From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

October 2023 | No. 7

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Dear James,

 The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the people of Israel may go through the sea on dry ground. (Ex. 14:15-16, ESV)


Roadblocks. We all run into them. Sometimes it's mental - you just can't seem to overcome your own thoughts. Sometimes it's physical - you simply don't have the time/energy/resources to do what you want to do. But most frustrating of all is when it's due to something out of your control - the block has to be moved by someone or something else.

     Israel hit a roadblock - the Red Sea. God's solution? "Go forward"! Straight ahead, right through it, and He will make a way.

     So many Christians know in their hearts what God has called them to do, but they can't seem to get past the roadblock and so they end up doing the "next best thing" or sometimes just whatever thing they can do. It happens to people who feel called to be missionaries, too. They know what they want to do, but just can't seem to find a way to do it.

     God is the roadblock-remover! The stone blocking the tomb was rolled away, and the One who they thought was closed inside was alive and risen! 

     We don't always know where the waters will part, but what God has given us to do is pretty easy to understand: Go Forward! And let God make a way.

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

For those who don't know me, I am the founder and director of Global Lutheran Outreach. My wife Liisa and I served as LCMS missionaries to Venezuela for 13 years. Later, I got to see how mission is conducted from the "other side", serving  the LCMS as an Area Director (mission administrator) for an additional four years. 

     What I learned was this: there's got to be a better way for Lutherans to "do" missions!

     Led by the Lord of the Harvest, in 2011 Global Lutheran Outreach (GLO) was born. Simply put, the purpose of GLO is to remove the roadblocks; to help those whom God has called to be missionaries to find a path forward; to part the red sea of bureaucracy and make it happen!

     This issue highlights our once-a-year annual fund, called "Go Beyond!". I hope you will be blessed and inspired by our stories and will visit the Go Beyond! page:

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise.

Together, we rise up. 

Rise with us!

From the Mouths of Missionaries

We're doing something a little different this month. Instead of highlighting the work of our missionaries, this month the missionaries are highlighting the work of GLO! We asked them questions, and here are some of their responses...

Why is it important to you to be a GLO missionary?

"We feel cared for and that we are not alone. Those who serve also need care. If you feel alone, you can lose your spiritual strength because you feel that you are not needed or wanted." (GLO missionary, Mongolia)

"It has been important for us to be affiliated with an organization that supports us, it makes us feel that we are not alone." (GLO missionary, Venezuela)

Missionaries are often surprised and frustrated by two unforeseen challenges. First, they often feel alone. This is especially true for those who have struck out on their own as independent missionaries. Sure, we have a wonderful group of prayer partners and supporters back home, and that is so necessary! But in the day-to-day, it's nice to talk to people who also have scorpions in their bathrooms and ants in the sugar bowl.

What is different or unique about Global Lutheran Outreach?

GLO asked me a question that I had never been asked in 30+ years of missionary service: ‘How can we help you do what God has called you to do?’” (GLO missionary,  Guinea)

"GLO has a certain mentality that is reflected in what (the Director) once said: “I have a policy to not say ‘no’”. Other organizations have the policy that the organization decides what a missionary can or cannot do. GLO trusts us to make the best decisions on where to go or what to do; we have never felt that our ministry was hindered by GLO." (GLO missionary, Cambodia)

The second thing that can surprise missionaries are the limitations that are often put on their ministries by their supporting organizations. Every missionary has had someone tell them, "you can't do that". And every missionary has said, "I'll have to ask my superiors".

     GLO is a different kind of mission organization. We don't "control" our missionaries - we help them! Saying "no" isn't in our DNA. We trust our missionaries to make the best decisions in their area of service. Our job is to take care of administration and logistics so that missionaries can focus on their mission.

How has GLO helped you pursue your missionary calling?

My husband and I knew that God had called us to be missionaries, but we couldn’t find a path forward. We felt defeated. Then we met Global Lutheran Outreach, and they allowed us to be the missionaries that God wanted us to be.” (GLO missionary, Cambodia)

"I love GLO because you have the freedom to decide for yourself where you go and where you fit. There is “free flow” – rather than serving because someone said you had to go there or because they are paying you."

(GLO missionary, Tanzania)

"Other organizations are not willing to send a missionary where he/she feels called to go. GLO gives you the flexibility to pursue your calling." 

