Aspen Ridge Newsletter

December 2, 2023

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Kindness Warms the Heart

Happy December, Owl families! As we enter this final stretch of 2023, our days and our hearts are full as we balance the busyness of end-of-quarter projects, tests, and learning with the fun of spirit days, our Holiday Market, a winter concert, and classroom parties. The generosity of our families has shone through once again through our Precious Child Giving Tree, decked-out holiday doors, volunteer bakers for our Teacher Cookie Exchange, and more. As our fifth grade students remind us in the photo above, kindness warms the heart - and our hearts are certainly warm here at Aspen Ridge! We're excited to make this December a time of learning, togetherness, celebration, and creating lasting memories as we look forward to new adventures in 2024!

We have lots to share in this December Update. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!
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  • 12/05 | Monthly School Tour, 5:00pm, Sign up here!
  • 12/06 | Character Awards, 8:45am, Early Release, 1/2:15pm
  • 12/06 | Precious Child Gift Donations Due!
  • 12/06 | First Annual ARPS Holiday Market, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
  • 12/08 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Head to Toe Holiday
  • 12/08 | Middle School Project Warm Up Volunteer Event, 3:30pm
  • 12/11 | Girls' Basketball Game at Long's Peak, 3:30pm
  • 12/12 | Middle School Performing Arts Showcase, 5:30pm
  • 12/14 | Dine to Donate at MOD Pizza, Open for lunch & dinner!
  • 12/15 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Sparkle or Sweats
  • 12/18 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Ugly Sweater Weather
  • 12/19 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Team Grinch vs. Team Who
  • 12/19 | Cookie Exchange for Teachers & Staff, Sign up here!
  • 12/20 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Jingle Jams!
  • 12/20 | Classroom celebrations and early release at 12:15pm
  • 12/21 - 01/05 | No School, Enjoy your Winter Break!
  • 01/08 | Welcome back for the start of the new quarter!
  • 01/18 | Save the Date for Trivia Night at Erie Social Club!

Need Before or After Care in the New Year?

January Signups for Owls' Nest

are Now Open at this link!

Driveline Reminder

To keep our Driveline running as smoothly and safely as possible, please remember these rules:

  • Cars entering our parking lot traveling east on Austin Avenue must enter the Front Driveline.
  • Cars entering our parking lot traveling west on Austin Avenue must enter the Back Driveline.

Whether you end up in Front or Back Driveline, your Owl will get to your car safely. Thank you!

Aspen Ridge Holiday Market - This Wednesday!

Calling All Parent Science Enthusiasts!

Aspen Ridge is hosting its third annual Science Expo for our Middle School students on Friday, March 1, 2024. We are looking for community experts in science related fields to come to our school and present an engaging, hands-on demonstration that would be repeated three times for up to 20 students per session. Middle School teachers will be on hand to supervise the workshops.  

The purpose of our Science Expo is to inspire an enthusiasm for a career in science, giving students a small taste of the role science and technology play in their surrounding community. If you are interested in presenting one of our workshops, please contact Cathy Hellbaum She would be happy to answer any questions and speak with you more about the event. Thank you!

Volunteer Opportunities at ARPS!

December Fundraisers - Thanks for Your Support!

Colorado Gives Day is This Tuesday!

This Tuesday, December 5th, is the day to give where you live, and show your favorite Colorado nonprofits (like Aspen Ridge!) that you're here to support them! Whether you give $5, $20, $100, or more, your donation will make a difference!

Your donation is tax deductible, and when you donate between now and December 5th, your donation can be boosted thanks to the largest incentive fund in the country!

Visit, click Find a Cause, search for Aspen Ridge, and click Donate. Thank you for making a difference to our students, staff, and families!

Middle School Service Opportunity

As a school built BY the community to build UP the community, we love to teach our students to give back to the community every chance they get!

Our Middle School Owls have a fun and impactful opportunity to give back this Friday, December 8th, as we partner with Project Warm Up to make fleece tie blankets for local foster children.

If your Middle School student can join us to make tie blankets on Friday right after school, please have them sign up here.

No experience or special skills are needed. All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students are welcome!

Meet Our Newest Staff Member

We're glad to welcome Cameron January as our new Special Ed Para. Cameron is a Colorado native and a 2022 graduate of Grand Canyon University. She received her bachelor's degree in Sociology with an emphasis in Social Work and a minor in Behavioral Health. Cameron has been involved in special education since high school and has a passion for helping students reach their full potential in the classroom. She is excited to join the Aspen Ridge family and to be working with her identical twin, Kendall January, who teaches 3rd Grade. When Cameron is not helping in the classroom she enjoys coaching and spending time with her family and friends.

Winter Wonderland Spirit Days

Sign Up Today for After School Fun!

We have all kinds of fun after school activities for students of all ages. Use the links below to sign up for all that interests your Owl!

This Month in Photos | Owls in Action

Thunder always manages to put smiles on faces!

ARPS went BLUE to raise awareness for diabetes and the amazing people who live with it - like Ms. Thornton!

In honor of Veterans Day, our 7th grade students created cards to thank veterans for their service and bravery.

These second grade students cashed in their kickboard points for a cozy pajama day!

Our kindergarten Owls had a blast celebrating their 50th day of learning, growing, and connecting!

This fall-themed sensory table is a fun place to explore and experiment for our PreKinders.

Ms. Medina captured all of her boys in this photo - as they showed off their wild side!

The Boys' Basketball team finished the season strong and made us proud with their teamwork & sportsmanship!

Our Grateful Grams sale was a great success! A big thanks to our NJHS students for making it happen!

This week we had a Tigers Spirit Day to celebrate the Erie High School football team! They're headed to state this weekend, and we'll be cheering them on! Go, Tigers!

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!



Phone: (720) 242-6225