
The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!

We are...

Thankful for our mission. As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on our achievements and set our sights on an even brighter future. The GCDD remains steadfast in our mission to promote Inclusion, Integration, and Independence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across our beautiful state of Arkansas!

Thankful for caregivers. This month, we’ve had the pleasure of celebrating National Family Caregivers Month, a time to shine a spotlight on the incredible family caregivers who are the unsung heroes of our communities. These dedicated individuals provide essential support to older adults and people with disabilities, and they truly deserve our heartfelt appreciation!

Thankful for our Members. Without their dedication to the mission, GCDD would not be able to accomplish its goals. Our members are from all around the state and each brings their lived experience to the table, ensuring our decision-making process considers the needs of each community.

Thankful for this community. We hope this newsletter brings you valuable information and a spark of inspiration. Don’t forget to share it with your family, friends, and coworkers—because when we unite our efforts, we can create a ripple effect of positive change. Let’s roll up our sleeves and work hand in hand toward a more inclusive and accessible Arkansas for everyone.

Thank you,

GCDD Staff

National Family Caregivers Month

Thank you, Caregivers!

Each year, in November, we recognize and honor family caregivers. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and offer resources to caregivers. Families are the primary source of support for older adults and people with disabilities in the U.S. The Caregiver Action Network (CAN) offers many useful resources for family caregivers on its website. Visit the Network's website to learn more.

This year the National Family Caregivers Month theme is “I Care.” Throughout November, we have been highlighting the importance of self-recognition and self-identity – key factors in caregivers’ access to essential support. Are you a caregiver? Read this post "Wait, I Might be a Caregiver! What Does That Mean?" to help explore this topic and find support.

53 Million Caregivers Across the Nation

Care is Essential Infrastructure

Caregivers are a

National Resource

Families Need Respite

Respite is a temporary or short break. Caregiving is not easy — not for the caregiver and not for the person receiving care. The ongoing demands of taking care of someone else can strain even the most resilient person. That’s why caregivers need to take a break when they need it. Respite care provides relief - allowing time to reset and practice self-care.

Arkansas Lifespan Respite Coalition

The purpose of the Arkansas Lifespan Respite Coalition is to build a statewide system to identify and coordinate respite care options for families. The coalition’s goal is to improve the awareness of and access to respite information and services available to families across age and disability spectrums by expanding and coordinating existing respite systems in Arkansas.

The coalition partners with the Department of Human Services (DHS) -Arkansas “Take the Time” Lifespan Respite program. To learn more about the program, visit their website. You will find caregiver resources like respite vouchers for primary caregivers, a respite provider registry, and respite provider training. DHS has partnered with the UAMS-Schmieding Home Caregiver Training Program to provide FREE respite training for volunteer respite providers, family caregivers, and community and faith-based groups. There is also a list of links to other resources for families.

GCDD is proud to be a coalition member. We are grateful that our state has a respite program. Thank you to all the respite providers across the state who allow families and caregivers to "Take the Time" they need to recharge!

News Links

Check out the GCDD News & Updates Webpage here.


Check out our blog, where we strive to provide you with meaningful updates, thought pieces on disability-related topics, spotlights on self-advocates & community partners, and information on resources.


Share Your Events & Stories

We invite you to share events on our website calendar. GCDD also continues to collect stories from community members, submit yours today!

Do you have an upcoming event and want to share with a wider audience? Use the link below to visit the GCDD website calendar and access our submission form.


Have you participated in a Council sponsored or funded event, activity or training? Please share your impact story with us. The Council shares stories of how our efforts positively affect the lives of Arkansans with disabilities and their families with our federal funders. This helps ensure the continuation of our efforts across the state.


Up Next

GCDD Nominating Committee Meeting

WHEN: 12/02/24, 4:30-5:15 pm

WHERE: Google Meet / Online

GCDD Quarterly Full Council Meeting

WHEN: 12/12/24, 10 am-1 pm

WHERE: Google Meet / Online

To register and receive the meeting link, please contact Scottie York by emailing your request to

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

WHEN: 12/03/24

2024 Theme: Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future

Click to Learn More

Autism Support Group - December 21, 2024, 10:30 am to Noon

at River City Coffee (in Hillcrest),

2913 Kavanaugh Blvd.

Little Rock, Arkansas

Contact: Lud Kozlowski


2025 Regular Session of the Arkansas State Legislature

The Arkansas 95th General Assembly will convene on Monday, January 13, 2025. A session lasts for 60 days unless the legislature votes to extend it. Visit the legislature's website for meeting information, agendas, and even links to watch online - see your legislators at work! Click to Learn More

Arkansas Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities | (501) 682-2897 |
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