There are many powerful and memorable images and moments in our Torah portion this week, Parashat Noach. We encounter an enormous boat, a multitude of humans and animals entering into this ark, and a calamity of rain and flooding unlike anything that we have ever experienced or can even imagine. 

Yet after this scene of complete and total destruction, after the world as it was has been obliterated, we are introduced to one of the most gentle and comforting images that our Torah has to offer. There are several verses in the book of Genesis dedicated to the description and importance of the rainbow, our mutual reminder with God that humanity will never again be wiped out by the waters of a flood. 

Chapter 9, verses 12 and 13 state the following, "And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant that I give between me and you, and every living being that is with you, to generations forever. I have set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.'"

The rainbow is more than just a promise that the world will never again be destroyed by a flood. It is a reminder that, despite how vulnerable human beings and our planet may be, we should also take comfort in remembering that our world is filled with wonder, beauty, and a multitude of colors which may appear, as if by magic, in the sky.

There is magnificence all around us, just as there is danger as well. The rainbow after the storm reminds us that, even when confronted with suffering and destruction, we must hold on to the faith that justice and peace may soon follow. The rainbow, after all, is just around the horizon.  

Shabbat Shalom. 

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg


Temple Sholom observes the following Yahrzeits:

5th of Cheshvan -11th Cheshvan

Bertha Eagel

Sally P. Friedman

Moshe & Chana Rosmites

Helene Master

Rosalyn Chorowski

Ester Kats

Stanley Kligfeld

Norma Hoffman

Dr. William Pinchik

Yom Huledet Sameach

(Happy Birthday)

Gloria Levine

Penni Rose

Meryl Bernard

Martin Sherman

Andrea Newman

Temple Sholom Upcoming ZOOM Events


Please take a look and check the upcoming events for Temple Sholom.

Mark your calendars accordingly!


Adult Education

Upcoming Events

Thursday, October19th

Banter with the Cantor at 5pm

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Friday, October 20th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat/Mincha at 6:30pm (on zoom only)


Saturday, October 21st

Schmooze at 9:00am

Shabbat SPARK at 9:15am

Shabbat Service at 10:00am

(in person as well as zoom and livestream)

Sunday, October 22nd

Shaharit at 10am (on zoom only)

Monday, October 23rd

 Ma'ariv at 7pm (on zoom only)

 Prayer as a Mindful Practice at 7:30pm 

Tuesday, October 24th

Wednesday, October 25th

Shaharit at 9:30am (on zoom only)

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Board of Trustees mtg. at 7:30pm (zoom)

Thursday, Ocotber 26th

Banter with the Cantor at 5pm

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Friday, October 27th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat/Mincha at 6:30pm (on zoom only)

For livestream click our website
Zoom Meeting ID # and connecting information for all services is as follows:

Meeting ID: 906 698 4216
Passcode: Shalom
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,9066984216#,0#,536917# US (New York)

Please remember to let us know in advance if you need a minyan for any particular time. We will make it happen for you!

Best wishes,

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg