around Dupont Circle

World Embassy Day returns on May 6 with more than 63 participating embassies. Duponters are fortunate to have so many embassies in our backyard and this offers a way to get a look at building architecture and experience the food, art, and music of nations around the world! This free event is popular which often means lines to enter the embassies but the vibrant energy in the air as you talk with fellow "travelers" will help pass the time as you explore the embassies of our international neighbors.

Click here for more information, including volunteer opportunities. Registration is not required but is recommended so that you can get event updates.
Celebrate Equality Day at the Zoo
Sunday, May 7th

Celebrate the beauty and importance of family diversity with the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. Visitors will have the chance to attend keeper talks and see animal demonstrations.This event is free. Entry passes to the Zoo are required.
Sign up for Jazz in Garden Lotto
Every Friday, May 19th - August 4th
National Gallery of Art
Sculpture Garden

This popular live music series includes jazz, Latin fusion, bluegrass and more.

Due to popular demand the National Gallery is instituting a free lottery system so that anyone interested in attending Jazz in the Garden has an equal chance to participate. Mark your calendars to enter the lottery: each concert will have its own lottery, which will open the week prior on Monday at 10:00 a.m. and close that Friday at noon. Click here for more info including the concert line up.
Newslinks of Note
Police Chief Robert Contee To Depart MPD- LINK

DCA expected to be part of summer travel woes - LINK

.. but there will be new terminal restaurants to try during your delays - LINK

Helicopters Required To Fly At Higher Altitudes To Reduce Noise - LINK

Bill Could Help D.C. Turn Vacant Homes Into Grocery Stores - LINK

A Congestion Charge Could Be Coming For Rideshare Trips Downtown - LINK

Amsterdam Falafelshop In Adams Morgan To Close After 18 Years - LINK

Sima Sushi “conveyor belt sushi” coming to 17th & L - LINK

Dupont’s Polished New Planta Queen Isn’t Your Average Vegan Restaurant - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |