St. Bartholomew's

Episcopal Church


February 22, 2024


February 25, 9:30 am

Morning Prayer with Music

led by Mary Curlew

Please join us on Sunday morning for a worship service led by Mary Curlew, St. Bart's intern.

Sunday School is offered on the first Sunday of the month. Nursery Care is available every Sunday.

Masks are optional.

To view the bulletin for the service and to find the streaming link, CLICK HERE for the Sunday Services page of our website.

Need hearing assistance? We have earpieces that receive audio from the sound system. You can find them in charging stations in the entryway. Simply slip the earpiece over your ear, turn it on with the volume switch, and adjust volume. Please return to the charging stations when you are done.

Mid-Week Lenten Service - Celtic Evening Eucharist

February 21 & 28, March 6, 13, & 20 - 5:30 pm

A mid-week Celtic Evening Eucharist led by the Rev. Amanda Gerken-Nelson is being offered at St. Bart's on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm during Lent. In our hurried and noisy world, our Celtic Eucharist offers gracious space and an evening's hour to enjoy the power of quiet...gently touched by candlelight, music, a sacred meal, and prayer.

This year's theme for Lent is "The Inner Voice" and if you would like to give a short reflection on this theme, please email Rev. Amanda.


Pastoral Care

In Need of Our Prayers:

For all who have commended themselves to our prayers; for our families, friends, and neighbors; that being freed from anxiety, they may live in joy, peace, and health, we pray to you O Lord. (BCP, Prayers of the People, Form V, 391)

We pray for: 

Charles; Pat; Antonia; Al; Alex; Virginia & Jamil; Hannah; Mike; David; Sarah; Jenny & Matt; Perry; Jim; Elaine; Sasha; Paige; Diane; Karl; Nathaniel; Will; Tom & Laurel; Nancy A.; Dennis; Robert & Mary; Karen; Debra; Haskell; Sue; Deb; Don; Hazel; Matilda; Gregory; Mary Jane; Michael Curry; Beth; and Curt.

For those who have died, especially DeLancey Moser Converse, sister-in-law of Christina Jackson and distant cousin of Liza Chandler, we pray: Receive them into the arms of your mercy.

Click HERE to go directly to the Pastoral Care section of our website. We have information about Healing Prayers, our Words of Comfort booklet and how to contact us via email.

Second Church Storytellers for Sunday, February 25.

We will begin about 15 minutes into coffee hour. Participation by storytellers and story listeners is always welcome. For those who would like to share a story, please tell a story about a time when you were in a wilderness.

This could be a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual wilderness. Your choice.


Nursery Care Assistants -

Join the Volunteer List!


We are pleased to offer nursery care every Sunday during our regular worship services. Jennifer Weiderman has been wonderful caring for the children entrusted to her in our nursery, and we are thrilled to see more children joining her. Our Safe Church policy mandates that we have two adults present when children are in our care, and sign-ups for the assistant have been slim.

Those of us who have signed up have enjoyed getting to know the children and their parents a bit better. We'd like to create a list of volunteers who would be willing to serve as an Assistant (with Jennifer taking the lead) and then create a schedule for the school year. If your assigned date doesn’t work, you can switch with someone else and let Teri know.

If you are willing to volunteer as an assistant, please let Susan Garrett know,


Coffee Hour Sign Up - Hosts Needed


Coffee Hour hosts are needed throughout 2024. Please sign up for a convenient Sunday, using the link and following the steps listed below. Thank you! Contact Jamie Michaud with any questions.


To sign up for a 2024 Coffee Hour Host slot, click on this link:


1.    Scroll down the list of dates, and click on any open slot(s) for the Sunday(s) that will work best for you to host. 

2.    Click on the "Sign Up" Tab for the Sunday(s) you choose. In the “Quantity” box, choose “1” since you are signing up 1 person.

3.    A bar will appear at the bottom of the page, with a tab that reads "Save and Continue.” Click on that.

4.    Fill in your name and email address on the form that appears. Click on the "Sign Up Now" tab. 

5.    You'll receive a confirmation email, and Jamie Michaud will receive an email notifying her of your sign up so that she can add you to the schedule. Also, you'll receive a reminder email on the Friday before your Sunday duty.


NOTE: Do not click on any advertising tabs that appear on the side columns of the signup. The advertisements allow us to use SignupGenius for free.

Lenten Study: Religious Literacy: The Abrahamic Faiths

More than half of the people in the world consider themselves religious. For essentially all of the world's population, religion matters. If we are going to figure out how to communicate in a wider world, we have to have a place to begin. The beginning is literacy. We cannot understand each other unless we understand the meanings of the words from each others perspective.

Yet, many of us do not have a reliable understanding of what a Pentecostal Christian believes or what the word Pentecostal means. Much less, what Abraham signifies to an Orthodox Jew or an observant Sunni Moslem.

Last year, the Lenten study was on what it meant to be an Episcopalian. This year, we would like to further broaden our frame into the world of religious literacy focusing on the Abrahamic faiths. We will spend four Sunday afternoons on four different topics using chapters from Huston Smith's text "The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions" as a jumping off point. (This book is widely available used and new.) Each session will stand independently, however consecutive attendance would be helpful.

I hope that you will join in a 4 session exploration of the broader definitions and understandings of some of the more common variations and practices of the Abrahamic religions.

We will meet from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM on 4 Sundays

 • February 25 - Christianity - Roman Catholic and Orthodox (Chapters 1 & 8)

 • March 3 - no meeting Presidents' Day weekend

 • March 10 - Christianity - Free church Black, Evangelical, Fundamental, & Pentecostal (Chapter 8 continued)

 • March 17 - Judaism - Conservative & Reform (Chapter 7)

 • March 24 - Islam - Sunni & Shia (Chapter 6)

Questions? Interested? Sign-Up? Contact Dan Hudkins or 207-401-0836.

Toothpaste Drive for

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry

The Drive is now at 160 tubes of toothpaste. We are grateful for these donations and hope to reach a goal of 400 by Sunday, March 10. Are you able to help us reach our goal? The basket collecting toothpaste is in the entryway of the church. 

Thank you  Thank you  Thank you

Save the date!  April 9 at 1:30 pm

Please save the date of Tuesday, April 9 at 1:30 pm for a special program on The Challenges and Gifts Unique to Dementia Caregivers. 

Our speaker, Susan Wehry, is a board-certified geriatric psychiatrist with almost 40 years of experience. She is the director of AgingME, a Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Project to create a more age-friendly health system. For more information, visit and 

Resources for Volunteers

To learn more about opportunities to volunteer in the community through St. Bart's (St. Elizabeth's, Friendship House, etc.), go to the COMMUNITY OUTREACH page on our website.

To sign up for a Sunday morning Coffee Hour shift, click HERE.

Upcoming Duties

Click Here for Upcoming Duties

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