Panther Post

February 2, 2024

Dear Sullivan Families,

Happy February! It is hard to believe we are in the second month of 2024! Our students have been hard at work since we returned from break, and they can't wait to share all they have learned with families at conferences. We are excited to welcome you into the building the next two Thursday evenings for parent-teacher conferences. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing your child's progress during the second trimester. While you are here for conferences, please take a minute to look through our overflowing lost and found! We have a large collection of sweatshirts, jackets, and cold weather gear just waiting to be reunited with their owners!

This weekend, please work with your child to update their iPad. All students should be on OS 17.2. Although our tech team completed updates over winter break, Apple has come out with several updates over the past few weeks. The iPads need to be updated to the most current operating system in order to work with the apps we use for state testing!

Read on for information about:

  • Spring Testing
  • 5Essentials Survey
  • Kids' Heart Challenge
  • Heritage Night

Have a wonderful weekend!


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

Quick Links

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides

We are excited to announce the launching of this year's 5Essentials Survey in the State of Illinois. We would love to hear your feedback! Please click the button below to fill out the survey.

The 5Essentials Survey provides insights into schools’ organizational strengths and areas of opportunity across the five essential factors for school improvement. We use the feedback from this survey to improve our school environment! Thank you in advance for taking time out of your already busy schedule to complete our survey.

Click here to take the 5Essentials Survey!

Valentine's Day Guidelines

Eisenhower, Ross, and Sullivan follow consistent guidelines regarding Valentine's Day parties.

  • Students are welcome to bring Valentines for all of their classmates. 
  • Students may not bring candy or food items to pass out with the Valentine's cards. 

We have received questions about additional items to be passed out with Valentines. We do understand that many of the Valentines purchased may come with stickers, bookmarks, etc., and those items may be passed out. While we do not encourage goody bags, we also understand that parents may have already purchased small items such as pencils, erasers, etc. for their children to hand out to their classmates. Those items are acceptable for this year. Please do not feel obligated to purchase items to pass out to the students on February 14th. 

Our PTO room parents are planning some great crafts and activities for the students’ parties on Wednesday the 14th! 

State Assessments

There are many things synonymous with the winter months, including cold weather, winter sports, and warm drinks. Well, here at school the winter and spring months are synonymous with state testing. In our last newsletter, we focused on the State of Illinois's ACCESS Test for Multilingual Learners that is currently underway. Coming soon, students in grades 3-12 will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness, which is a statewide test in English/language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The state uses this information to provide more support and resources to the schools in the greatest need. This year’s testing window is from March 4 to April 19. Your school will let you know of their chosen testing window within this timeframe as it approaches. An alternate version of the assessment is also available for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities as well. 

In addition to this assessment, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 in the State of Illinois are also required to take the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA), which measures students progress in the area of science over time. Both the Illinois Assessment of Readiness in ELA and Mathematics and the Illinois Science Assessment are aligned with state standards in their subject areas.

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Winter Weather Reminders

As a reminder, we go outside for recess for 30 minutes daily unless it is below 10 degrees with windchill. Please make sure your child comes to school with a hat, gloves, and a warm jacket at a minimum. Boots are necessary and snowpants are highly encouraged if students want to leave the blacktop area and play in the snow.

Sullivan Snapshots

Our first annual literacy night at Sullivan was a hit with our students and their families! They enjoyed station activities including roll-a-story, read alouds, genre voting, and of course, hot cocoa.

Ms. Hartmann's students enjoyed a Groundhog Day themed project-based learning experience this afternoon. The students researched groundhogs in pairs, and completed a STEM activity building groundhog burrows and nests!

Pawsitive Panthers and Panther Paw Winners

Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.
Click to view our Expectations Refresher Video

D23 Home-School Connections

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District News

Updates to 2023-24 Calendar

At the November Board of Education Meeting, the following necessary changes to the current 2023-24 School Year calendar were made:

Tuesday, March 19 will now be a Day of Non-attendance for Teacher Institute Day.

Tuesday, April 2 will now be a day of attendance.

CLICK HERE to view the revised "At-A-Glance" Calendar

PTO Information

Join us for the next PTO meeting on January 23rd at 7PM in the Eisenhower Library.

Important Dates

February 8 & 15: Parent Teacher Conferences

February 8: Board of Education Meeting 7 PM

February 16/19: No School - Non-Attendance Day and President's Day

February 21: Heritage Night 5-7 PM

February 22: PTO Meeting 7 PM

February 23rd: 2nd Trimester Ends

February 29: Prospect Heights Public Library Family Night 6-7 PM

March 1: Report Cards Available Online

March 6: Orchestra Concert 7 PM

March 8: Sullivan Musical 7 PM

March 11: Band Concert 7 PM

March 14: Board of Education Meeting 7 PM

March 21: PTO Meeting 7 PM

Spring Break: March 25-April 1

Information from our Partners

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