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NIA Hot Topics

June 2023

Welcome to the June edition of NIA Hot Topics, Naples Improvement Association's eNews communication.

NIA Hot Topics is distributed 1-2 weeks following the NIA's monthly board meetings. Hot Topics shares quick updates on Naples happenings, NIA business, and announcements.

Feedback? Send comments to Steve Pruitt at:

NIA Membership Drive!

Join Now!

Our new membership year runs June 1, 2023 thru May 31, 2024. 

Hopefully, you have already registered for the upcoming year, but if not, do it today at

 And….Please come out and join us at the 

Tuesday, June 27 concert 

to pick up your membership benefits or register in person!

In this issue:

  • In the Know
  • Flea Market - Saturday June 24
  • Concert and Chili Cookoff June 27
  • July 4th Bike Ride - July 4
  • Big Bang on the Bay - July 3
  • Upcoming Naples Calendar

This Hot Topics section has local news that may be of interest to Naples Residents and help us all stay involved. Click the links for more info.

Friendly Reminder, Do Not Light Fireworks!

The City of Long Beach wants everyone to enjoy the holiday. And, in order to keep the City’s residents and visitors safe, all personal fireworks, even those deemed “Safe and Sane,” are illegal in the City of Long Beach. You can also submit a complaint in these ways:

  • Call the non-emergency number at the Communications Center at (562) 435-6711 to report fireworks usage and/or sales.
  • Online HERE
  • Email the patrol division at where the activity is occurring and provide addresses, videos, license plates, photos, and any other information that can be investigated. Please include your name, address, and phone number so that you can be contacted if necessary.
  • Call 9-1-1 for emergencies ONLY. People should not call 911 to report fireworks, unless the fireworks have caused an injury or fire.

The Police Department will make every effort to respond to reports of illegal fireworks, however, officers must witness the activity in order to make an arrest. Community members who witness illegal fireworks activity also have the option to sign a private person’s arrest form which will allow officers to take action after investigating an incident.

Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Event

June 17th | 8 am - 1 pm | 2525 Grand Ave.

Protect your vehicle against possible theft! In partnership with the City of Long Beach's Fleet Services Bureau, the Long Beach Police Department is hosting a free event to etch your vehicle's license plate number onto your catalytic converter to help police track and recover your converter in the event it is stolen. Registration is required at this LINK.

Community Invited to Provide Input on Updated Subdivision Ordinance

The City of Long Beach is in the process of comprehensively updating its Subdivision Ordinance for the first time since 1983. The Ordinance provides guidance and procedures for the design and improvement of various types of land divisions in the city. Updates to the Ordinance aim to ensure consistency with State law and the City’s General Plan, including the updated Land Use ElementMobility ElementUrban Design Element and Local Coastal Program. The updates allow for a more streamlined review process for minor map approvals such as lot mergers, lot line adjustments and parcel maps. The public is invited to review the draft Subdivision Ordinance and provide written feedback during the comment period through Monday, June 26, 2023. A revised draft will be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration at a public hearing later this summer. To submit a comment during the public comment period, contact Sergio Gutierrez, Project Planner, at or 562.570.5934.

3rd District Newsletter

If you don't already receive Kristina Duggan's LB 3rd District Newsletter, sign up HERE!

Important Meeting on City Council Meeting on June 20!

Concert in the Park

Tuesday, June 27 6 to 8 PM

Sponsored by:

Check with Naples Rib for online concert special discounts!

Concert Featuring

Big City HillBillies


More info regarding the Chili Cook Off - contact: Donna Kraus

NIA 4th of July Bike Ride!

The Naples Improvement Association will once again host its annual 4th of July Bike Ride on Tuesday, July 4 at 10 a.m. All ages are welcome for this safe, fun and quick community event! Participants are encouraged to decorate their bikes with ride-friendly, patriotic decorations. The bike parade will begin at Naples Fountain. This event is sponsored by the Naples Youth Group, and will last about 20 minutes. Come join the fun and kick off your Fourth of July with your neighbors!

The Big Bang on the Bay - July 3

The Big Bang on the Bay is a local favorite that brings the community together to celebrate our unique waterfront while we celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy in America.  For more information click HERE.  

Upcoming NIA and Naples EVENTS 

Gatherings, Meetings and Celebrations!

Go to the website HERE to see the whole calendar!

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June 24 - Flea Market

• June 27 - Summer Concert & Chili Cook-off

• July 4 - Independence Day Bike Ride

• July 25 - Summer Concert - Manuel the Band

• Aug 29 - Summer Concert - King Salmon Band

• Sept 10 - Street Dance Concert - Ocean Blvd

More events to come for 2023!

NIA Membership

The 2023-24 Membership Drive is in FULL GO mode! Membership runs from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. Click HERE to sign-up!

Questions? Contact Tony Digiovanni at

NIA Mission

Promote • Unite • Improve

The mission of the NIA is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Naples community, particularly in regards to public improvements, public utilities and all other governmental related activities; to unite the property owners and residents for the purposes of developing and improving the civic and social interests and activities; and to partner with other organizations and associations whose missions are similar to those of the NIA.