Dear Broadband Stakeholders,
The Objection Period for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Federal Funding Account’s first application window opens on Monday, October 23, 2023, and will close on November 20, 2023, at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The Federal Funding Account’s main webpage will display a link to the Broadband Grant Portal’s Objection page.
Project Information
During the Objection Period, interested parties may review Federal Funding Account application project summaries and submit objections. An objection must meet the criteria in Decision 22-04-055, Appendix A, section 12, including identifying and discussing errors of fact, policy, or statutory requirements that the application has contravened.
Responses to Objections
Responses to objections are due at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, 28 days from the service date of any objection. Responses to objections should provide evidence refuting the objection, including identifying and discussing errors of fact, policy, or statutory requirements in the objection.
Objection Period Information
All objections and responses must be made through the Broadband Grant Portal, which will serve notice of the objection or response to the California Advance Services Fund distribution list. Interested entities should consider adding the Broadband Grant Portal email,, to their safe senders list.
An objection or response made outside the Broadband Grant Portal or after the deadline will not be considered. Further information on the objection process is available in the Federal Funding Account’s Administration Manual. Instructions on how to use the Portal are available in the Broadband Portal User Guide.
About the Federal Funding Account
The Federal Funding Account, established in accordance with Senate Bill 156 (Chapter 112, Statutes of 2021), is a vital part of our $2 billion grant program. Stay informed by subscribing to updates about the CPUC’s broadband funding programs here.
Federal Funding Account Team
California Public Utilities Commission