UUSC’s Guest At Your Table Kicks Off!
This past Sunday, we kicked off our participation in the annual Guest At Your Table (GAYT) program sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). The GAYT program has introduced generations of Unitarian Universalists to grassroots partners working for justice around the world with our support. This church year, we are celebrating Guest at Your Table’s 50th anniversary with the theme “Expanding the Welcome Table.”
Every family is encouraged to participate by placing a GAYT box at your dining table and then contributing to this guest at every meal. Please see the table in the Fellowship Hall to pick up your box (the “guest”) and some information about this year’s guests. Boxes are to be returned to the church in January or contributions can be sent to UUSC directly.
If you have any questions, please email social.justice@uuch.org
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This Week in CYRE
In this session, dive into our monthly theme of repair by exploring how kindness can be a tool to repair the hurt caused by meanness.
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Office Hour Next Week
The office will be closed Wednesday and Thursday next week to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Our Office Admin, Ryan, will still be available via email on Wednesday for any needs.
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10th Anniversary Photo
Thank you to those who able to join us for our 10th Anniversary Photo! Admin is working to add this picture to the Sanctuary lobby.
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Habitat for Humanity Home Build
UUCH members and volunteers from other churches are making good progress at the Fazzingo/Turner house at 216 Lake Drive in Huntsville! Volunteers continued working on soffits, siding, and other exterior work. Installation of sheetrock by a contractor will begin soon!
Your help is needed! Volunteers will be working at the site most Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays depending on weather and subcontractor activity.
All volunteers must take a volunteer orientation class that is given virtually every week. The dates of the training vary, so please contact Brad at social.justice@uuch.org for the latest schedule.
If you have any questions or are interested in helping out, please email social.justice@uuch.org
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Alabama Hispanic Association Dinner on December 7th!
The 10th annual Alabama Hispanic Association (AHA) dinner and Christmas party is scheduled for December 7th! This is an all-church event and we need your help to make it a success!
You can get involved in 3 ways:
- Make a financial donation for teen gifts: Online donations are being accepted now. You can donate online by following these steps:
Click the link here
- Enter your gift amount in the “AL Hispanic Assoc Gifts” line
- If you have an Engage account, select “Continue with Login”
- If you do not have an Engage account and want to proceed as a guest, select “Continue as Guest”
- Donate a stuffed animal for children: We are collecting stuffed animals to be given out to the children at the party. You can bring new or like-new stuffed animals to church and put them in the boxes in the Foyer or the Fellowship Hall.
Donate food and/or your time: In addition to financial donations, you may help with the Christmas Dinner for around 100 people who attend. Please sign up to decorate, prepare food, serve our guests, clean up, help Santa, etc. by clicking here. This event is fun, uplifting, and a great way to enjoy the spirit of Christmas!
Please contact social.justice@uuch.org if you have any questions.
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Circle of Candles
Gail Williams lit a candle of Sorrow: "Michelle Dunn's aunt passed away last week. Keep her in your thoughts."
Tim & Theresa Miller lit a candle of Sorrow: "My sister, Joan, was hospitalized this week for a mild heart attack. The prognosis is good, with no surgery.
Our daughter, Vanesa, is having several health issues lately that are making it hard to handle the stresses of her job. Healing prayers requested."
The Delaceys lit a candle of Joy: "Ana celebrated her 22nd birthday last Friday and marked 11 years of being a Delacey. We are so proud of who she has become!"
Jessica & Rhionnan Carpenter lit a candle of Joy: "Happy birthday to Saoirse Carpenter! We also celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary."
Barbara Hitt lit a candle of Joy: Thanks to Melodie Brier and the Care Committee who gathered at Melodie's home and made 5 huge pots of soup to take to the Rose of Sharon Soup Kitchen. Iris Black, Kathryn Heath, Mitzi Schrimsher, Nancy Pettus, and Barbara Hitt enjoyed spending the morning working together."
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Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
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Little Food Pantry
Signups for the LFP have slowed to a trickle unless you are filling it without signing up in the signup genius. It’s hard to know. Our LFP is a much needed service to the neighborhood. Fill it with nutritious foods. Folks rarely take garbanzo beans or lentils (even though they are nutritious). Let’s try to keep the pantry going! Please, if you are able to fill it up, please note your name in the Genius. Also, you can bring non- perishables to church, as there are baskets. A big thank you to all who do contribute!
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Submitted by the Social Justice Committee | |
Donate Online
via CDM+ Engage
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Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through CDM+ Engage, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge".
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Submit to the Newsletter
Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Wednesday. Please make sure to complete a new request form each time you make a submission to the newsletter.
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Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
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UUCH 2024-25
Board Members
Susan Coddington
Vice President:
Bryan Walls
Laurel Bollinger
Khoe Tran
Darlene Patten
Cam Scales
Vickie Goodman
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Do you have an agenda item for the Board?
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Susan Coddington via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next Board meeting is December 11, 2024
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Office Administrator
Ryan Vidal Gonzales
Main Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Tuesday and Thursdays 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
or by appointment.
*Please call/email the office in advance if you need building access.
Email: uuch@uuch.org
For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
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UUCH News is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810
Copy Editor:
Laurel Bollinger
Editorial Writer:
Ryan Vidal Gonzales
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PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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