Friday Newsletter

January 26, 2024

This Sunday

Worship Service

& Sunday School: 10 am

Coffee Hour: 11:15 am

New Members' Class: 11:30 am

Pizza & Games!: 11:45 am

Regular Youth Groups

From the Pastor's Desk

Good afternoon Westminster!

It’s a new year and this new video message from me will highlight 3 things in the life of the Westminster community each week. Let’s get started…

  1. Democracy & Dictators – Over the next 10 weeks, as we read thru the Gospel of Mark, the sermon series will be “Democracy & Dictators.” We will explore the significant ways that the Gospel of Mark challenges us to engage in public life in ways that affirm each person, decentralize power, and uplift our shared dignity. The parables of Jesus were sharp and pointed and conveyed decisive action to those who heard them. Our task is to come by them in a similar way, to notice the places where we have regulated the stories to the realm of nice and benign. When we really start to understand the incredible picture of the world that Jesus was painting, we might come to see that we’ve only just begun this Christian journey.
  2. New on the socials - There are some new opportunities for dialogue over on social media- Facebook and Threads where we can continue the conversation about Christian faith, Presbyterian tradition, democracy, peace as well as some Scripture and history thrown in. You can find the links below: Facebook Threads
  3. Dr. Cornel West came to town - An amazing thing happened in Oregon this week. On Monday evening, Oregon State University (go Beavers) hosted Drs. Cornel West and Robert George for a panel called The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue and it is absolute fire. It has way more do to with the local church than the title suggests, and it is a sermon for the ages. I encourage you to set aside time to listen to the whole thing. You can find it here: Difficult Conversations: The University's Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue with Dr. Robert George and Dr. Cornel West - OSU MediaSpace (


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

Looking Ahead

1/21 & 1/28 @ 11:30 am: New Members' Class

1/28 @ 11:45 am Pizza & Games Afternoon

2/10 @ 10 am: Memorial Service for JoEve Netz

2/12 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out

2/14: Ash Wednesday Experience Drop-In

12:30-1:30 or 5:30-6:30

2/14-2/18: Labyrinth Available

2/18 @ 11:30: Open Time with Elders

2/18 @ 2:30: Labyrinth Experience with guest Rev. Scott Crane

2/20 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

2/25 @ 11 am: Congregational Annual Meeting with Potluck

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Bring your favorite board game and stay after service on Sunday, January 28, for pizza and board game afternoon! All ages welcome.

Did you retire in 2023 or know someone in the congregation that did and would like recognition for this achievement? Family Ministry will be recognizing this milestone at a future service. Please contact Cheryl Lugenbill with names/contacts at within the next couple of weeks.

Women's Night Out is February 12, at 6 pm at McGrath's in Willamette Town Center. RSVP to Sue Ray ( or 503-319-0511).


WPC Printed Photo Directories will continue to be available for pick up any Sunday at the welcome desk in the narthex or in the office during the week (Mon-Thurs, 9-2).

The official per capita amount for 2024 is $45.60.

Any committee, team, sub-committee, or group who would like an update published in the WPC annual report, please appoint somebody to write it up and get it to the church office by February 9. Contact the church office for more information.

The next Leadership Lab planning and calendaring meeting is scheduled for February 7 at 6:30. Each committee, team, etc., should plan to send a representative.

Items to be included in the newsletter are due the Thursday prior at 9 am.


A heartfelt thank you to all who gave fabric , sewed and ironed pillowcases for Doernbecher. A total of 47 cases were given to the hospital with a card that read: " These pillowcases were sewn with love and filled with healing prayers by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Salem, Oregon." 


It's going to be here in just TWO weeks (2/11), our great SOUPER BOWL Sunday! Watch the ads...Roth's has a soup special this week. Let's celebrate, feed those who need nourishment, and have some fun filling BIG BLUE with SOUP!! Mmmmm good. Let's do it.

Every unit we donate at the Westminster blood drive can help save up to three lives. Each recipient of that blood donation has his or her own story. He or she could be an accident or trauma victim, cancer patient, a mother giving birth, a premature baby, a transplant recipient or surgical candidate. Our impact goes beyond that patient – it is multiplied by the impact it has on that person’s loved ones who are thankful for the unit we donated. Please consider making an appointment to donate on Monday, March 11, 2024. There are many appointments available at nearly any time of day between 1:00pm and 5:30pm. You can use your computer, tablet or smartphone to conveniently sign up using the Red Cross blood donor App which can be found at (computer), at the Android Play Store or at the the Apple app store. Or you can always contact Bill Nelson at (503-576-1278) or Pam Garland at


Pat Randle and family at the passing of Jim this past week.

Crystal V. for full time employment and sleep at night.

In the Community

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon’s 11th annual Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit will take place in faith communities all over Oregon with the theme, “Hope for Our Common Home.” This hybrid event is scheduled for Sunday, February 4, 1-5 pm. Find more info or register here, or contact Deanie Anderson ( or 503-480-5931), your Westminster connection.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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