Volume 6, Issue 11 (November 26, 2024)

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the beginning of the holiday season. November's newsletter includes recent legislative updates, news from my office, district happenings, and resources available at the state level.

I want to take a moment to express how honored I am to be re-elected to serve as your state representative. Thank you to everyone for your support and faith in me. I will fight for the rights and futures of each and every person I represent. I look forward to continuing to serve the communities of Hingham, Hull, and Cohasset.

We prioritize our constituent outreach and support in my office. In December, I will host four in-person office hours with me or a member of my staff. If you cannot attend scheduled office hours, you are welcome to contact my staff to schedule a meeting. Please see below for our office’s updated contact information.

State Representative Joan Meschino

State House, Room 162, 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02133

Updated phone number: 617-722-2092

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones!

Very truly yours,


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Massachusetts Passes Rep. Meschino's Bill Supporting Parents Running for Office

My bill (H.669, An Act supporting parents running for public office), which allows individuals to spend campaign funds on child care and increases equity in the election process, was signed into law by Governor Healey on November 20th as part of the Economic Development Bond Bill. My bill helps break down economic barriers to holding public office and opens the door for a more diverse legislative body. Thank you Representative Connolly, Senator Jehlen, Representative Lipper-Garabedian, Representative Hunt, Vote Mama, and the Massachusetts Caucus for Women Legislators for all your work on this important legislation over the years. You can read more from the Boston Globe.

Rep. Meschino's bill appears in the Boston Globe

Legislature Passes Economic Development and Climate Bills

On November 20th, Governor Healey signed into law H.5100, An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership, a sweeping economic development bill authorizing a nearly $4 billion infusion into the Commonwealth’s economy while making wide-ranging policy changes to make Massachusetts more competitive. The bill will be a major economic boost resulting in real jobs for real people. The bill includes support for small businesses and $800 million in climatetech investments. Two of my priorities, including my bill allowing parents running for office to use campaign funds for child care and $500,000 in funding for repairs and ADA enhancements to Peddocks Island Pier, were also included.

On November 21st, Governor Healey signed S.2967, An Act Promoting a Clean Energy Grid, Advancing Equity, and Protecting Ratepayers, which reforms the siting and permitting of clean energy facilities, while responsibly reforming the gas distribution system. It vastly expands the electric vehicle (EV) charging network, incentivizes innovative technologies such as battery storage, fusion energy, advanced metering and meter socket adapters, includes measures to protect residents from high energy costs, and equips state agencies with the mandate to fight climate change.

I will continue to fight for climate and responsible economic development in Massachusetts.

Metropolitan Beaches Commission Hosts Annual Meeting

I joined my fellow commissioners of the Metropolitan Beaches Commission (MBC) to host its annual hearing. We heard from Commissioner Brian Arrigo about current DCR initiatives and Save the Harbor / Save the Bay about their ongoing work to make metro beaches more accessible. Thank you to all those who testified for their ongoing commitment to expanding access to our beaches and building climate resilience, including those in the Third Plymouth District.

(Left) Rep. Meschino speaks at the MBC annual hearing

(Right) Rep. Meschino with MBC commissioners and Save the Harbor / Save the Bay staff

Rep. Meschino Speaks at Mass Audubon Annual Meeting

I joined Mass Audubon as the keynote speaker for their annual meeting and celebration. I spoke with David O'Neill, President and CEO of MassAudubon, discussing everything from the Commonwealth's next climate priorities, to the need to protect our natural and working lands and waters, to the best way for advocates to engage with their elected officials. Thank you, MassAudubon, for the important conservation and advocacy work you do. You can watch the recording of the event here — my conversation with David begins at 1:13:30.

Rep. Meschino speaks with David O'Neill at Mass Audubon Annual Meeting


South Shore Conservatory of Music and South Shore Arts Center Win Mass Cultural Council Grants

The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) announced that the South Shore Conservatory in Hingham and the South Shore Arts Center in Cohasset received $40,700 and $14,600 respectively as part of their Cultural Investment Portfolio (CIP). Read more about the grant program here.