(GLO missionary, Kenya)

    Sometimes, following God’s call can seem all but impossible to do. Some people feel called to a specific country but cannot find an organization that is willing to send them there. Others have gifts or abilities that do not seem to “fit” into any of the traditional molds. And for many, the financial barriers to missionary service seem impossible to overcome.

     Global Lutheran Outreach helps people to Go Beyond the barriers and minister among the people whom God has put on their heart! We find opportunities that match the missionary’s passion and gifts. We enable missionaries to raise up mission partners to support their ministries. And we help take care of important issues such as travel documents, visas, and insurance. 

What do you love about Global Lutheran Outreach?

"GLO has a lot of missionaries from around the world, not just from America. I love that you also send people from poor countries." 

(GLO missionary, Cambodia)

"GLO gives opportunities to other missionaries without regard to language – they can serve where they want to." (GLO missionary, Guatemala)

"GLO is made up of people from all nations." (GLO missionary, Mongolia)

"I love that GLO provides opportunities for people from any nation to serve in another nation as missionaries."(GLO missionary, Guatemala)

GLO's vision has always been to facilitate the service of Lutherans from many nations as missionaries! It's a big vision and there are many challenges, but we move forward, trusting that the Lord will "part the sea" and make a way - even when we can't see it.

3X the impact!

Once a year, we ask those who share our vision to support Global Lutheran Outreach as we help missionaries do what God has called them to do. This years' event will be held on November 8, and any donation made during the campaign will have 3 times the impact thanks to our generous matching sponsors! 

  • $29 provides a missionary with an online donation platform for 1 year.
  • $75 sponsors one person to attend a GLO mission conference. 
  • $101 provides a missionary with the services of a professional accountant for 1 year.
  • $260 provides a missionary with a suite of software for 1 year, including Microsoft Office and other online services (Zoom, GLO App, etc.).
  • $365 provides for a supportive and encouraging visit to a missionary in their field of service.
  • $582 supplies all support services to a missionary for one month.

Visit the Go Beyond page:

Together before the Throne

* Pray for Steve Massey and son Marco as they wrap up their service as missionaries in Guatemala. Pray for a smooth transition back to the USA, and for new ministry opportunities for Steve!

* We praise the Lord that "Reed Procedure" that missionary Nathan Pittman underwent a couple of weeks ago was successful! His debilitating migraine pain is nearly gone. Now we ask the Lord toraise up supporters for Nathan, Heather and baby Jay to be able to answer God’s call to serve in Kenya.

* We join missionaries Tim and Beth in praising God for a great DMM (Disciple Making Movement) conference and fellowship! Ask the Spirit of God to move powerfully among the primarily Muslim community among whom they work.

* We come before the Divine Healer and ask Him to help missionary Shary Frahm (Cambodia) find a solution to lingering problems due to a hip dislocation that she suffered while in Cambodia.

*Praise the Lord for good missionary meetings over the past couple of weeks, and for a wonderful GLO board meeting! Continue to inspire us, Lord; continue to direct our steps.

* We ask the God of all comfort to bring peace and comfort to missionary Cruz Maria Ventura (Chile) upon the recent death of her father. May the promise of a blessed reunion in heaven be the balm that heals hearts which are separated by distance.

* Join in asking the Lord of heaven and earth to part the waters of bureaucracy and grant visas to missionaries Scarlett Tino (Guatemala) and A. and D. (closed country).

* Ask our tender Father to protect Scarlett Tino and their baby from all harm as the due date draws near! Pray for a safe and fast delivery and for a healthy baby!

* Missionary Amos Otula (Kenya) also needs God's grace, strength, protection and healing as he is suffering from several serious health issues. Pray that the Lord would work a miracle of healing in his life.

* We ask for the Lord's blessings on the GLO "Go Beyond!" Annual Fund campaign which will be held on November 8! Provider God, raise up people who support the work of Global Lutheran Outreach to join with us in Your great mission!

Go Beyond!

Since its founding, Global Lutheran Outreach has helped over 60 missionaries to go beyond and pursue their passion! They come from many nations and serve on four continents. Now more than ever, people need Jesus and the hope, forgiveness, and healing that He brings. From everywhere - to everywhere. From Guatemala to Guyana. From Canada to Ethiopia. From the United States to Nigeria. Our mission is to mobilize the global Lutheran Body of Christ to be Christ’s witnesses, sharing the Light of the Gospel “to the ends of the earth”!

All contributions to the Go Beyond! campaign will be applied to the Global Lutheran Outreach missionary support program which supports all GLO missionaries.