October 26, 2023/ 11th of Cheshvan 5784/ Parsha Lech Lecha

Candle Lighting: 5:41 PM

This past week our JKHA Lower School classes wrote to RKYHS alumni who are currently serving in the IDF. Our students were excited to get videos, photos and even personalized letters from some of the alumni in return!

Click here to view a thank you video from Sarah Silverberg (JKHA '11/RKYHS '15)

Click here to view a thank you video from Jonah Eisenberg (JKHA '16/RKYHS '20)

Click here to view a thank you video from David Goldstein

(RKYHS '16)

Thank You to Jon Liebman (JKHA '07/RKYHS '11), Joseph Cohen (JKHA '14/RKYHS '20), and Josh Fleisher (JKHA '99/RKYHS '03) for your beautiful thank you notes. A special thank you to Gabe Homa (JKHA '01/RKYHS '05) for writing personalized thank you notes in response to our 4th grade students, increasing their connection to our chayalim!

The “K13” program was set up to provide programming for RKYHS alumni from the class of ‘23 who have returned to the US from their yeshivot and seminaries. Students are working in classrooms, helping with the new influx of students from Israel, chesed activities, helping in the office and attending dedicated shiurim.

JKHA faculty and bnot Sherut volunteered their time this week to lead Zoom sessions for English-speaking school-aged children aged 5-10 in Israel. From a game show, story time, yoga, art and more, we hope these opportunities provided assistance to families during this difficult time.

JKHA/RKYHS in the News 

Over the last week, JKHA and RKYHS have been featured in a number of news outlets. In addition to recent coverage of our RKYHS-led Zoom for yeshiva high school students on NBC, our school was featured in the below recent articles.  

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA news service) article on JKHA welcoming in students arriving from israel

Washington Post interviewed Rabbi Rubin for an article on security at Jewish Day Schools.  

The Yeshiva High school unity zoom for Israel was featured in the New Jersey Jewish News/Jewish Standard and The Jewish Link. Both feature interviews with Rabbi Avishur. 

Early Childhood/Lower School

As part of learning about parshat lech-lecha, pre-K and Kindergarten students each were greeted by "Avram" (a disguised Rabbi Srolovitz) who commanded them -“Lech lecha m’artzecha.” Students marched as they followed Avram on this unknown journey and set out to search all over the expansive JKHA recreation space for Eretz Canaan and their new home. Click here to watch them on their journey.

The Lower School guidance department runs the 4th grade leaders program, working with 4th graders on what it means to be a successful student and empathetic leader. Every two weeks, four new students are selected and celebrated and given a number of opportunities to demonstrate their leadership including helping in the cafeteria at lunch, helping in lower school classes to help, and more.

In conjunction with Fluency Friday, Tehillim Fridays are back as well to build fluency in Hebrew reading. On Tehillim Fridays, students have the opportunity to own their own perek of Tehillim which they recite each week and practice their kriah reading fluency skills. Reciting Tehilllim has special meaning this year as students daven for Israel and our soldiers.

Middle School

Eighth grade girls kicked off the Tefilla Leadership Cohort this week. Under the guidance of Rebbetzin Proops, Mashgicha Ruchanit of RKYHS, 11th and 12th grade girls will join eighth grade girls' davening weekly, creating meaningful and relatable davening experiences for our students. In doing so they serve as both role models and peers, developing a framework for growth and connection to our 8th graders. 

Yesterday, as part of the Witness seminar 8th graders engaged with their first American Society of Yad Vashem exhibit here at school, where American Society of Yad Vashem's Director of Education Dr. Marlene Yahalom shared with them an overview of the exhibit before students explored the panels with a graphic organizer, in small groups. The exhibit was entitled "No Child's Play," about how life changed for children before, during, and after the Holocaust. The artifacts were thought-provoking and emotionally resonant.

The Eighth Grade had the first annual Abolitionist Mixer. Each student was assigned an abolitionist and during the mixer, the students asked each other how their abolitionists fought for abolition of slavery and why they supported the cause. Some abolitionists were passive, while some were more active and even violent. Some supported parallel causes, such as suffragettes and other women's rights issues as well as the rights for enslaved people. The students now better understand the resistance to slavery that occurred during the antebellum period.

Kol Hakavod to 8th grader Esti Nusbaum, 6th grader Yoella Ivker and 5th grader Elisha Shoval for performing Hatikvah and The Star Spangled Banner the Friends of the IDF (FIDF) New Jersey Annual Tribute Dinner. Thank you to JKHA music teacher Morah Sharon Kinstlinger for coordinating this opportunity for the students and for preparing them for and accompanying them during the performance. 

High School

You can feel the love and support from the over 10,000 teens from over 45 schools from Yeshiva high schools all over North America in this video recap of the beautiful program RKYHS spearheaded for tefilah and unity for Israel. Click here or the image above to watch video.

David Needle (JKHA ‘13/RKYHS ‘17) visited Morah Ben Guy’s 11th grade class this week and will also be presenting to the AIPAC club on Friday. He graduated from RKYHS in 2017. He then moved to Israel and studied in Yeshiva then started University, which he froze to draft. He went to a combat position in the Israeli Navy and was with his family for chagim when the war broke out. His unit did not call him in for reserves. He has volunteered to return to serve, but has not heard back yet. In the meantime, he is in the US and is trying to help the Jewish Community here.

One initiative he has is to speak to high schoolers, to help them understand the conflict and understand how to digest it. He feels that since we are all struggling individually, the answer is to be together in Unity.

The RKYHS Homeless Awareness Club traveled to Newark for their monthly visit to help those experiencing homelessness. They spent time at The HELP Center (Homeless Emergency Living Partnership) handing out clothing and food to those in need, and spending time with the homeless population there.