Health and Travel Reminders

  • Beginning May 7, 2025, anyone traveling by plane domestically or entering certain federal facilities will need an RMV-issued REAL ID-compliant driver's license or ID, or a valid passport. You can read more here.
  • Veterans with disabilities are eligible to receive fee waivers for various transactions at the RMV through The HERO Act, the most comprehensive piece of Veterans' legislation in MA history. You can read more here.
  • The MBTA released its new, official mobile app, MBTA Go, a first of its kind for the organization. The initial release includes an early version available for iPhone users. The MBTA plans to release a companion version for Android user in February 2025. The app provides a variety of features to assist riders in navigating their commutes.
  • MA Health Connector open enrollment period began on Friday, November 1st, and will continue through January 23rd, 2025. Eligible individuals and families may enroll at a very low cost as a result of subsidies that can reduce premiums and cost-sharing. You can learn more or apply here.

Holiday Ferry Schedule

  • Day before Thanksgiving: Regular weekday schedule (with two added midday trips on F1 Hingham and last 2 trips of the day on F1 Hingham cancelled - passengers can use F2H)
  • Thanksgiving: No service
  • Day after Thanksgiving: Regular weekday schedule (last day of weekday service for F3 East Boston, F5 Lynn, and F6 Winthrop/Quincy)
  • Saturday after Thanksgiving: Last day of Weekend service on F3 East Boston
  • Christmas Day: No service
  • New Year’s Eve: Regular weekday service
  • New Year’s Day: No Service


Rep. Meschino and Team Visit District Organizations

Last Friday, my team and I visited the South Shore Conservatory in Hingham, Cohasset Elder Affairs (Willcutt Commons), and the Hull Lifesaving Museum. Thank you for having us and for illustrating some of the incredible work being done in the 3rd Plymouth District.

South Shore Conservatory provides a wide variety of arts education across the South Shore. Cohasset Elder Affairs offers an assortment of services and programs to maintain the physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of elders in Cohasset and surrounding areas. The Hull Lifesaving Museum details the region’s rich maritime history. 

(Left) Rep. Meschino and Harrison Bushnell (Legislative Aide) at South Shore Conservatory

(Right) Jane Fulton and Harrison Bushnell (Legislative Aides) with Hull Lifesaving Museum staff Maureen Gillis and DJ Simon

Rep. Meschino Gives Updates on WATD 95.9 FM

This month, I spoke with Dan McCready on WATD 95.9 FM about election results, Massachusetts' 250th anniversary celebrations, the Blue Futures conference I attended, and Veterans Day. You can listen on WATD's website

Rep. Meschino sits down with Dan McCready on WATD 95.9 FM

Rep. Meschino Honors Volunteers at Talking Information Center

I had the pleasure of celebrating those that volunteered over 100 hours this year at the Talking Information Center, a radio reading network that provides news stories and community updates 24/7 for the blind and low vision communities. I presented House of Representatives Citations to the volunteers from my district: Ed Boylan, Pamela Peters, and Marylee Muise. Thank you for the all the great work you do!

Rep. Meschino with Ed Boylan and Pamela Peters

Announcing Office Hours for December

Constituent services are our top priority. We continue to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, a staff member will be present in the State House. On Mondays, I host in-person office hours in the district with me or a member of my staff.

If you would like to reserve a time slot for virtual office hours or outside of the times listed, please call the office at our new phone number 617-722-2092 or email my Legislative Aides, Jane and Harrison.

  • Monday, December 2, 10:00am - 11:00am, Linden Ponds, for Linden Ponds residents
  • Monday, December 9, 9:00 am - 10:30 am, Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset
  • Monday, December 16, 10:00am - 11:00am, Hull Council on Aging, 197A Samoset Avenue, Hull
  • Monday, December 16, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Hingham Public Library, 66 Leavitt Street, Hingham

To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.

Basic Needs

General Resources

COVID-19 Vaccines

  • Schedule a COVID-19 Vaccination appointment using the Vaccine Finder
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-6:00 PM; Saturday-Sunday, 9 AM-2 PM) is available by calling 2-1-1 and following the prompts for assistance / translation services.
  • Homebound Vaccination Program information
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
  • MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov allows residents to access their COVID-19 digital vaccine card and vaccination history

COVID-19 Tests, Cases & Treatment

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Constituent Questions | 617-722-2092 | Office Contact Information

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