Step 1: Complete Top
Complete the personal information in the section at the top of the form (your name, UID number, date of birth, etc.).
Step 2: Immunization for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) - Section A
The University of Maryland at College Park requires ALL incoming students to provide completed proof of immunization dates for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (M.M.R., 2 doses), and Tdap/TD within the past 10 years. A copy of a lab titer for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella will be accepted in lieu of the immunization dates.
Step 3: Meningococcal (Meningitis) - Section B
All Undergraduate students are required to have this vaccine. Alternatively, you can sign a waiver opposing the vaccine (Section C).
Step 4: Tuberculosis (TB) Testing Questionnaire - Section D
Every student must complete this section. If you have answered yes to any of the questions, you will be required to have a Quantiferon Gold or T-spot test. This test must be performed in the United States and within the past 12 months.
Step 5: Optional Recommended Immunizations - Section E
Other recommended immunizations for all incoming students are Covid, Chicken Pox (Varivax; 2 doses); Hepatitis A (2 doses); Hepatitis B or Twinrix (3 doses); HPV (3 doses); Influenza (yearly); IPV -Polio (3 doses); Meningitis B. These immunizations are not required but can be acquired through the University Health Center, if desired, at a later date and by appointment.
Step 6: Option Gender Identity - Section F
This section is optional, for students that want to specify their gender identity and should be completed online at WWW.MYUHC.UMD.EDU
Step 7: Submission of Completed Documents
Immunization forms must be submitted to the University Health Center before the first day of classes. Forms may be uploaded to MyUHC. You will be prompted for a Directory ID and password, then you will enter your UID number. Click on Required Immunizations and Forms on the left hand side of the page. Go to forms, select Immunizations, and enter all the appropriate requested immunization dates found on your records. Click on Add Immunization Record where you will scan your document to the record. Make sure you click to submit the documents.
After Submission of Form:
Every student will receive a secure message to their UMD email after your immunization form has been reviewed. The email will indicate if you are cleared or if follow-up with the Health Center is needed. Information in the email will include dates for the immunization clinics and next steps.
All questions about immunization requirements should be addressed to the Health Center Immunization Office at 301-314-8114 or send a message through MyUHC. The Health Center cannot accept any documents that are sent to the Health Center via email.