A group of 30 students from RKYHS and Saint Benedict's Prep (SBP) are participating in the Seminar on Antisemitism and Racism (SOAR). The students have been meeting on zoom weekly to discuss readings and topics relevant to the history of the Civil Rights Movement in the country and roles and relationships between Jewish and Black leaders over time. The SBP students and faculty sent RKYHS a Peace Lily communicating that they stand in solidarity with our school and Israel. On Sunday, the students joined together for the first in person activity where the energy, enthusiasm and friendship were contagious. Together, we learned to 'bury the hatchet' and set differences aside in the common goal of achieving friendship and understanding.  

Tenth graders had an opportunity this week to spend time with classmates in relaxed programming, providing a mental health break. The sophomores enjoyed a cupcake decorating competition with torah-themed subjects.  

RKYHS students have made multiple trips to the AFYA Foundation warehouse, including two visits this week, to sort and pack personal hygiene and medical supplies that will be distributed to Israelis displaced from southern Israel. A group of alumni from the Class of ‘23 joined in for the chesed today too.

To review the different parts of the brain, the AP psychology class made brain caps, complete with lobes, major brain areas, and pictures to symbolize the major function of each brain area.  

The Senior Citizen Engagement Club visited the residents of Care One this week during the chug period. Students spent time with the residents, playing games, singing songs, and enjoying their conversation.  

The RKYHS Chesed Executive Board program called Super Readers visited Lower School classrooms during the high school chug period and read to students in Early Childhood and Lower School. The RKYHS Super Readers are also available to Lower School students to provide one on one assistance with reading.


Sports night at RKYHS is underway this evening! The exciting annual event at RKYHS fills RKYHS with school spirit and pride as classmates cheer on the RKYHS Cobras in eight home games. The evening began with a school pep rally, decorating the gyms and hockey rink, and a celebratory dinner complete around the firepits outside at the Gottlieb Pavilion. Stay tuned for more on Sports night in next week's Connections.

The Middle School Athletics Department has had an amazing start to the year!  In line with the JKHA school theme this year of #middotmatter, the JKHA Middle School Athletic Department has owned their responsibility to incorporate values into athletics, understanding that it's not just about the victories, it's about the values as well. In the new Cobra Athletics Media Club, students are serving as reporters, photographers, and scorekeepers for the Middle School athletics. Their post-game recaps and photos are appearing in the Athletics Department newsletters, and their videos and photos are making their way to the new Middle School Cobras Athletics Instagram page. 

Click here to view the first Middle School Athletics newsletter.

Yashar Koach to the Middle School Boys Hockey team on their win vs RYNJ at their season opener!


Click here to view this week's Kushner Comments 

Click here for a printable version of the Kushner Comments

Click here to read the JLC's The Schmooze


KPAC organized a beautiful evening of chizuk and unity for women from all over the community this week to join together for tefillot and to hear words of inspiration from Mrs. Jackie Bitton. 

Our KPAC Co-Presidents Haley Vogel and Jessica Zeffren were interviewed for this video through Teach NJ for yeshiva day school parents to find out how they can ensure a safer, stronger Jewish future here in NJ.



Mazel Tov to Dasi and Adam Volk (JKHA ‘04/RKYHS ‘08) on the birth of a baby boy!

Mazel Tov to David and Jessica (Levenson) Mirsky (JKHA ‘05/RKYHS ‘09) on the birth of a baby boy!

Mazel Tov to Kayla Krok (RKYHS '12) on her marriage to Alex Shoenfeld!

We want to promote the ways our JKHA/RKYHS Alumni are

helping Stand Up For Israel!

Please share the ways you are helping including articles you are writing, collections you are organizing, the challah bakes you are attending, and anything else you are doing to support Israel during this time of crisis.

Send your updates and photos to so we can highlight them with the entire JKHA/RKYHS community!


October 27 – 12 Cheshvan

Today's Day of Learning

is dedicated by

Harriet and George Blank

in memory of

Bella Feinstein

Bela bat Asher Yehuda Chaim ben Israel Zev z”l

beloved great-aunt of Harriet and George Blank

in commemoration of her upcoming yahrtzeit on 14 Cheshvan.

October 26– 11 Cheshvan

Today’s Day of Learning

is dedicated by

JKHA Early Childhood and Lower School Teachers and Administrators

in memory of

Francine Grauer z"l

beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,

and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein

October 25– 10 Cheshvan

Today’s Day of Learning

is dedicated by

The Bendory Family

in honor of the IDF and the State of Israel, 

in memory of the fallen, 

and in solidarity with the hostages with tefillot for their immediate release.

October 24 – 9 Cheshvan

Was dedicated by

Harriet and George Blank

in memory of

Rachael Perutz

Rachel bat Yitzhok Yaakov z”l

beloved mother of Jeannette Elsner and Dr. Allan Perutz,

and aunt of George Blank.


October 24 - 9 Cheshvan 

Was dedicated by 

Jodi and Jack Mordekai and family 

In honor of their son Max Mordekai's Bar Mitzvah 

Thank you to Doni Israeli and the entire wonderful JKHA community for supporting Max in reaching this milestone 

May all of Am Yisrael celebrate many smachot together in the future with strength & hatzlacha. Amen

October 23 – 8 Cheshvan

Was dedicated by 

Friends of Debbie and Rich Finkelstein

in memory of

Francine Grauer z"l

beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,

and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein

in commemoration of her upcoming shloshim.

And in honor Francine Grauer’s z”l seven great grandchildren serving in the IDF to protect her legacy and all of Am Yisrael


October 23 – 8 Cheshvan

Was dedicated by

the RKYHS Administration and Faculty

in memory of

Francine Grauer z"l

beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,

and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein

Click Here to Donate 

We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS


If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: or (862) 437-8001