October 27 – 12 Cheshvan
Today's Day of Learning
is dedicated by
Harriet and George Blank
in memory of
Bella Feinstein
Bela bat Asher Yehuda Chaim ben Israel Zev z”l
beloved great-aunt of Harriet and George Blank
in commemoration of her upcoming yahrtzeit on 14 Cheshvan.
October 26– 11 Cheshvan
Today’s Day of Learning
is dedicated by
JKHA Early Childhood and Lower School Teachers and Administrators
in memory of
Francine Grauer z"l
beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,
and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein
October 25– 10 Cheshvan
Today’s Day of Learning
is dedicated by
The Bendory Family
in honor of the IDF and the State of Israel,
in memory of the fallen,
and in solidarity with the hostages with tefillot for their immediate release.
October 24 – 9 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Harriet and George Blank
in memory of
Rachael Perutz
Rachel bat Yitzhok Yaakov z”l
beloved mother of Jeannette Elsner and Dr. Allan Perutz,
and aunt of George Blank.
October 24 - 9 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Jodi and Jack Mordekai and family
In honor of their son Max Mordekai's Bar Mitzvah
Thank you to Doni Israeli and the entire wonderful JKHA community for supporting Max in reaching this milestone
May all of Am Yisrael celebrate many smachot together in the future with strength & hatzlacha. Amen
October 23 – 8 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Friends of Debbie and Rich Finkelstein
in memory of
Francine Grauer z"l
beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,
and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein
in commemoration of her upcoming shloshim.
And in honor Francine Grauer’s z”l seven great grandchildren serving in the IDF to protect her legacy and all of Am Yisrael
October 23 – 8 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
the RKYHS Administration and Faculty
in memory of
Francine Grauer z"l
beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,
and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein
Click Here to Donate
We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001